MEPPS & ANY OTHER DEVS , Discussion Request on....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Toshknight, Feb 3, 2024.

  1. Toshknight Loyal Player

    Hi @mepps ,
    This post is not meant to be a dig at you or the other developers, i know running a MMORPG/ F2p open world with multiple instances , areas, Raids, Alerts, servers, and phases within these servers and instances.

    on top of that, all the collections from styles of Armor/clothing styles head to toe, materials, Auras, Accessories, Pets, and Player Housing aka bases which are another instance for each player.

    newly added and revamped Emote style, which was revamped 100% from simple /commands "/Wave" to a Taunt wheel" type of Fortnite format like many games are doing which is not a bad tool at all, specifically for players that use controllers, or play on console.

    So my Request of Discussions or comments from you i request

    How do you Choose what Material, what Emote, What styles?

    1. Materials
    2. Auras
    3. Chest , / Suits that are an inspired or newly made up
    4. Movement Styles
    5. Emblems
    6. Accessory style projection emblems like the Lantern ones we got so far.

    How are these chosen and do you devs or who ever chooses, take votes, or is it one person?,
    could you not do Votes including the community on Monthly Rewards?

    Community managers and devs,

    couldn't you have say a list of 3, to 5 things, like,



    1. Movement Styles
    A. Reverse Speedforce Conduit style
    B. Omega Beam chase Style
    C. Trailing Bats Movement style
    D. Speed force movement style "Not the Lightning that is innate"

    "p.s" The entire iconic Tree needs a Revamp
    Adding abilities that the legends avatars use, such as , flash's phase attack
    Green Lantern Energy blast, dead shot Wrist Auto Gun Attack ,
    Joker's BIG GUN attack, Harley's Baseball Bat Attack. flash's phase ability
    "like flash legends Ranged attack, or the num 6 attack, or any 1 through 6
    attack from any, of the legends, Kilowogs/ Arkillo Ground punch similar to
    The Earth powers ground punch. along with others ,

    PPS. while remixing/ fixing
    totally re making the existing iconic and Movement attacks animations
    while fixing the gyro scope and dash for speedster, while using a different
    Movement Material, ATM the attacks show the Innate Lightning looking one Same with flight and acro, do the same.

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  2. Deathmournex New Player

    make fire's green fire form from justice league unlimited a new iconic power? what about Cryokinesis iconic power where you can use it to ride on please?
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  3. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    like an ice wave that you ride / surf on? hecks, yeah! take my money! also, a magma wave one & a straight up water one, too. I got real monies right here!
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  4. Deathmournex New Player

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  5. Toshknight Loyal Player

    see these are things we have been asking for, and they don't discuss anything like this with the players that push for it, i dunno who they are going to for what to put in game. @mepps i'm not trying to put you in a wierd position or anything, your the community manager, and all you seem to do is post and reply to random threads with vague posts.

    now, i get you can't say plans, or any in development material as a discussion, if it is a secret, but man, you don't ever get in actual discussions with threads like these, and it makes a big number of us, really feel let down, i know you guys make all your money from the booster bundle bumpy bears but. there is a large part of the community that is hear for actual in game play content along with quest line content that gives actual rewards. that isn't happening anymore.

    the iconic flash boots, from a tier 1 solo challenge, and up to war of the light 2 you guys had investigations and briefings that gave iconic gear, no more, not stuff people actually want. goto pay for it all, and even if you put it in the game, every now and then, it's meh.

    The Flash anniversary gear, was the best thing you have done to the date, and haven't topped it. specially as a f2p aka also for people who sub, can get it just by playing not spending 20 bucks for a chance at something that may be ok....
  6. Toshknight Loyal Player

    another good idea... wish they'd engage. and not lock, if they do . cause they feel it's an attack, when it is just a discussion on what could be added and done to the game, to help it grow in a good way
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  7. Dene Devoted Player

    I don't think he can help you anymore - unless people are playing 1 giant prank
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  8. tehDarkNite Well-Known Player

    does this mean the end of the Mepps "insert stupid question" Threads?
  9. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    thing is, I'd understand if they just came on & said, " we would, but s**t's a bit tight right now, we'll see what we can do." honestly, I'd rather that than just not engaging. I know this game ain't number one on Daybreak's priority list, it's cool, I get it, it's an old game. but it's an old game with a very loyal, if not exactly mahoosive, player base. almost everyone I know in game has been here for years. years. not months. years. I know we're not that high up on the food chain, but we're a pretty tasty bunch once you get to know us. & every one us loves this game.
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    This is why drugs are still illegal in most states.
  11. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    That's why I've always said the game needs someone who knows how to actually do the job. Even if the responses are copy & paste, it's better than freakin' NOTHING!
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  12. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Drugs are illegal in all states?
  13. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Marijuana is a drug, and it's legal in several states.
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  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Caffeine is a drug. Nicotine is a drug. Aspirin is also a drug. When someone says "drugs" and "illegal" in the same sentence, I think of heroine, crack, meth, etc.

    Should have said "This is why some drugs are still illegal."
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  15. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Yer mom is a drug ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)

    Jk, and tbh I really can't comprehend the point of this thread. The OP makes no sense at all.
  16. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    He's advertising for rainbow sorbet.
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  17. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Ohh! It makes much more sense now! Thank you so much for the clarification. :)
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  18. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Guess you haven’t heard about the layoffs…


    I’d suggest you reevaluate where your expectations are…as the forums are really a giant suggestion box. I wouldn’t go holding my breath for a 2-sided conversation with official representatives of the company.
  19. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    A suggestion box with a little complaint box next to it from fellow forum users rofl
  20. Plowed In Loyal Player

    If you had “smudge” on your face, would you like someone to tell you? Or prefer letting you walk around all day until you realize it on your own when you get home at night?

    Maybe it’s a generational thing…but there’s a transparent need for attention when people use “@xxxxx”….in a public square. This isn’t “Twitter (X)” and has no value here. It’s like calling out someone to a Wild West duel…just make your point and move along.

    Can we talk about these thread titles too? Geez…there used to be value in having it as “honed in” on your specific topic…now the people raised on clickbait think this is proper communication.

    …I definitely notice I’m getting older…lol