Monstrous Essence Needs a Fix

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Crimson Veil, Nov 18, 2016.

  1. Crimson Veil Dedicated Player

    The amount needed/gained isn't really an issue for me....It's the fact that i can no longer craft gear on the toon I want to craft with, because this one item is not tradable or account bound. That messes me up on my crafting feat and kinda messes up where I store my crafting materials. Also, because it is not tradable I cannot make mods for other people unless I use my own monstrous essence....which also means that leagues can't have a designated crafter. Mod crafting never had these restrictions before, and adding them in now just causes unnecessary problems.
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  2. kabeq Well-Known Player

    If it's not going to be tradable or at least account bound, please at least lower the amount required to craft a mod. I've run all the new (required) content and I finally have enough marks to get my first piece of AF3 gear. But alas, I only have 4 monstrous essence. Something is out of wack.
    Please, please, please fix this!
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