Members should receive 1 stabilizer per run

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BƖack, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. zNot Loyal Player

    What does that have to do with the votings where players participated in? Stop talking rubbish you make no sense.
  2. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    What doesn't really make sense is your constant attempts to give meaning to the vote, which was attended by 0.2% of the population of the DCUO. What does not make sense, your stupid statements that 0.2% is the opinion of the majority of the community. And my post just gave you objective numbers.
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  3. zNot Loyal Player

    By your logic any feedback on the forum shouldnt matter then since it would be 0.000001% of the population. Your stupid replies cant deal with the fact that the community voted for origin crisis. The amount that voted for it shows what the ACTIVE community wants.

    The majority of the people voting voted for origin crisis does this sound better to you? Or will you try to find another excuse?
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  4. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    as cool as it would be to get a stabilizer everyday (or even be able to open TCs like promethiums) it wouldnt really make sense from a business standpoint. They should up the amount we get daily though.... 8 frags a day would be good.
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  5. MrWon Committed Player

    aight damn. dat comeback too good
  6. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    According to official figures, the opinion of one person is 0.0000025 or 0.00025 %. Before commenting on anything related to statistics, learn math at least at a basic level.

    No, that doesn't sound better, because instead of admitting your mistake, you are trying to replace the essence of what you said earlier.

    The official numbers tell us that for 99% of the community, this vote does not matter (despite the fact that it lasted for several months, it could not attract the attention of even 1% of the community, damn it could not attract the attention of even 10% of the number of OC subscribers for whom the OGC is the love of his life (this is a joke ... probably)) and has only entertainment value ...
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  7. zNot Loyal Player

    Yea we got it keep on throwing around numbers since you cant deal with the FACT that most people that participated in the Votes voted for Origin Crisis,keep on doing your nerdy maths while counting the bot accounts.
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Fact....OC was losing early on in the voting. ObsidianChill, who has a good sized following urged people to vote for OC and the tables turned. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but it does taint the numbers a bit. OC was always probably going to win as it was one of the more high profile DLCs...for both good and bad reasons. Many people are sheep...people who 'follow' people are even bigger sheep. OC was probably the most discussed, so many people who didn't have their own personal opinion (meaning they never ran it 'at level' when it was current) simply voted with the one they 'heard' was best (IMHO).

    In the end none of it mattered as the game is totally different today (with artis/augs/SP and power layouts) so trying to use the brackets to prop up any arguments on how something should be done today vs how it was done 8 years ago is just lame. The brackets themselves were tainted as soon as certain episodes were shuffled and given 'bye' passes, and rules changed mid run.

    Besides, If you are strictly going off the brackets, I'd guess your 2nd 'Best' ep is JLD, and 3rd is TT or AOJ. I mean...those were the Top 4, right? So bring on the raids full of Jumpy rocks and movement mode lockouts! The 2ND best stuff in the game!
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  9. zNot Loyal Player

    I think what we need to say is that the content was difficult if you look at the episodes origin crisis was difficult and had a different progression system in the episode the best gear dropped from the raids,JLD also difficult elite raids so the devs dont need to copy a episode 1 on 1 but take the elements from them such as high difficulty,bigger raids,longer raids generally there are a few things these top voted episodes have in common the oddyseu feat in origin crisis could be great if we get something like that again where we fight 5 actual difficult and big bosses with all of the mechanics at once. Origin crisis had big raid content so since it won i would expect them to focus again on raids more. (More bosses etc)

    Teen titans also had a fairly difficult elite raid the HIVE one the last boss even got nerfed if i remember correctly im not sure if the devs have looked in depth what these episodes have in common and how they get their information when they design the content since people do complain to a bigger degree now about the raids we get.
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Some might have liked the 'best gear drops' concept, but I personally hated it as I have terrible RNG luck. Now if you wanted to make that gear drop a box (would drop at the same rate as SOME gear piece) where we can select which piece we wanted vs getting boots and boots and boots and boots...lets do best gear drops...sure. Not saying you'd get a piece every drop, but when you got a piece it would be one you could use. Other than Dox IF you were doing the EO feat, was anything in there that difficult or progressive? The iconic solos were pretty easy once you learned the mechanics for the boss fights, the Alerts had some challenge, but mainly when you were trying for the feats only. Take those out of the mix and they weren't that tougher than some seem to think RwR is because they can't block and roll or know when to stop hitting a boss. Nexus was difficult, but not by full gear up. Take OE out of the mix and you don't have a lot more going on.

    And hey...I liked OC....not bashing it. I just don't remember it with the rose colored glasses some do. I do like the whole 1-5 boss option, AOJ had that too with US raid, which still makes it kind of fun even. FV kind of has it as you can either do the 2nd boss 1 group at a time or all at once, so it feels like they kind of tried here...with the FFE 'difficulty' settings too.
  11. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    It "won" a rigged bracket list which you keep insisting on repeating like a broken record which conclusively proves only one thing to be true...polls can be rigged. That's that ONLY thing that bracket proved. Just cause you repeat in every damned thread (even when there's ZERO relevance) doesn't make it true.
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  12. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Origin Crisis was atmospheric, had plenty of great instances, and required real teamwork to complete them. It's definitely in my top 2 - but *I played it at relevancy*. That was a blast.

    Does it make it the greatest DLC of all time? No. Does it make it a fond nostalgic memory for me? Yes.

    It's like asking which actor is the best Doctor Who. People inevitably go with the one they grew up with.
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  13. zNot Loyal Player

    Stop being salty it won deal with it. Unlike JLD people that voted for origin crisis did it for the content not the story people would legit vote for JLD just because it had constantine in there like what kind of feedback is that? Its ridicilous sure the devs couldve been more clear on what we should vote on if its about thr content or something else but its kinda obvious that origin crisis would win shows that a large part of the community wants episodes that are more heavy on Raids look at the top 4 episodes Age of justice a great episode theres a reason why the top voted episodes have so much in common, nobody was forced to vote for anything.

    Also most of the voters probably didnt even play Origin crisis since its way older then JLD and other episodes is it fair for them to go against origin crisis ? The fact that a old episode won proofs how much loyal fans it still has and how good it actually was there are many good things about origin crisis i didnt see anything ordinary in JLD sure it was a above average episode but nothing like origin crisis the amount of raid content in origin crisis and the difficulty is just mindblowing if we compare that to the raids we have been getting since then.
  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah...wasn't this about stabilizers and how we should get 2x value of what we pay each month (or 3x for annuals), in them?

    Where'd OC come from?
  15. Heywiar Committed Player

    I gotcha! I do agree, I have seen some *VERY* um...peculiar and disconnected things on the forums.
  16. JSnaples Committed Player

    Its greedy to think people who pay for the game should be rewarded? Theres literally no reason to pay 15 bucks a month for dcuo right now with dlcs being free... Only advantages are money and inventory space but that isnt worth 15 a month so they need to add more to legendary.
  17. JSnaples Committed Player

    You dont think we work for enough on this game? Yeah I hate getting rewarded for being loyal to a small game by getting items that could actually help me progress..
  18. Crimson Crossfyre Well-Known Player

    Increased Stabilizer Fragments would be an excellent membership perk.

    An alternative would be to allow Members to run the Stabilizer Event 2 or 3 times per day before being locked out.
  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I hate to bring it up....but as math is hard...
    $5 straight up in Loyalty points
    $5 in value of replays
    $4 in extra stabilizers over Premium (not even counting the 5x events)

    That leaves $1 in payment for everything else you get. Not too bad, especially seeing as how some people already say they are only members for the cash cap removal (meaning some would pay $15 a month to have access to cash...dat's craaaazy). That's no value given to DLCs, promethium boxes, ep treasure boxes, shorter lockouts, more vault, inventory or bank, lair-belt-weapon-powers access, league building....whatever.

    If you have the foresight to sub annually for $120 (let's not even talk the occasional sale) you are now making $4 a month and if you subbed for lifetime....whew...well you are doing ok.

    It's not logical that they would give out $30 worth of stabilizers for $15 a month...or $10 a month...or $0 a month (lifetime) unless there is some other horrible change coming that would make those free stabilizers worthless. Greedy, well....I won't go that far....but yeah, delusional, definitely. one is saying you need to sub. Premium is not bad and will get better with the actual 'free' eps. Enjoy shuffling your soders to repair and buy the 300 catalysts you need for the base mods this ep. But hey, righteous indignation ain't easy, is it?
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