Top Bug - Confirmed Metropolis Battlezone mission: "Orange You on Our Side?" bug.

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Caroline, Apr 26, 2021.

  1. Caroline Dedicated Player

    As shown in this video, the mission is not properly working and it's hard to finish it due to this bug.
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  2. Sickiac Active Player

    yep it cannot be finished
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  3. fightfriend Active Player

    i can't finish it and get my feat because of it
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  4. Eve YouTuber

    I tried to do this on my villain a couple of times now to clear this mission (Trying to complete the missions feat)
    and after I scan the lanterns, I see the mist and they all go to the same place and basically nothing happens.
    I did it 5 times or more and the same thing happened. The Mist Trail stops and nothing happens.
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  5. Eve YouTuber

    I just tired this mission on a hero that needs it for a feat aswell and it doesn't work aswell.
  6. Caroline Dedicated Player

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  7. Eve YouTuber

    Encountered the same thing on both hero and villain side. Please fix.
  8. Caroline Dedicated Player

    There's a temporary solution that i've come across. Just re-click your mission from your journal and that should fix it.
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  9. Eve YouTuber

    Didn't work for me sadly.
  10. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We have confirmed this issue and will take a look.
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  11. RaiderDread New Player

    I have the Orange on your side quest that is bugged so I can't complete it and me nor the GM can abaondon it in my journal. This is leading to me not being able to get the dailys I need for the "do all dailys in area" feat. Can we get it so that we can abandon the quest fully and not just hide it ? or get the quest itself fixed ?

    EDIT: I don't know how to spell
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  12. Doctor Proteus New Player

    I just tried doing this daily mission and it seemed to not be working. The Orange Mist either flies under a bridge and gets stuck before despawning, or flies to some place and then stays there until it despawns.

    I did some research on the mission and apparently stealthed mobs are supposed to appear, but there has never happened to me in the 2 hours I have been trying to do the mission. My research also told me the mission has been bugged since 2015.

    Anything I've missed?
  13. Doctor Proteus New Player

    This is never getting fixed is it? The bug has apparently been around since 2015.(6 years ago) and this thread was made2 months ago.

    Since we can't abandon missions, that's an entire daily mission off the table in the Historic District daily quest hub.
  14. Doctor Proteus New Player

    The mission suddenly decided to work properly, but it might have just been because I found one particular spot where the Lex Corp. Enemy would actually de-stealth. It was just in front of the Green Lantern Orange Mist depot.(where you deliver Orange Mist to)
  15. Ebon Pegasus Master of the Speed Source

    A couple months back I was complaining to my Leaguemates about it being broken and never working and they were adamant that it worked fine because it wasn't in any of their journals. Lo and behold I go back and try the mission after speaking to them and it suddenly worked.

    I went back to try it yesterday (6/12/21) and the day before yesterday (06/11/21) and it is indeed bugged again.

    I do remember last time that I tried a few different Lanterns positioned all over and the one that finally worked was the one at the furthest edge on the left that finally led me to a Stealthed LexCorp Agent.

    Will attempt again later today.
  16. Caroline Dedicated Player

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  17. Ebon Pegasus Master of the Speed Source

    Ok, so I went and did some testing yesterday and today and what I found is that the only Lantern that will give me a citrine mist to follow that goes to a stealth operative is the one on the bridge over the water near the left of the edge of the area.

    I finally cleared it from my journal again. I hope this helps someone.
  18. Doctor Proteus New Player

    Nevermind it's bugged again. Now all mists simply stay where they spawn and never move.
  19. Doctor Proteus New Player

    If they have not fixed it in 6 years they never will.

    EDIT: This message was meant to be a quote of Caroline but even your forums don't seem to work. You should hire programmers for programming things.
  20. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Don't be negative, they will fix it!