Most Accomplished Free-To-Play Player?

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by TheLoneLantern, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. Anya Well-Known Player

    So what did you upgrade to? That's impressive, all this time I thought you were at least premium.
  2. iLove Frannyyy New Player

    Can I have that inventory
  3. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    It's a drop on the Villain side, but not the Hero. :(

    I'm told it drops in Weekly T2 boxes, but I've come to the conclusion it doesn't exist for heroes.
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  4. DawidYaHu Well-Known Player

    Very impressive! You have more patience than I do for games. Thank you for a very real answer to a question I'm sure many have pondered (no I'm not trying to take over the world, pinky I was referring to how far you progressed being only f2p). I'm sure you will have those inventory items you need after selling a few of those bytes :)
  5. Buckley Loyal Player

    Respect. ;)
  6. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    That's crazy good for only being F2P.....
  7. Spoofer New Player

    OMFG! Congrats!!!
  8. Future Nostalgia New Player

    Yeah, quite an accomplishment!

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  9. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Wow, not one person encouraged you to upgrade and support the game o_O
    I didn't go Premium until I reached full T3 and 80SP. It does require skill, and a love of the game that people who race to the top are missing out on.
  10. BumblingB I got better.

    I don't hang around Joker's Funhouse, so I never saw this until I saw your sig.

    Dude, I was saying a LONG time ago that you rock. Having that many skill points and cr was amazing for free to play. Good job my friend. And congrats on your long service to the game.

    Now come join us. (You know what I mean. ;) )

    On a side note, I wonder if this is still doable now that lower content is getting scarcer to farm or would it just take longer.
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  11. MENTaLCAsE XIII New Player

  12. Haruspex Pariah New Player

    Congrats. 2 years as a completely free player requires a great deal of patience, and you achieved so much. Were you a monk in another life?
  13. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I'm linking this thread in every QQ I need a wallet increase to do anything thread... LOL
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  14. MuTeDx Committed Player

    This has nothing to do with wallet cap also he hasn't touched T5 as a FTP so the argument would be invalid.
  15. TrueOlympus New Player

    This is literally the equivalent of an Oprah Winfrey story. Linking it to the QQ threads would be like "Hey she went from dirt poor to dirty rich! stop complaining and do it too!"

    Even as a legendary member, I know that this feat wasn't easy
  16. DrewCheech New Player

    This was exactly my thought.
    This kinda crushes the cash cap argument.
    I say "kinda" because there is zero convenience, this dude earned everything he's got.
  17. DrewCheech New Player

    Yea I just tried that.
    They locked the thread within 10 minutes
    I felt so dumb I've never had a thread locked before
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  18. Poo New Player

    Still got the link up though. That's how I got here ;)
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  19. Lucaefor New Player

    On EUPC from time to time I place equipment Interface 3 and full type 1+ equipment mods on the broker for $1 each specifically to help free players beat the system. There is a gap in CR between T3 and T4 that cannot be breached without at least type 2 mods which are unavailable to free & premium players. Of course being a premium player myself I have to get my subscriber friend to buy them :p

    Glad the OP finally decided to support the game too after a very lengthy test drve.
  20. TheLoneLantern New Player

    For some reason I neglected replying this thread, sorry if I miss anyone.

    I did have t4 gear, i just mentioned that i was working on the final t4 style (since there are 4 of them). T4 gear took a long time, I would guess 6 months or so. Once the weekly reward boxes were implemented, it helped a lot.
    I'd care to guess that the best and worst parts go hand-in-hand. The best part of being f2p is not having to worry about modding or the t5 raids. The worst parts are probably about having to farm everything you need (like those damn collections), small inventory size, not being able to use (effectively) the mail system, not getting to see the amazing FFTL content, being behind many people in gear, having a huge disadvantage against people in arenas (expert mods/HT mods/HT trinkets), being forced to deleted lockboxes, and having to buy/consume Tokens of Merit one at a time (until they removed the cash requirement). I'm sure there are a bunch of other things I could add, but I think I got a lot of the main ones.

    No, I have a bunch of gear that I'm basically forced to mod in order to progress...
    I've tried before. The loot drops, but it doesn't show up on an f2p player's screen to roll on. So, even though I would be in their group, I would not see any loot to roll on, and they'd roll w/o me.
    I eventually did get it as a reward from a T2 alert box. So, it was technically possible, but very rare. Luck-based feats ftl.
    You can see my escrow in one of the pictures. I think it was about 1.7mil. I had also just looted a CC hood from strykers the day I went legendary. :D
    I've had 2 years of practice at being awesome. Unfortunately, being awesome at CR95 doesn't get you a Paradox Run...
    Yes, it ended up becoming a personal goal of how many skill points I could achieve as a free-to-play player.
    Them allowing f2p players to earn T4 gear also helped. I was able to buy an entire set the moment it became available. :)
    The second L is actually a capital i. I'm mad because I've never see the OG Larfleeze log in. I'm hoping that SOE sets up a system that will allow me to steal the name, pun intended. :^)
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