Make all powersets have the ability to go tank, healer or troll.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by catplaysxoxo, Aug 29, 2022.

  1. Forum Junkie Well-Known Player

    On my villain I have (3) 200 and (5) 160 arts. Hero has (1) 200 and (2) 180 arts and (3) 99 tank arts. I don't even need tank arts with fire :) so I haven't bothered with them. The rest of my alts have 120 and 140 arts.
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  2. Ergotth Committed Player

    Eeeeexactly! While I just meant that there IS a foundation to make powers swap roles, this would be such a massive chore with not really a good profit guaranteed behind it, it's frankly more realistic to ask for Source Marks and Cash to be account-wise rather than individual (something I already wrote a thread about).

    And yes, giving these powers more unique ways to do their role is also important. Atomic and Celestial can be considered the easiest ones because this power is unique no matter what, but trollers suffer this issue with how similar they are in their support role since all they do is buff, debuff and give power, being unique more as DPSs.
  3. Brit Loyal Player

    I used to think this sounded like a great idea.

    But, I've played the game long enough, that I know exactly how it would go...

    Every single time we queue into any content, there would be some jerk who queues as all four roles, even though they have no gear or experience in performing those other roles.

    Every single time I queue into any content, there would be some jerk who looks at me and the ONE role that I queued up to play, and then starts to demand that I change over and play something that I have no gear, no artifacts, and most importantly no interest in playing.

    Them: "Hey. You're a nature healer with max'd artifacts and elite gear. Swap to Tank for us. We need a Tank."

    Me: "I'm not a Tank. I don't have any Tank stuff. That's why I only queued as a Healer."

    Them: "Be a Tank."

    Basically, if every powerset could be every role, that would destroy the queuing system for anything other than pre-mades. Because so many people cannot understand how roles and queuing works.
  4. GermanM Committed Player

    Well if that happen you can kick that person from the instance. Like some jerk´s do when they see a person with artifact´s in a low level...
  5. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    That seems to happen even more now that time is of essence...
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  6. SSB Active Player

    Atomic was going to be a healer power but was switched because of the Serums problem. Why not finish it in healer role and release it? Shouldn't be crazy hard since they already had it planned as a healer power from the start.
  7. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    You've just exposed another reason why this whole concept is infeasible:

    Little, if any, of the original devs are left to even understand previous intentions for the powers to bring those old ideas back.

    If you want to fantasize about it, go wild, just don't have any hopes this will happen because it is simply not practical.
  8. Legasei Well-Known Player

    All they would need to do is add tank role to the rest of the power sets and a cone pull to the iconic powers. Your loadout would go, power set shield; movement mode shield; headlight shield; cone pull; sonic cry; and your BiS power.
  9. Ergotth Committed Player

    I don't think you would need to uinderstand the original concept if the idea is adaptation. As Atomic is now, to make it a healer, you can easily make it a burst healer like electric and Celestial where the combo skills pump healing like Invigorate and Consume Soul or send repeating priority/group heals like Tsunami strike, I think it would be a hella fun healer to use, especialy with Transformation Card and have it's own identity!
  10. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    You will need to understand why they failed and discarded this whole concept in the first place.

    All this "easy to translate" is your speculation, I don't see you have evidence it is practical other than "I want it to be so".
  11. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Perhaps you might have missed posts from the part of the community that feels that the devs reusing ANYTHING is akin to a mortal sin? LOL
  12. SSB Active Player

    I'm not fantasizing about it. I'm just saying that the easiest power to make into another role would be the one that had a different role before it was switched. Saying Atomic could be worked on if the notes are around isn't fantasizing my guy. Can't exactly go wild saying something as simple as that.
  13. GermanM Committed Player

    That´s true, sadly.
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  14. GermanM Committed Player

    Yeah but i believe we are used to that. DCUO is the king of recycling. Even Captain Planet would be proud of our devs...
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  15. Ergotth Committed Player

    it failed because the Serums power failed, and Atomic also had a good concept to be a tank because, let's be honest here, Atomic, as a concept, is a power trhat really fit all roles. The idea of radiation and atomic manipulation really makes you able to heal wounds, make yourself sturdy to take damage or crowd control, so it's not like you wopuld need a lot of creativity to imagine how someone like Firestorm would be able to be a healer. And again, we are talking about adaptation, taking the powers as they are and add the roles.

    (also they had Water as a back up healer power anyway since a lot of players have been asking for Water powers for YEARS and there is literally no better role for Water but Healer)
  16. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    So... you were fantasizing about the possibility of being an Atomic healer. Nothing wrong with that on its own.
    How is serums related to devs discarding the "any powers can do any role" concept again?
  17. Ergotth Committed Player

    Serums is related to "Why Atomic went from healer to tank". Because the power failed, and their next concept was Water, which was planned to be a healer, so Atomic was moved to tank.
    My tiny opinion is that of all powers, Atomic is one that, in pure concept and design, fits any role. In the comics, Firestorm can do friggin ANYTHING.
    I'm not saying the devs should make all powers be all roles, the manpower alone for that would PARALIZE the game for months! So no, this is NOT a good idea. But I just want to point out the only reason its impossible is the labour involved, because by design, the powers can easily justify other roles.
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  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Because those are what the community pays for. The community is paying for what they want. While saying this isn't what they want. While keeping the very system they despise alive.

    Who in their right frame of mind would put 10 dollars into a RNG based system, where youd rather want the company give you less then 100% certainty of what you are going to get, and it effectively has the worth of Chuck E. Cheese tokens outside of Chuck E. Cheese.

    Except Chuck E. Cheese coins are worth more outside of Chuck E. Cheese then the digital asset you just paid for, for the chance to NOT get what you want.:rolleyes:
  19. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    Do all powers have the POTENTIAL to fit all roles? Yeah, sure.

    Does that mean even with unlimited labour to exploit this would be a good idea? No, see Pale's list of concerns alone.
    or like, healers having unlimited access to tank gear and getting a massive dominance advantage? role specific gear be damned.
    battle support? so passé! when you have access to powers for any roles, just have 1 person do all 3 roles at the same time! Sounds far-fetched? You can already do that with clarion! if it's a built-in function to powers, people will rush to replace that 1 healer slot in alerts for the troll who needs to do anything! perfectly normal!

    I haven't even touched Atomic healer yet.
    Even ignoring restoration is near useless for its mechanic heals, mechanic heals are mainly close-range powers.
    and need I remind you, atomic heals heavily relies on the aura being active, so your "easy adaption" would result in the healer having to be in close range to anything to be able to cast decent heals (and die much easier) or struggle to maintain the aura with limited range options.
    The power ends up being a tank power, it has the specificities for a tank power.
    A repurposed Pizza Hut store is no longer a Pizza Hut store and all that.

    With major reworking sure you can make this work. Major. Reworking.
    that's still 1 out of 15 powers. How are you going to make stealth tank appropriate?
    If you want to go wild, go ahead, but please don't bore me with the details.
    I'm not interested in a munitions or celestial tank. I already do those soloing bounties.

    If this were such a good and easy idea, why would the original team would abandon it in the first place?
    Does anyone even know the reason?
  20. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    This mentality that DCUO has needs to change. We are tired of Time Capsules, we are tired of allies and artifacts. All three of those things constantly make money off of us yet the community thinks any other idea brought up can't be done by the devs. It's like this Gods insight that they know more than them. Much like PVP, a new power seems like it's getting the PVP treatment. Everytime there's something that can be considered new and different, it only backfires at the end because they dig a bigger hole they can't get out of.

    Mepps said there isn't going to be a DCUO 2 even after PlayStation 10 comes out. The longevity of this game cant possibly strive longer even if it makes some it's money through TC, allies and artifacts. Sometimes I wonder if this community is the reason why DCUO is the way it is. We have speedhackers ruining the game. I stumble quite a few in pug runs and a lot on YouTube but also the artifact glitch that EU abused (mostly came from that side). Sometimes it's best to stop working on what's making money and actually work on what can make the game more better instead of reusing the same maps; nothing unique about bosses in how they fight. But what's keep being worked on more? Easy.... TC, Artifacts and Allies.
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