Make Traditional Trolls Important Again (SM and < 8 content)!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by High Troller, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. Yaiba Committed Player

    Playing as battle troll, with full troll gear and buffed, my might is around 47k (and my pot is around 1k) when running JLD contents. Like I said, for alerts in general, battle troll is clearly a better option because we don’t use much power like in raids, so we can focus more on damage as a troll.

    I think battle troll is not easy to play/build, that’s why I want to try it. I run the build in every content I play to see how strong the troll is. People do ask me switch to dps, but after first boss (DR for example), they are surprised why I did more damage than dps :). Raise the stats of troll gear could make certains build broken.

    Edit: I don’t know why I couldn’t edit my post :(
  2. Brit Loyal Player

    I experienced similar in Survival Mode as a Healer. It seemed like fewer players wanted a dedicated Healer, and more wanted a "Battle Healer".

    I wouldn't be surprised if there was more demand for "Battle Tanks" as well, though I don't expressly have any experience with Tanking in SM.

    I feel like the big problem was that SM was made a 4 man. In 4-man content, all the supports get griefed, at least to some degree, by players who just want to run 4 DPS with the role buffs. If we got an 8-man SM, I think that we'd see the more traditional 1-1-1-5 breakdown. Which is fine by me.

    I chose to be a Support player because we were the minority, which was supposed to make it easier to group-find and keep us in demand. I'll do the jobs nobody wants to, because it means it's easy to find work. But I don't want to have to rebuild half my character into a different gear/loadout/rotation just because we got 4 man content where everything has exactly seventy-six bajillion health.

  3. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    I logged on this morning to check out how my stats, gear, loadouts, and artifacts would effect my style of play.

    Pretty interesting with what I was seeing, though I was 1 of 3 low CR players and running mainly as a troll, I can only say that there really need to be an adjustment with durations of effect for the troll role.

    The group I ran with were a great group of experienced players, it had 1 other troll and most were maxed or close to be maxed with regards to CR except 3 of us and a CR 213.

    Seems to me that burn is kind in the game and I also found that it is also the reason why so many just want DPS's stacked in groups because you definitely can circumvent the mechanics of raids by reducing the time spent in the content.

    The most stated observations in the run focused on the burn, where 4 of us had only 500,000 in damage where the other 4 had over 1.5mil.

    In context all lower CR had 500k, so not sure what I would have done had I been at Max CR, however it became clear to me at the end that the only way that any other role except the DPS have there damage adjusted upward a bit to balance it out or to adjust the stats slightly on the gear and allow us to determine more or less which stats to spec into.

    My opinion will not be very popular because of selfish reasons or a feeling of the other roles should focus on some other area, but in effect because content is easier due to being able to circumvent it with burn, DPS will still be the easiest avenue to play the game and all others who would choose to play support will be highly encouraged to switch out of convience.

    Battle roles or players who wear role specific gear with high SP maybe able to cut some corners but for now I can only assume that DPS gear will be needed to add some value to why bring the role or additional player in the other role.

    Top question is do we really need 2 (insert role, not dps) in this run?
  4. High Troller Loyal Player

    when you are a troll in an instance with 3 dps, the dps role gets nerfed because of more than 1 dps in the group. that also means the troll might not look terrible at damage because of the 3-way nerf.

    but to answer your "top" question that was at the bottom, sometimes the lowby trihard needs help with his support role and does not know how to dps. i've been in these groups where there would be 2 tanks, 1 dps, 1 heal/troll. sometimes they need help. i let them learn and cooperate in this case.
  5. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    I get that.

    The top question wasn't my question, I should have said that in my response, it was the first question asked when others joined the group. .

    It highlighted what others have been saying in sense, but from my observations at the time, the name of the game is burn all other abilities really don't matter because of the carry factor.
  6. AlanR80 Active Player

    My issue and probably why I might not Troll when I try out the Switch, is those that want a troll in a group want a battery. The only powers/abilities you are allowed to use, and your rotation would be; power dump til empty, Soda to recharge power, rinse and repeat. The debuffs and CC don't matter.

    The power dump needs to be stronger so its viable. I don't mind throwing a power dump once per rotation, to help the tank/healer with power, But I want to be able to debuff/CC as well.
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  7. Controller Devoted Player

    I'll give the Devs credit on the cool artifacts they've introduced for Controllers.

    Perhaps they'll introduce a new one that increases the duration of our stuns...maybe it can work in conjunction with our Dominance? They'd have to be careful with this, though....there would be tanks whining all over the place if such an artifact is introduced and abused....

    Make Controller's Dominance Great Again?

    Back in the day wasn't it Throne of the Dead that wouldn't even let you in if your Dominance wasn't a certain level?
  8. Dene Devoted Player

    IIRC there was never a true "never let you in" but pretty much every raid had a "suggested dominance" which was the the lowest you had to have to affect adds - still might be - havent looked for it in years
  9. High Troller Loyal Player

    throne of the dead originally had a very high dominance where initially i would spec into dominance to polymorph adds (mental). it was later lowered.
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