Mechanics Training Dummy

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Raven Nocturnal, Jun 19, 2022.

  1. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    How about if the role tutorial was implemented as Reinheld laid out -- but the reward is something role-specific? Like a ring that gives a % bonus to Restoration (for healers) Defense/Health (for tanks) or Domination (for controllers), but only while playing the support role. The non-role-specific stats would be on a par with other equipment of the same level. Maybe even have it be upgradeable, like OP gear, to encourage players to play the role for a while.
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  2. Great Architect Loyal Player

    I don't think it needs to be that complicated. Just a set of Role Gear could be incentive enough (since that removes some grind).

    With Artifacts giving no more than a 5% bonus to a Stat at 200, even a 0.1% bonus attached to an Item would make it scale ridiculously for the effort required to acquire it :(. There's a reason why we don;t see those kind of bonuses attached to things without considerable grind being involved.

    Also, "low" numbers (even 5%) don't look attractive to people that don't yet get that that is a big margin, or don't yet fully understand what their non-combat Stats do, and why you would want to boost them - so something reasonable would look even more "Meh" to them, I think?

    With Rewards, a number of useful things with a small impact often works better than one useful thing with a big impact, and has equal attractiveness for players across the board - even if they're only going to salvage them for Exos.

    Your suggestion is *too* shiny a shiny thing for experienced Players, and looks extremely lacklustre to inexperienced Players, IMO - so it's probably not a good fit for enticing inexperienced Players.
  3. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Even if new players don't realize how much even a small percentage can increase their stats, I think just seeing the green numbers on the gear would be enough to convince them it wasn't a waste of time.

    Actually, now that I think about it, I find it a bit disappointing that when we receive OP gear, we don't get a choice of role-specific gear.
  4. Red Wáve Well-Known Player

    The point of OP gear is that it's item level is 2 Episodes ahead + it has the highest stat from every Role gear at that item level. Either that or we just call it OP because it is named Omnipotent.
  5. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Does anyone think this could still help people?
  6. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I'd argue for other mechanics for role-specific stuff too. Yes, I think it would help people learn how to survive and maybe learn their roles better. Now, how do we get them to play the other role when they queue? ;)
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  7. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    That's simple, have a higher population where queues will pop and people won't have to queue both roles for a chance to even get into said instances...

    That was always the reason people did it on Xbox, anyway. Shortens queue time and possiblity by half. So instead of having to wait 2 hours you might only have to wait 1 for a queue to pop ;p
  8. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Either don't let them into the instance until they switch to the role, or allow the other players to kick if they don't switch as soon as they get in, Or require them to switch to get in, and allow them to be kicked if they switch back to DPS after they get in.

    Or maybe don't allow them to queue as a role if they don't have gear for the role. Like, "Oh, you only have Might augments, and DPS artifacts, all your SP is in damage, and you have no Tank gear. Then you're not allowed to queue as a Tank, because it's obvious you don't intend to play as a Tank."