Mister Mxyzptlk's Mischief!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 10, 2022.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager


    St. Patrick's Day Seasonal Event

    Mister Mxyzptlk is back this year to taunt Metropolis with his riches! Look for “Mxyleprechauns!” in your Mission Journal, and complete it to earn Lucky Clovers. Then, visit Mister Mxyzptlk in the House of Legends for the latest base and styles items before your luck runs out!

    New Feats
    • Seeing Green
    • Stone Tradition

    Update: the event will now run through the 23rd instead of the 22nd.
    • Like x 13
  2. Eve YouTuber

    The Dragon and Wolf statues, yasss
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  3. BumblingB I got better.

    Loving the kilts and its exactly because I'm Scottish descent.
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  4. PrincessBunny Well-Known Player

    Mepps can we please get the 1 exrtra day like last year we had 14 days this year we are only getting 13? last year was from the 11th to the 24th. https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/game-update-111-and-survival-mode.314484/
    that's the link from last years event that came out the same time as SM.
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  5. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Well, you do get a bunch of clovers so extra time isn't really needed especially given the fact that there really isn't anything must have. At least not for me. The kilt and one of the collection pieces I don't have that's it.
  6. PrincessBunny Well-Known Player

    Um NO if you do your math we don't even earn enough marks to buy everything for the feat, we get a total of 132 Clovers that's it, now go add up how much it costs on the vendor to buy everything with feats, thank you !!!
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  7. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    hey I'm backlogged like 4 years on this stuff Shhhhhh :p
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  8. Snoopy Level 30

    Yes please I would also like this to be extended as well. You can only get 132 marks without resetting on one toon and there's 260 marks worth of new items to get. So more time get more of the new stuff would be nice please and thank you.
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  9. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I LOVE THE KILTS !!! YAY !!!
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  10. Snoopy Level 30

    Just the fact that we aren't getting enough marks for all the new things without resetting is kinda lame tbh. Also there might be players that are new or returning that might need older feats styles or base items so more time would be nice even its just one more day.
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  11. AZPrime Active Player

    Extending it by at least one more week would be ideal, it would allow anyone who runs it consistently to be able to finish off at least this years' items and even buy some from previous years as needed without having to rely on alts to such an extent. The fact that one can't even afford all the items just for feats this year without alts or forced resetting is a bit short-sighted.
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Alts....alts are the answer. If you are a member, do your daily math, then x16 and you can complete the whole thing (more than likely....I haven't seen the new pricing).
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Any reason the teleporter doesn't dump out by the Superman statue to start the tour? Or is it mainly meant to get you to the race?
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  14. PrincessBunny Well-Known Player

    What's to say next time it's less by 2 or 3 days or more? While I do have alts that extra 8 clovers does add up even on alts, but not everyone has alts or the time for alts.
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    I agree with this position from PrincessBunny Mepps, it seems we've lost days and marks with this event.

    We shouldn't be forced to run alts or use replays just to buy the rewards, especially those ones tied to feats. We've had this debate before when seasonals have come up and these types of things have been done before when you've (the devs) have started playing with the timings of events (like during Spring) and particularly this St Patrick's event.

    I know this event has always been a bit of a shorter one, but the marks that we obtain should never be less than the rewards for that given year, that's not really fair, you should be able to get everything for any given year during the event, even if it means you have to play every day, it should still be possible.

    When that isn't the case then it isn't ok, I support extending this event a week or at the very least to the usual server shutdowns that occur after weekly resets when bonus weeks stop and start.

    Also I can't help but notice rewards appear to have got disproportionately more expensive, last year the material was 50, this year the material is 100, last year other style type rewards were 20-25 now they're 50, the base items are usually 6 now they're 10... why has the pricing of rewards been jacked up?
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  16. ClumsyNinja New Player

    I might be missing something - 14 marks for exploration, 8 marks for golden coins = 22 coins per day * 13 = 286 clovers. New feats are 100 clovers for Tartan Chroma and 50 for 5 base items for Stone Tradition feat. Throw in another 100 for the 2 new styles (End of the Rainbow Accessory and Kilt) without feats. That's still 250 needed and 286 earnable.

    Don't get me wrong, I'd love more days with St. Patty stuff, but the math isn't that bad.

    Unless exploration is weekly which is where you got the 132 earnable (8 * 13 + 14 + 14). Then I agree. That's lame. Forced to do replays (or alts) just for the new stuff.
  17. PrincessBunny Well-Known Player

    Hi yes, the Exploration or Tour is a Weekly and it can't be reset either there is no option for it. So total if you run it everyday and do the weekly today and you get another chance next Thursday is only 132 clovers.
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  18. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Man, the mark reward VS. the mark costs for this Event is absolute BS. Unlike other Seasonals that run for pretty much twice as long, this will be up for 13 days with THESE prices??? Hell naw... This is a limited time-EVENT, not a permanent Episode.. Adjustments are definately needed here.
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  19. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Is there a logical explanation as to why there is no little Mxy base pet?
  20. Capt. Retro Well-Known Player

    It's a little bit problematic when you play the game every single day and over the course of a seasonal you still can't even complete feat related rewards from the current year....due to prohibitive item costs.

    It is completely counter productive to the goals of the company in attracting new customers and subs if even as a paying customer I'm still required to either spend all my spare time farming with alts or forced into microtransactions if I want any chance at obtaining more than a couple feats.

    I grind every seasonal with multiple alts and i push daily to try and pick up everything i can. I then supplement all I'm missing with broker purchases if available. Heck, when time is limited I'll use replays and sometimes if lazy enough will buy the 50 pack from the marketplace. So I'm no stranger to spending and I understand the "seasonal catch up grind" by now.....but this is a little ridiculous.

    The craziest part might even be the fact that I'm asking for more days....to undertake a repetitive game mechanic.... in order to arbitrarily buy items I dont want....so that I can obtain a feat I need to progress my character. (Yes I know there are other feats in the game and I don't "need" these ones per se, but the concept of writing off feats entirely in favour of easier ones doesn't address the core issue)

    I love the fact you guys work very hard on trying to keep stuff fresh and work to add these seasonals....but if we are losing out on other parts of the game because of a 12 month seasonal development cycle that at times gets stale, then I think resource allocation as a whole should be reviewed. At the very least, try to view some of these events from the lense of a newer player sometimes, with regards to the costly nature of little things like base items and accessories that are attached to progression.

    Thank you for your time and ultimately I appreciate the real work that goes into delivering game updates.

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