New Doll Skin

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Jan 27, 2022.

  1. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    So..... Barbie Time Capsule confirmed?? ;) ;)
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  2. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

  3. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    This skin reminds me of the supervillian named
    ….. The Toyman
    ( aka like at strykers island lowlevel toyman quests)
    DC comics The Toyman
  4. inferno Loyal Player

    But this doll skin would be covered up with any style we put on top of it...It'll only be seen on bare areas. On that note, time to have the Toyman style from Superfriends?
  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    New Time Capsule next week?
  6. myandria Item Storage

    Well, well..

    A reason to finally use the wind-up key backpiece! :eek::D
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  7. Eve YouTuber

    We have one? lol
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  8. Shazammm Well-Known Player

    I usually only ever see that back style around the holidays when there's a ton of nutcrackers walking around.
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  9. myandria Item Storage

    LOL! :D
    Yes we do; the Sinister Clockwork Key was a very rare drop from the Vault runs. You can buy it from the Fate vendor for 250 fate tokens.
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  10. JeanGrey Active Player

    That looks pretty cool!
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  11. Random Mind Dedicated Player

    I knew this would happen. What makes a skin style any different than hair styles, because they put hair styles in TCs, so why not skin styles? However, for me the difference is a lot of times the skin is covered, so what is the point of getting something that I won't really see? Sure I could make a particular style around the doll skin, but in my opinion, the doll skin ism't exactly something that demands to be shown off like for example, the Cosmic Skin. Also, there isn't anything really special about the face of the Doll skin, which is what you see most often.

    Plus, when Mepps says not all skins will be in Time Capsules, what he means is they can also be Monthly rewards, in Booster Bundles, on the Marketplace, part of seasonal events and occasionally part of Episode rewards. I don't think there will ever be an improvement to Character Creation.
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  12. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    I Do love new skins but I won't chase after that one me thinks
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  13. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    it's in a time capsule? lol. of course it's in a time capsule.

    lol. time capsule. . .
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  14. Shatankav2 New Player

    could be ventriloquist!

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  15. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Would have made a better material, imo. The shaded comic material gives the ripped from the comic book/graphic novel look. The doll skin as a material would give the action figure look. Although, depending on the chest and leg styles, you could still have an action figure look. I would like to see this skin with various chest and leg styles that cover arms and legs to see if the articulated parts of the skin show through the styles that give off an action figure look.
  16. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Since when? Was that just added? :confused:
  17. myandria Item Storage

    Hmm, I'm not sure. The first time I noticed it in the Fate Vendor was a couple of months ago.
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  18. emerson brasileiro Level 30

    cool but I really wanted to be able to use material on top of the skin as it is already possible on top of the hair and the rest
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  19. emerson brasileiro Level 30

    with this new shaded comic material the characters will always look weird in the skin art for not having this beautiful effect of the material
  20. Eve YouTuber

    Not sure It's possible for them to put materials on skins but I don't see the relation between shaded comic to skins