Name Reclaim?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ereez, Feb 1, 2017.

  1. Skull Collector Committed Player

    I appreciate the notion, but I'm not really much of a guide person, and I'm pretty picky so I'd find myself having to go back and re-read it and likely add/remove/change things to flesh it out to be more coherent than it probably is. That being said, feel free to copy and paste whatever I rambled off last night at 4a.m. and throw it in the guide section if you think it's worth it. Maybe add a cliche title so people can find it, like.... "What's in a Name?". lol I dunno.

    Cheers! :)
  2. bmce84 Loyal Player

    They should at least have a system that if you want a name that hasn't even left the ship in say 1 month then you should be able to take that name, but this will affect good old name sellers that keep taking sentences as names and keeping them in the sip waiting for someone to buy it.
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  3. Davenport Committed Player

    I'd agree with bmce about adding a tool to let you take a name if the character hasn't been used in a while and is still on the ship, or even if it just hasn't been used in six months or so.

    I recently made a new character and it took me every bit of 30 minutes trying to find a name that worked without needing numbers or any of that nonsense. And none of the name choices I tried had anything to do with comics.
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  4. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    I didn't quote the right post (this one was shorter I'm lazy) but you're from the PC, right?
    And did you have the name Cover Girl from there or get it after the name reclaim :p
  5. colonelbondo Well-Known Player

    i'm kinda there with you, but i always figure out a decent name. to me that's key to a character i want to actually play. if i don't like the name, or if i change my name and later don't like it, even level 28 or 30 i'll delete him/her.
  6. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    TOONNAME@GLOBALHANDLE would actually fix this issue forever. And currently, new characters made for squatting skip the tutorial and eliminate your criteria for "up for grabs". So this wouldn't affect any active name sellers much.

    Another way to solve this issue: check the name database for iconic name bits with every single server restart. name contains "BATMAN" in anyway? Name contains "SUPERMAN" in anyway etc.? ZAMMO! Renamed to "NameAgainstToS [NUMBER]" and nobody wants the names anymore, and the threads with "I want that name so can we have a name reclaim again and again and again" are a thing of the past. When renamed for the first time, the toon gets a rename token in its inventory (character bound to avoid farming of those tokens for one account), another offense against the naming policy and your toon is "NameAgainstToS" forever or until you buy a token yourself.

    But: TOONNAME@GLOBALHANDLE would make a great preparation for ignore lists working accountwide :D
  7. bmce84 Loyal Player

    The problem with iconic names is that people use so many characters that the system would go crazy, and it doesn't have to be just the ship, members need to log in once a month to claim Loyalty/DBC, well why not make it that every player needs to do at least 10 missions a month to keep the name. Now people who can't log in during that time will be given the option to park their account for that month once every two months, that way you make sure they eventually meet the requirement. But also this isn't just an iconic name issue, people are just taking any trending sentence and making it into names, now if you are a player who will actually use that character even if you sell the name later at least you did something, but others just park them and don't even log into the characters.
  8. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Speaking only for myself, and I am unanimous in this... my Forum User Name is also the very first character I created when I started playing back in 2012: Green Lantern Jack T. Chance:


    But even back then, in the early days of Free To Play on the US PC Server, I couldn't get "Jack T Chance" or "JackTChance" as my Character Name, someone already had it. So I had to give my character the name "TheRealJackTChance".

    A few years go by. Last year, thanks to searching one of the census/character info sites, I discovered the character that uses the name, and I immediately became enraged! He looks NOTHING like Jack T. Chance. He's not even a GL! The DCUO character with that name has NOTHING to do with the actual comic book character, and yet this smegheaded player grabbed up the name of a very memorable, if seldom seen, extraterrestrial GL who happens to be my personal favorite extraterrestrial GL! :mad:

    On top of that, I'm pretty sure the character hadn't even reached Level 30 yet. So, the character predates mine, and apparently hadn't been played in a long while, unless he's an alt that's only used occasionally.

    Naturally, I want THAT name reclaimed so it can be MINE, as it should have been all along! :p
  9. Nightcrawler Legionnaire

    ^ your case wouldn't asking for a second space make more sense than asking for them to take away another member's name?

    Let's get a second space added to names. Dashes (-), Commas (,), and Apostrophes ('), too...characters that are actually used in people's/character's names. Iconic examples (which should be prohibited, of course) being Kal-El or Super-Man; Captain Marvel, Junior; and J'Onn J'Onzz or Joker's Daughter.
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  10. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I agree completely. The naming system needs a major overhaul now that we have Xbox One players, as well as the PC & PS server merger for Crossplay.

    The User Name and Password system has also needed a major overhaul ever since the Hack in 2011. It's ridiculous how antiquated the security is.
  11. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    Iconic names aren't the reason these topics get made. I do however like the @psn name idea but for the heck of it I will list some names and these are free for grabs if they aren't already taken.

    Merry Mint
    Damaged Goods
    Shadow Fang
    Pitch Black
    Black Plague
    Flame Tongue
    Pain Train
    Beyond Curvaceous
    Beyond Courageous
    Drastic Measures
    Shattered Heart
    Meat Shield
    Displeased (This used to be my red lantern alt, I deleted)
    Bone Crusher
    Deaths Sentinel
    Party Foul

    You could easily write stories, assign powers or perhaps use weapons based off these type of names. It's not that players aren't creative (most players) there are just so many inactive names that it does indeed make naming take longer on PC and PS.

    For those who still don't believe these issues exist let's look to the number one MMO World Of Warcraft.
    They actually do these yearly.

    While yes there are a few unscrupulous individuals who will grab names just for the sole purpose of scalping. There are quite a few of us who feel like character names have meaning and provide some relevance to your created avatar.
  12. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Well WoW has had as players what DCUO had in characters ;) The @GLOBALHANDLE thing (PSN name won't work for PC :D) would take care of the squatting once and for all, as well as asking for the name reclaim. STO does that, for example. Also, since "all" nameds would be available, it could push rename token sales.
  13. Ereez Well-Known Player

    I tried 6 names last night for my new toon, all of them are level 4's with 1 skill point lol
  14. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I suggested this a while back when they allow league names to be three parts. Now imagine how many more names you get just by doing that? Suddenly Toy Man can also be The Toy man, Sir Toy Man, Mister Toy Man, Mr Toy man, Lord Toy Man, Da Toy man, and on and on and on. One small change GOD knows how many new possible names without yanking anything away from anyone
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  15. Mightyhon Well-Known Player

    If you ever need a name for female hero, I should still have some names left in the list that I used when I was trying to figure out a name for my main character.