Nature's Metabolism and Savage Growth are OP seriously.

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Brandt, Sep 13, 2013.

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  1. Brandt New Player

    After looking at celestial's HoT's, metab and savage should have their healing lowered. These two heals vastly outdo almost every heal in the other 3 classes and nothing else really comes close in terms of versatility and heals, whilst having very few cons. Metab and savage need to be knocked down to a 4-person HoT or have its healing lowered to match celestial's HoT's. Nature's base heals for savage growth and metabolism really need to be looked at, they are unbalanced and far too strong.

    I wanted to check and see if anyone else thought that nature's healing was out of line in comparison to the other heals. Before anyone says they're suppose to all be different type of healers i know, but the potential of nature just leaves the other 3 behind.
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  2. Tikkun Loyal Player

    I have mixed feelings on this. Nature serves its purpose. It is good for people who are just starting out in healing or those who like playing in easy mode. Also, it is good for those skilled players who solo heal.

    Nature does have its fair share of struggles like healing two nature at once or constantly having to set up pheromones to use Blossom to its fullest. To me, nature was just boring...way too easy. I do see the need for an easy healing power though because in T5 healing with the other powers is much more difficult. By design Celestial was made to truly benefit more advanced players who like to take a more active role in healing. Not everyone enjoys that kind of playstyle, so I don't think we should base all healing powers around it.

    What truly needs to change is the opinion by many players that the only number that matters to healers (and judges a healer's effectiveness) is healing out. This is an annoying misconception.
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  3. Brandt New Player

    I understand where you're coming from, but nature has been considered far above all of the other healers from many people. I'm not talking skill wise either, when you factor in skill then nature goes even further.

    The fact of the matter is nature simply outdoes the others in Pve hands down, while being immensely strong in pvp. Before dlc 8 majority of the healers in this game were nature and it wasn't by coincidence. Nature's base heals need to really be looked at they are unbalanced and too strong.
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  4. Blue Spectrex New Player

    I 100% agree when I was Nature it was seriously too easy. Meta and sav are instant, max range, full group heals that cost very little power , I hope that this is addressed when Natures revamp comes. Nature has had it too easy, too long.
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  5. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    I guess people don't realize celestials hots are stronger, just slower. Electric, sorcery and celestial all have one tick a second. SG and Meta do 4 and 5 ticks very fast. This is almost the same as a burst heal, except if someone takes a burst hit before all the heals come in they can die. It doesn't happen often as is a short window, bur I was nature for 2 years so I've seen it happen.
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  6. Sovereign8998 New Player

    So my friend who has trouble focusing on healing should stay Nature and spam Savage/Meta rather than going Celestial. Gotcha
  7. Sore Steadfast Player

    Here's some info if you want to do some comparisons. I think Savage Growth and Metabolism are just fine. They're not OP by themselves. If you want to make an OP claim, it's probably Blossom and clipping in general. Don't forget Sorcery has a revamp coming up too. Between Life Element, Sacrificial Offering, Shared Fate, and Transmute...there's plenty of opportunity for it to get heals similar to SG and Metab (or maybe a wave heal like CrossPoll/Galv).

    Stronger Supercharges?
    REGEN / INVIG: 12 ticks x [48-58] base healing = [576-696] overall base healing
    TRANSCEND: 10 ticks x [58-70] base healing = [580-700] overall base healing
    (This is like Speed Drain vs. Word of Power. That said, the invulnerability, interruptability and immobility of TRANSCEND could be removed to make people happy.).

    Stronger HoT?
    Pheromones: [3-4] stacks x [1-3] base healing per tick (speed: 1 tick = 1 second)
    Soulwell: [2-6] base healing per tick (speed: 1 tick = ?)
    CoP: [12-16] base healing per tick (speed: 1 tick = ?)

    Cast Time Group Heals?
    Bloom: [136-167] base healing
    IoR: [136-167] base healing
    Ionic Drain: [136-167] base healing
    (These are each intended to be equivalent to each other)

    Single Target Heals?
    Rejuv: [68-83] base healing
    Bio-Cap: [68-83] base healing
    Bio-Surge: [68-83] base healing

    Group Heals?
    Arc Lightning: [32-42] base healing
    Galvanize: [32-42] base healing
    Cross Poll: [32-42] base healing
    Metab: 5 ticks x [10-14] base healing = [50-70] overall base healing
    Savage Growth: 4 ticks x [14-18] base healing = [56-72] overall base healing

    Key Uniquenesses?
    Nature Pheromone Bursting ([20-30] heal per stack)
    Electric Safety Net (This is a big deal for Elec)
    Nature/Electric Wave Heals ([32-42] hits 3 players, each of them can echo the heal up to 8 players)
    Sorcery Pet
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  8. Zpirit Dedicated Player

    I don't think it is Nature that is OP even the slightest, IMO it is the other powers that need buffs in some areas.

    For Electric i'd say they need stronger more effective HoTs.
    For Sorcery, some good strong burst would be very helpful.
    For Celestial, i'd say to make the admonish blight combo heal the entire group.

    That is only the healing side of some of the changes i think would help each of these powers.
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  9. AIpha New Player

    I think where you are skewing your numbers is by comparing SG/Metab to Cross Poll/Galv/Arc. SG/Metab are instant require no special circumstances and require MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH less power. If anything your list kind of solidifies that Metab/SG are way too good.
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  10. Willydon305 Well-Known Player

    Metabolism is definitely a game changer when healing because its like having an instant supercharge on hand at all times. I have a high end sorcery and nature healer, that I use to solo heal raids when the time calls for it, and solo healing as a nature is a million times easier (IMO) because if metabolism.
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  11. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    did you even consider that, jokes aside that is literally what you are saying?

    The idea was to make celestial a new type of healing.
    Celestial has a multitude of options for healing combinations

    There is ONE nature healing loadout.

    celestials not beeen mastered, just give it time, if needed it will receive a buff.
    there is no need to make such a limited powerset worse.
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  12. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    so making the other powers better isn't the solution?
    like making things like sorcery's life elemental useful isn't the answer
    but making other powers heal less is?

    I really fail to see the logic.
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  13. AIpha New Player

    That is one of the bigger oxymorons i have read on the forums lately. "Nature is a limited powerset", great use of the literary device of oxymoron.
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  14. Notangie New Player

    Stop begging for makes you sound like you're just whining because you can't outheal someone.
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  15. AIpha New Player

    Buff three powersets or bring the clear cut unbalanced one down to the level of the other three? Oh how I would love for Sorcery, Electric, and Celestial to receive buffs, lets be honest. Track record shows that these devs have an easier time nerfing one power instead of buffing 3.

    And if you really look at the change being asked for: Making SG/Metab a four man heal instead of 8 that really doesn't hurt nature that much. You still have Cross Poll if you want to heal the group and can consume pheromones with blossom to heal the group as well. You would still have more group healing options than any other powerset.
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  16. AIpha New Player

    Stop ignoring balance, it really seems like you are Nature and love your op heals. See what I did there? I made a post with little input to the topic.
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  17. Drift Hazard Dedicated Player

    That's...not an oxymoron. More like ignorance.
  18. AIpha New Player

    I would say both but I was using the more polite term :D
  19. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    give me a nature healing loadout without savage and metabolism.
    Go for it.
    That can keep up with the effectiveness of the other healing powersets and make use of the pheremones to maximum efficiency.
  20. Fuma New Player

    Nature is a easy power heal with...........But ALL the SUPPORT ROLES (except troll i believe) has a beginner power that people cling to and try to improve it.

    Cel heal power set has 2 powers that when combo'd you can heal plus increase ur healing crit/magnitude (doubt they both the powers because would conflict with there current loadout)

    I can understand you comparing nature to electric and sorcery, but you cannot compare it to Cel..... Nature healer can do minimal damage when healing, Cel heal might be able to keep up with the weakest dps on team. I was Cel healer when it came out and i switched back to nature because the power felt more like a heal/dps power than just healer power to me (what i mean by that is while in healer stance i shouldn't be hitting 500+ damage with 1 power combo [meant for healing mind you] when i'm not evening use turf mod).

    I can see a fair argument with the other healing powers, but not Cel. As someone stated the power isn't mastered yet.
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