Nature's Metabolism and Savage Growth are OP seriously.

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Brandt, Sep 13, 2013.

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  1. Cadens Dedicated Player

    You call me a liar, I call you an idiot. I think its fair to say the preverbal "you started it".

    Lets make a comparison, without your numbers which you know in this instance pretty much mean nothing right?

    8 Man group , everyone taking damage and spread out like a boss fight.

    Natures answer - Savage - Metabolism Lowest cost, highest yield heals to power ratio in the game and heals everyone. Simply casting blossom after this will result in 8 players receiving a burst heal, 3 of them slightly higher because of metabolism only healing you + 3. All of this done in less than 2 seconds.

    Electricity - You could try to cast ionic drain, but that wont do the job since its incredibly slow. So you are left with bio-cap, and bio surge repeatedly over and over again until bars are full. The 35% buffer does help some, however, it has proven to not work at all a lot of the time. The power and time spent doing this is huge in comparison.

    Sorcery - MASH rejuve, and beg group mates to walk into your circle. You could also try sac offering, but that only ticks 3 times for a low amount with a huge delay so that wont work... Invocation has a huge cast time, so that wont work. So basically the players can pop sodas or wait in line for their heal to arrive.

    Celestial - This power gets "close", but still far too power hungry and takes far more time. Admonish clipped by renew is a quick burst, then a single target burst. Problem is, admonish doesnt heal for all that much unless it crits, and the combination takes a large amount of power. Consume soul can help, but its a slower tick than savage / meta, so it isn't a burst heal. Divine light can be good at times, however, its very unpredictable and will not hit everyone. The power cost is also severe.

    Nature can do more, for less. It can heal all 8 people in less time, and for far far far less power. This is the only situation that matters also, because all powers can heal alerts.
  2. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Thank for agreeing that nature need blossom. As for the other powers sorcery and nature are not played like that. A group also has to be aware of their healers limitations. If you had said electric uses lots of burst to bring the group up or a sorcery uses mix of burst and hots. Fine, but you didn't . You made up a scenario where you picked the worst option available. As for celestial if you think its power hungry they you either aren't playing it right or play with people spamming powers for no reason.
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  3. Cadens Dedicated Player

    We are talking about a powerset that can burst heal 8 people using far less power, and a far less timeframe than the competing healing powersets. Thats the main point here, and really cant be argued. Always have a savage tick on all 8 members and when crap hits the fan, press blossom. Rinse, repeat, and you can do any content in the game. Sure it still depends on your group to be decent at the content, however, the degree of difficulty is far less with nature than the other powersets. Stack another pheromone if that is your play style (for instance harvest can take metabolisms 3 player pheromones, and make it 8 for slightly more power). Then blossom is twice as hard and will hit all 8 players for a double pheromone pull, instead of only 4 total players getting both pulls. I dont bother doing it this way because frankly, I dont need to.

    Metabolism nerf down to 4 total targets was a good start in balancing the system, but its still vastly superior.

    20+ times solo healing it with nature, never an issue with good DPS. Proving to you that I do it easily with nature isn't really my point. I know 5 others that do the same thing I do, so I am not trying to say I am special.
  4. Cadens Dedicated Player


    In BURST SITUATIONS celestial is HUGELY power consuming. Im talking about you running out of power trying to heal, not a scoreboard number at the end of a raid. Celestial is by far the lowest power consuming set I have used for both DPS and Healing, that wasnt the point. Im talking about burst situations, and the healer running out of power trying to keep up.

    Nature can guarantee everyone to 100% with about 25% power used. Celestial, to guarantee everyone got bursted to full, would require over 50% of your power, probably bordering on 75%.
  5. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    nice to see your understanding of the powers are so flawed it throws your arguments out the window as inaccurate. thanks for proving all our points.

    for one SG and Metabolisim are in no way strong enough to heal as you say with out say a cross pol for large whole group heal as blossom only heals you and lowest other person not 8 people as you stated.

    and sorc does not just relly on circle.. they should be using soul wells with groups were every time a add dies people get a large heal and you can have up to three up at any time and they are far reaching.

    just because you dont efectivly know how to heal with the other healer powers doesnt make them bad it makes you bad for not knowing the capibilities of the powers and how to play them
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  6. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    I am aware of what your point is. My point is that SG and Meta don't need a nerf. If anything needs to be lowered its the PI heal from blossom and harvest. Which currently are at 20-30 base per stack. Lower it to 15-25 and its balanced, but any lower and it might be too much. Its still a nice burst heal but won't heal it all. Plus you can still solo heal, like all healing powers.
  7. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    That's where I disagree I have never had a power issue when burst healing an entire raid. The only time I did was the first raid I did and used a bad random loadout. After that it has never been power hungry.
  8. Cadens Dedicated Player


    1. Wait did you just say blossom only heals you and 1 person? Gotcha man! Yep, I don't know how the power works. It works that way ONLY if you have 0 pheromones out on your group. Apply 1 pheromone, and it heals for a good amount on every single player. Apply 2 pheromones (which most do) and its a vastly superior heal to anything of its kind in the game. Every pheromone is 20-30 base so thats 381 - 572 instantly for every player per pheromone (with my 4225 resto), and since I always have 2 ticking, double that. Then the true power comes in you have multiple chances for those pheromones being pulled, to crit. The healing potential from all of these ticks with all of the % increase in crit chance and magnitude, result in multiple players being healed for 2k+ simply from pressing blossom after stacking them. Each pheromone is pulled off individually from the players, and that means 2 chances to crit while being pulled.

    2. Soulwells have such a low tick, its laughable. You are talking about the burst heals to keep your group alive during a BOSS FIGHT, when people are completely spread out. What adds are in the room to make this a great burst healing power again? Last I checked, you get 1 add in each side room in nexus, and only in the final room if you get an add inducing artifact.

    Your post made my day. Literally, made me laugh out loud. I dont know what I am doing? You just showed your complete ignorance of any high end content.
  9. Cadens Dedicated Player

    What power sequence are you using to burst heal an entire raid when they are spread out? List the powers.

    Then list the power cost.

    Then list the amount of time it took you to do so.

    This is my point exactly. Post your answers to the above, then compare it to how quickly and less power hungry nature can do the same thing. Its not even close. Yes, you CAN do it, I never said you couldn't. However, nature is far more efficient and speedy at doing so.
  10. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Admonish/divine light raid fully healed clip with renew if needed for tank. Also make sure you look at my post before this one you just quoted.
  11. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    no the pharmones give the extra heals not blossom it only burst heals two people the pharmones already cast give the bonus heals per stack of tics

    and if you dont think soul wells are great for healing you sir dont know what the hell your talking about and have never played sorc.. for one I forgot you skip all content and just fight bosses in this game right there are never more than one thing to fight at a time :rolleyes:
    when a add dies you get tics in the thousands and there are always things dying excluding a few side bosses in one raid .... because yea we should base a whole powers abilitys on one raid in a ever growing game...

    your way of thinking is laughable
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  12. Tvuski Well-Known Player

    I understand he called you a liar. But enough of this.
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  13. Cadens Dedicated Player

    It really baffles me how you equate a boss fight with soulwells and burst healing. There are no ads in nexus to burst heal with a soul well. You get 1 add every so often. So thats 1 burst heal you have no control of when it goes off, at some point during a boss fight? Lower end content means nothing to most players since replay badges came out. To test a healing power to its fullest, you need to apply it to the hardest content. The hardest content right now is nexus and wave. Sure, soulwells have a great ability to burst in raids when there are ads, the issue is, you are not in control of these bursts, and there NEED to be ads around for it to do much of anything. The normal HoTs on soulwells are incredibly low, and are not a burst heal. Burst heals are the important aspect of the highest end content due to the amount of damage coming in. Not HoTs.

    Every single healer power in the game can heal alerts, hallways, etc. The power of nature shows in raids like nexus where main fights are you, and the boss with everyone spread out. My above points about soulwell hold true. Great power for hallways and ads, not good for a boss fight with no ads. The ticks are too low, and supply 0 burst potential with no ads to kill in said room.
  14. Photocyn New Player

    Exactly, you just proved the point. In Raids with more adds Soul Well ticks for higher numbers along with Circle of Protection it is hard to out heal. The FOS raids and Gates had tons of Adds making it hard to beat them as any other healer (but it could be done). On top of that these powers just continued with healing allowing them to cast other powers and do other thing until CoP and Soul Wells went away which they just recast. Nature can't fire and forget, they have to pay attention to get the most out of it. So in your Scenario Sorcery beats Nature, so I guess we should nerf Sorcery, but then again we really shouldn't.

    Again Nature and Sorcery (the 2 original powers) had a balance to them that helped with beating Raids. As the Devs intended for the game. Each Power set is different for that reason.
  15. Cadens Dedicated Player

    Blossom does indeed burst 2 players, that part is obvious. But what you are masking is the fact that 1 cast of blossom, will pull 2+ pheromones with this loadout of each and every player in the group for 1k+ in total, before any crits. So you and 1 other player get the initial burst from Blossom + 2 pheromone pulls, everyone else will get 2 pheromone pulls. Chances are at some point, meta has been applied to everyone.

    You and 1 other = Burst from Blossom, + 2 pheromone pulls
    Everyone else = Two pheromone pulls equal to 1k heals before any crits.

    And honestly, most of the time, a quick savage / metabolism is all you need. You dont even need to hit blossom most of the time since savage and meta tick so fast, they replicate an incredibly strong burst heal in themselves. Blossom is just icing on the cake.
  16. Cadens Dedicated Player

    Have you ever run nexus? Let me see everyone go stand in your circle during a boss fight. Let me know how that works out for you. The circle serves 1 purpose in nexus and that is to facilitate the tank, and when the buffed boss in the add room decides to pull everyone to him. The circles distance across is not large enough to accommodate a raid group trying to take down the boss. If you want to stand that close to them just to be in the circle, you will get destroyed.

    All you have proven is that sorcery is good in hallways. Everyone knows this. That was never in question, nor is healing about a scoreboard. If we are talking strictly hallways as the benchmark for a healing power, then they are all equal. Cross pol, galvanize, etc are just as, if not more effective than the CoP. When loot starts dropping in hallways and not in boss fights, ill agree with you that sorcery is awesome.

    This is the usual denial stage that everyone has on these boards when a class is clearly superior to the others. Nothing I say will prove that point, even when its the power I predominately use.
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  17. Photocyn New Player

    Right cause Nexus is the only raid to play and will never be replaced by another high level raid. So lets nerf powers for this one raid. Will we buff them for the next raid?
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  18. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    first off you are the only one talking about just boss fights its like your just talking to your self I used sarcasim in my comments saying that one raid is not this whole game and that one raid is also not the last raid we will ever get or be running for high end content. I have seen all healer powers solo heal nexus and yes sorc healers that had no problem healing those boss fights with no adds you mentioned.

    your wrong sir, all the healing powers in the hands of a good player can heal all content in the game solo even nexus and wave.
    they work around each of their own limitations with their chosen powers and find ways around them.
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  19. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    In nexus the bosses are easy enough that you can be mid range of them, which is well with in the circles range. Wave you have to move more, but there's more adds and soul wells take over. Its called balance and not every raid is going to be the same.
  20. Tikkun Loyal Player

    I know this will not be a popular opinion, but I think, if anything, Blossom should get a CD. The point of Blossom is to set up pheromones and use it to burst, not single target heals. A CD would allow more time between setting up pheromones and burst healing and make the powerset a little more in line with the CDs we see in other powers. The reason Nature is doing so well in my opinion is due to all the instant casts, not pheromone ticks. As many have said, pheromones will not save a raid, but bursting with Blossom will. I still do not think SG-Meta needs a nerf...possibly make them cost more power, but truly I think Blossom needs a CD to make Nature users more strategic in timing Blossom.
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