New Lair Idea: Jungle

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by XODUIS, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. TheLoneLantern New Player

    Therein lies a gigantic flaw with the Lair concept.

    Either the devs will have to make new areas/cities that would allow for more base locations (which would ultimately cause the person to buy the DLC and the theme separately), or they could add the lair theme (and subsequent base locations) to their DLCs as part of a package deal.

    Unfortunately, since DLC areas like Central City and Gotham Wastelands have a CR requirement to access, putting base theme locations solely in those areas would give players something more to complain about.

    Adding a central city themed lair only accessible to LS owners would make that DLC seem more useful...
  2. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    Dude, this is an awesome idea! And of course the Iconic Lair location should be the Botanical Gardens in Gotham! +1 from me!
  3. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I support the idea of a jungle style lair with one provision.

    Can I have my own pet monkey? CAN I? CAN I ......... PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE? I promise to take care of him and feed him and wash him and stuff!. Come on Mom. Dad said it was okay with him if it's okay with you. LOL

    Seriously I like the idea! How about support columns that look like Tree trucks? Or even look like TREES.. have the ceiling be the upper braches filled with leaves. Okay on the lower level maybe rock covered in moss or something so we can still place ceiling related furniture without it looking totally weird. Have the amenities made out of bamboo tied together with vines. Music? how about jungle drums playing like in the old Tarzan movies (yeah I am THAT old deal with it LOL)