Mental balance

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Palus, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. Palus New Player

    Does anyone think that mental is balanced, and if not what are it's needed fix to be on par with the other powers?

    I feel invisibility can need some tweaking.

    comment below what you think?
  2. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    For PVE its not as strong as I think most people would like. It shines brighter in PVP even tho gadgets is slightly better thanks to photon blast being 2 strong just imho
  3. Palus New Player

    i feel that between mental and gadget, that right now gadget has the edge. Gadget is well balanced for trolling, dpsing as well as in pvp and pve. I would like to see mental on equal grounds with gadget in being altogether well rounded.
  4. Ilunis Dedicated Player

    I would love to see Mass Levitation lose the cast time in favor of a quick lift and slam move.
    Just an idea. Use it as a bounce juggle.
  5. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    It's not and they tried with the revamp. Mental had a useless pi turn into an impossible to set up pi. Powers get lowered in damage and MT now has the worst split damage in the entire game. The only good that came out of it was menace actually working. MT setting up a pi on 8 enemies, though the added damage from the pi isn't worth it, and a 35% finisher that I could have honestly been ok without.
  6. FeelsGood New Player

    Lol @ sig
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  7. Palus New Player

    telekinesis tree could use some work, mass lev could use some attention to getting its channeling reduced. As of right now mental users are forced to use one tree, since the other tree still has a lot of issues.
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  8. Ilunis Dedicated Player

    Pretty much this. Makes me sad. I like the TK tree.
  9. Seetheus New Player

    of course its not balanced. its way below anything now, which is pretty bad seeing as it was on the low end before its revamp already...
  10. Palus New Player

    Agreed, telekinesis tree was pretty good, pre GU17 and after GU18 mental has been getting left behind in the dust and very little attention regardless of all the issues it still suffers
  11. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    TK tree lacks consistency due to the lack of a viable AE PI applier. If Mass Lev alone were changed to be instant vs cast time I feel the tree would be MUCH more viable. I find a Terror based loadout to be solid though with the upcoming change to menace I'd say it is pretty competitive with gadget/HL.
  12. Femto Well-Known Player

    my only problem is terrorize glitching people out in pvp, other than that im content , i know how to beast with it pve or pvp wise , its just there isn't one loadout to rule them all , i have to have different loadout for every scenario
    .. at least menace will be a clippable power soon also
  13. Palus New Player

    I cant wait for the menace update to happen it will make mental dps more competitive, i agree that if mas lev was reduced to an instant cast it would make the tree more usable, but it would still need tweaking to be on par with the illusion tree.
  14. Seetheus New Player

    maybe there are some other hidden updates for mental.../hope
  15. MentalBuddha Well-Known Player

    Terrorize glitches people in PVP can someone fix it?
  16. RamsesVIIX New Player

    I miss being Mental controller, switched to hard light and had to go full dps... :(
  17. Drift Hazard Dedicated Player

    I actually use the Telekinesis tree most of the time. I have tricks to my sleeve to get me some power interactions without using daze (such as throwing explosive barrels to force adds to get knocked back) and in return, gives me better power management than most powers I've ever tried. Granted, my playing style is unorthodox and may not work for everyone.

    I generally don't rely on power interactions anymore. Sometimes it's there, other times it's not. It mostly depends on how well my team juggles their opponents though. It's not bad as people make it out to be, but I do admit that you have to work for it more than the Illusions tree.
  18. BrotherMutant New Player

    I am working my Mental DPS as a single target (mostly) attacker. As such, I have noticed that the lack of surge damage leaves a lot to be desired. I think cryokinesis is one of those up front damage casts but the power cost is SO HUGE that it isn't worth it. Currntly, I am toying with Thought Bubble/Pyrokinesis/Phantom Flames/Menace? (the one that does extra at <35% health)/TK Shield/ and whatever SC I think is appropriate. Does OK so far and is decent on the power cost as far as I can tell in ALERTS. Never raided yet and am waiting for better gear and some proper Might slotting to make it hit harder. Even with all of that, I still think its lack luster. The Single Target damage should, IMO, be much higher at least with the first BURST, they can leave the DoTs alone I think as they add up nicely.

    Thing that MAY make it better is the animation cast times getting lessened. Might be the way I play but those cast times are LONG, especially when you compare them with Gadget powers (especially as gadget has so many AoEs too). IF there is a reproducible way to clip powers on the Telekinesis tree, would one of you please post it? Would help me a lot.
  19. Shadow Vlad New Player

    My thoughts exactly, I constantly change my loadout for certain scenarios. Also can`t wait for menace clipping ability. As is I do just fine.
  20. Drift Hazard Dedicated Player

    I only use Cryokinesis if I needed the 50% bonus. After that, I resort to weapon attacks imbued with the damage bonus, and/or DoTs if I'm fighting a boss. You're right that its power cost is quite steep though, but the smaller AoE allows me to concentrate my damage in a smaller group of enemies compared to using Mass Terror, which splits damage when it finds more adds to hit.

    One power I would recommend though is Telekinetic Push. It does the exact same damage as Psychic Resonance and Cryokinesis with a 35% damage bonus. The difference though is that it only costs 200 power. It's great when used in tandem with tanks and trolls and will give you the best damage output per power used. It's still not as fast as Gauss Grenade, but it's still fairly quick.

    Clipping options aren't as fluid with Mental as with Gadgets, sadly. Thankfully, Menace is being changed so that it will now clip other powers. Use it when it works.