Mics have to be used more

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Juiceman936, Jul 31, 2017.

  1. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Cool. Thats you.
  2. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Healer: I'm Dead.
    DPS: Healer Dead.
    Tank: Get these adds off of me....

    ...DPS: What the hell happened?
    DPS: I tried to pick up but was on the other side of the room....

    ...Troll: Sorry, had phone call. What happened?
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  3. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    I have a good gut feeling this is gonna turn into a PC vs PS thing..I'll bait anyways I guess..
    PC players do not like using ingame voice chat with PS players for the reasons listed above. These are not things they just made up and pulled out of thin air. It is actually stuff they have experienced on more than one occasion that made them feel this way and decide against using ingame voice chat. I have literally heard it all, and had some friends of mine who have heard much more disgusting/unsanitary things. I will say not all PS players are this way, but a good percent are. For the ones who said turn them all the way down, well what's the point in that? If I did that I'd have majority of the group on mute and would be pointless for me to be in there.

    Push to talk isn't convenient for PS players I understand that, but there is a handy little mute button located on the cord or headset itself dependent on whether you use a wireless or wired headset. I'm not saying you have to leave yourself muted all the time but think about courtesy to others and KNOW when it should be muted. For example: if you have to pee mute it, if you are snacking mute it, if your "baby mama" is screaming mute it, if your kids are screaming mute it, if you want to have your music loud mute it, etc.

    My kid's dad plays Xbox and that's what he does. He mutes the mic if I'm talking, he mutes the mic if the kids are screaming, he mutes when he eats, he mutes when he does anything. He doesn't even join party chats with randoms. He is in party chats with his 2 best friends he has known since Pre-School and they have heard all of these things before from being around him irl, yet he is still courteous to mute himself when it happens while on the game.

    The thing about this is it causes a distraction to the other people in the group, especially PC players who aren't accustomed to hearing every last little thing you do. Some people PC and PS don't even speak in voice chat so reading the text box is still mandatory for communication purposes. This is something that gets neglected a lot. I think the worst experience I had with ingame voice chat (to prove the distraction PoV) was FOS SM 2016 right after merger. I was in a random group with majority PS players. I had one eating chips and crinkling wrappers and bags, one screaming at his kids who were screaming back, another one who's ghetto "baby mama" was pissed, and one who had a cockatoo who wouldn't shut up all while I was trying to concentrate and solo heal high rounds in SM....Do you think that was an easy feat to keep my focus lol? Not a chance lol. We managed to not have any wipes, but God knows I was thankful for the peace and quiet when it was over lol.

    Before anyone tries to accuse me of not liking PS players or whatever crap gets thought of, some of my closest friends are PS players. In fact my best friend a few comments up is PS player. I am simply explaining the PC player's perspective as well as how distracting it can be in content. If everyone would act with more courtesy in voice chat people would be more willing to get in voice chat. Reading the chat box has to be a thing too, because so many PC and PS players prefer typing to talking for their own reasons. If everyone would make an effort on both accounts communication would be a lot better making for smoother runs with good communication.
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  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I use my mic, in my personal chat or league chat xD

    Content isn't hard enough to warrant extreme communication like that lol

    Been running AF3 / AoJ with ease and 0 communication JS
  5. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Thats like saying just b/c 1 person of a race is bad that the whole bunch must be bad apples. Absolutely not. Never understood that argument 'well some do it so screw all PS players now' like really how is that even a way to think in a game like this 1?
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  6. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Apparently you didn't take the time to read everything I said. I said not all PS players are this way. I explained the PC player perception. I also said I have alot of PS friends including my best friend so that's far from "screw all PS players"...Next time read it thoroughly before coming to start a fight with me..
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  7. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Not 'coming to start a fight' ;) just saying never understood that argument. And no I didn't read that entire thing b/c figured it was all about how glorious PC vs PS :rolleyes:
  8. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    I would suggest next time reading the entire thing to avoid looking like an a** later ;)
  9. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I'm pretty sure Charmed isn't saying that. However, every time I join a voice chat group it's a toss up if I'm going to have to listen to any of the things listed in their post and many other posts in this thread.

    And if I ask nicely for therm to turn down their music/mute/stop the distracting noise? I'm the jerk. I've gotten cursed out and kicked from groups because I didn't want to listen to that.

    It's all risk vs reward. Imo setting up my mic is often too much of a risk compared to just using the text channel.
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  10. Caroline Dedicated Player

    I actually laughed at this, because it's so true! Hahaha! :D:D:D
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  11. Larry Labotomy Level 30

    Anyone claiming they won't listen to in game voice coms because they are too sensitive to hear the occasion cough or weird noise in the background are the main reason most pugs fail.

    These same people more often than not don't read/reply the text chat because they don't notice it are in a different tab or are just zoning out and there is no reliable way to get this attention.

    It's a group content based game, stop acting like your ears are so special they can't ever be subjected to something you don't wanna hear and be ready to listen for info it's faster than typing.

    Anyone who uses a mic use push to talk you lazy scrubs it's not that hard to press a button when you need to talk and then the rest of your team doesn't have to hear you mic going ham for no reason
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  12. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Haha, I agree.

    Once I made a comment about one player's music and the way he talked to me after that made me feel like he was ready to drag me by my throat in the instance we were in. :D:D:D

    Since then, when it's required for me to get on voice chat and for some reason if I have a problem with someone, I simply leave and don't bother any further. :p
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  13. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    ^^^ You ever notice how the loud music is never Mozart, Show Tunes or Streisand?
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  14. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Sometimes is fairly good, even if I've never heard it before. But I do wish it were something like

    But then again I'm sure people who aren't me would hate this.
  15. Rufus T Fyrfly Well-Known Player

    I'm pretty much desensitized to any form of verbal/text chat on MMOs nowadays, so loud music/moaning/screaming/whatever doesn't bother me.

    That being said, it's always nice to say hi in voice chat and not be greeted with silence.

    - goes back to Lurk Mode-
  16. Noxious Flora Well-Known Player

    If you think it's being overly sensitive, let me visit you and chew a butterfinger in your ear the entire time im there and see how long it doesnt bother you.

    addendum: i also cant here what you have to say over the background yelling and food spitting.
    addendum2: if i never met you, i shouldnt be able to tell if you chew with your mouth open or not.
    addendum3: it's actually the noisiest people who dont read chat. cant tell you how many times the "dude, your mic" convo has ended with "sorry. wasnt reading chat"
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  17. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    I wish there was a visible notification showing when a player has mics muted, not their own mic...but the ability to hear other mics.
    It would save people from speaking at someone thinking their ignoring them, before finally typing something.

    Personally I have all mics muted at all times unless in a specific group of people I know.
    Im naturally typing most of the time, but there have been many times where someone is being spoken too and we have no idea if they can even hear mics or not.
  18. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Lmao omfg so true I use my mic with friends or league or family if they need me to but I will never use it when grouped up with pugs many of your reasons are spot on yeah my mic is broken lol.
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  19. Hraesvelg Always Right

    You obviously don't run with us, LOL.
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  20. BumblingB I got better.

    I've heard that PTT is terrible for a console player. Something about when you are downed, you can't say anything or something?

    I'm sorry, but I'd rather you lived with that. I've been nice. I've asked politely. I've muted you. But I've reached a point, that I don't want to leave my voice on. And I usually do. I've heard it all, from chips to the bathroom. It's disgusting, obnoxious, and down right rude.

    I don't care if PTT is hard for you to use, you can take your hand off the controller for that chip, you can slide your thumb to the dpad.
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