My changed view on the stat clamp debate

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLQ-DCUO, Jan 4, 2016.

  1. Pults Loyal Player

    Does it mean we have to make more?
  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    There just arent enough new players playing support role to make stat clamping work in general. 4 dps groups with that 1 or sometimes 2 high CR carrying that person.

    Stat clamping should be an optional experience. Simply because if made manditory, the rewards given out wont be on par with the risk.

    I mean look at how the seasonals have been with their stat clamping, even with AM and WM those instances were OP at launch.

    Not saying I am completely against stat clamping. But like in the past if executed, it will be done poorly and we as a community can't afford to have another big wave of players leave the game.
  3. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    no, there should be a way to walk into the instance not clamped and when you que you should be clamped and then every one gets what they want
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  4. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    I remain completely against! And still I keep creating new toons!
    What I find acceptable, and I believe that should the very existence and the possibility to choose if you want to go the old content normally, or adjusted cr! Oh yeah I think totally fair!
  5. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Well, it's as they have said. You can have the option to slow your own ques down, but you can't slow other players' ques down. If they want to wait forever for the que, they can turn the stat clamp option on. Everyone else can just que in as is with that forced que option.
  6. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Update: Something needs to be done about bounties for lower tiers as well. Tried doing Raven Bounty in Gotham Wastelands earlier in a group, and some high CR person came and one-shot Raven, leaving the group with no recognition/gear for bounty. :(
  7. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    I think this point got burried. I don't have a perfect solution, but it's important to be aware that it really can ruin the enjoyment of the other players if they never get to see or do anything because everything is dead before they can get off 2 powers.

    There are some true belivers that would respond that they should make their own groups. Ideally, yes, but many new players don't use LFG, and when you are teiring up, you queue for everything and go with whatever pops. You don't LFG for Strykers and then again for Arkam and then again for fos and so on...

    We definitely need walk-ins for farming and for odd numbered groups. I think optional stat clamped events for nostalgia that give some sort of reward would also go a long way. And I think more high CR folks should take off gear when they slum it in the lower tiers. :rolleyes:
  8. Senko Committed Player

    It shouldn't but it does, its the reason why there's an entire field of grammar to deal with writing correctly. For instance your random capitalizations (I assume used for emphasis) threw me off enough in the first sentence I couldn't be bothered to read the rest of it. Of course I'm one of those people who don't really care if its capitalized or not as long as its consistent random shifts between the two throw me off.

    On topic give me a walk in where I can steamroll and feel like an actual superhero or go after old feats with higher cr and fine you can have your stat clamping where you can refuse to allow anyone above or below a certain range to join in. Make it mandatory (which is what I think would happen given the developers history) and I cancel my subscription and leave. Especially given how it was implemented in the seasonals I wouldn't even bother giving it a chance. Of course I think you'd find that no one would be running older content at all given how long I've spent trying to organize groups for things now. It took me an entire night getting 3 people for star labs and all I wanted there was to get in and collect a briefing in the first room. Then of course there's the fact people are still doing the grind on some of those missions in the hopes of getting a specific style/base item if you make it so they can only do those missions at "cr appropriate" level I can't see them bothering. Imagine a CR appropriate group doing Gorila Grod's alert without the ability to get a higher CR even if its only 10/11 higher.
  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Yeah I'll tell you what it's indicative of.

    The same people blowing the same old trumpet, the same conclusion being reached at the end of the day

    No one is opposed to "optional stat clamping". I know it's amazing right! :rolleyes: