Most Accomplished Free-To-Play Player?

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by TheLoneLantern, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. TheLoneLantern New Player

    I first purchased Steel (hehe), then got a year's worth of legendary.
    No, but if you put in the work, you could duplicate it yourself. ;)
    I can confirm that it drops from T2 boxes (alert). If you need it, you might as well run the alerts, as you probably need HIVE Defender styles as well.
    Thank you all. :)
    Well, since this is a thread about me finally leaving my status as a f2p player, I guess they assumed that I would have to support the game in order to do so. ;)
    Thx B, and even though I'm with Squad 11 now, if you need help with anything, don't be afraid to holler at me. :^)
    Lower content still pops, though it sometimes requires a little prodding in LFG to get something to pop. Depending if MoR get consolidated into MoT when T6 is released, f2p might have access to even higher level gear than I got. Also, individual loot is definitely favorable for completing feats. I remember trying to get a psycho style (legs i think) off of Mr. Freeze in Arkham (back when it was Tier 1) and losing the roll every time it dropped. I really don't think it will become harder or easier, but I'm sure there will be more possible feats/SPs available to f2p players in the future.
    I've raged too much at this game (PUGs...)
    While I (and f2p players) appreciate the sentiment, they are likely not the ones purchasing the mods. When I was f2p, I almost never used the broker because there was literally nothing of value on it that I could afford. I'm sure most other f2p players did the same. If you do want to help them "beat the system," I suggest LFG'ing a f2p player and let him know about the plan to dump the mod on the broker so that he/she is able to snipe it.
    to have been a monk in a previous life. :D
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  2. Death Throe New Player

  3. TrueOlympus New Player

    *Sigh all you want. That doesn't make me wrong.
  4. Lucaefor New Player

    [quote="TheLoneLantern, post: 2157132, member: 942]While I (and f2p players) appreciate the sentiment, they are likely not the ones purchasing the mods. When I was f2p, I almost never used the broker because there was literally nothing of value on it that I could afford. I'm sure most other f2p players did the same. If you do want to help them "beat the system," I suggest LFG'ing a f2p player and let him know about the plan to dump the mod on the broker so that he/she is able to snipe it.[/quote]

    Yeah I do that too. I try where possible to help free players out but there is little point in them increasing their CR anyhow as you need DLCs to unlock content higher than T3. I sell the top end Soder Zeroes as single items to help them compete in PVP; Premium players too, who without friends or a decent league won't get much help either usually.
  5. Vyltran Loyal Player

    :eek::eek: :eek:

    I'm blinddd!! i'm blinddd!..
  6. stayphokus New Player

    I don't get impressed by videogames often
    but I'm deff impressed
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  7. Poetic Play Committed Player

    I don't know if anyone has said this but... About time.
  8. The Sullster New Player

    This news is a month old but Odyssey should cover this in their lockbox podcast, or Mepps should look into getting you onto FNL for a quick discussion of the benefits of free to play, and your thoughts on legendary.

    I would love to know what you think about the prospect now of free sc and replays.

    personally I've been legendary since before we got perks because i love this game so much and yet i still dont have as many skill points, some because im lazy. well done to you sir that shows some mighty dedication to every espect of DCUO.

    i think it just goes to show that SOE does have the right balance of 'friction' for free to play players, you can get these feats u can spend that in game money, but if u want it quickly and easy or you wanna be able to run high end things then your gonna need to part with some cash. i can say the same for premium yeah ya might spend more if you buy each dlc and buy lockbox keys or whatever, but a smarter man would use that cash for a subscription and gain the advantages of legendary membership for no extra cost, especially those who may have bought banks slots an inventory slots that wont be effected as badly if they drop from legendary for a month or two if money gets a little tight.
  9. Kroye Loyal Player

    Congrats Felsa, impressive.
  10. Kroye Loyal Player

    I think there are Canadian teams, but I'm not sure how often the make the World Series :p
  11. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    The Toronto Blue Jays, in 1992 and 1993, and they've won the eastern division title for 5 years.
  12. Kroye Loyal Player

    I remember the Montreal Expos from the years before children monopolized the televisions in my home - do they still exist?
  13. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    No, they moved to Washington DC
  14. TheLoneLantern New Player

    I'm glad you have an opinion. However, I do hope that you read my entire post, as it will clear up a lot of what you said regarding the "most accomplished" aspect. Also, you're welcome for the laugh.

    Welcome to the forums!
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  15. Kroye Loyal Player

    I'm guessing new account, not new user :p
  16. Burnt New Player

    You're awesome and kick a ton of @$$!! Way to go!
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  17. melvinpox Devoted Player

    Hey...that's my line.
  18. EzioNight New Player

    I'm not impressed.
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  19. King Nero New Player

    lol you started playing 1 day before me :), but i went premium half year later, really boring withouth the new stuff

    but congratz really, i would never hold for so long, the most what would piss me off is inventory space!!!
  20. TheLoneLantern New Player

    Well, thank you for coming to see my thread anyways. Come back when you've got more SPs so that I can be impressed with you.
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