Make all powersets have the ability to go tank, healer or troll.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by catplaysxoxo, Aug 29, 2022.

  1. Tolly Committed Player

    the heal powers make me want to play tank with them so much, lately it's the celestial that made me feel that way...
  2. UT Firefly Well-Known Player

    i couldnt say it better hoenstly im sick that some ppl think they have to talk for the devs sometimes i dont understand why we have an forum if we cant even do our suggestions without being interrupted of such......ppl...
  3. GermanM Committed Player

    That´s exactly how i feel.
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  4. GermanM Committed Player

    I mean
    I believe if devs dont see a popular thread they will not jump in, besides some things that people ask have been asked before, in some point someone of the dev´s team answer and we know what may or what may not happen because we already know the answer, so we save time to the fellow player who may not get a respond because devs already told us that in the past.
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  5. GermanM Committed Player

    Dont stop trying, maybe someone will hear your voice. But i can tell you this:
    We have 9 (if im not mistaken) weapons in game and only 2 are really usefull for meta dps (tanks and healers can use everything but the damage they do in minimun)
    We have 4 movement modes and only 1 is truly useful. The rest... Dont make me start, i start a thread about that xD.
    Powers have their own meta too.
    There is no balance in this game, nothing have been done about that and your idea (really like it, i do) is nearly impossible to be implemented because is way to many steps ahead of the problem´s we have and dev´s keep ignoring.
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  6. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    The thing is they are already investing money and resources into DCUO by cancelling the other MMO. Sometimes being pessimistic isn't good when a game like DCUO has been going on for so long. Also, a dev can always say one thing and then do the opposite. With how things have been going on, all we been seeing is artifacts and allies. For them to "invest" in DCUO would be to acknowledge certain things that can regenerate DCUO. This game has many principles aside from finding ways to make money and one of those is how much the game has improved and changed. Sometimes certain task need to be taken care of or else it will just end up as a lonely slot machine waiting for someone to stop by.
  7. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    Here me out. I understand the devs don't have time for new powers, but then we've been on the same DLC for months now with a longer wait. When the dev team gets back on its feet, there's no reason this idea can't be looked into, especially if we aren't getting pvp fixed new powers. Maybe it's not a priority, but adding new ways to play will give players more freedom to play. So here's the longer pitch:

    While other mmos of the same age might be adding new classes, DCUO is not. Without adding new powers, like people crave, the obvious choice is to take existing powers and expand them. Even if that means altering current available moves in a power, that would effectively make some moves actually relevant again (if they ever were relevant) and create a fresh sense of gameplay for those of us who are bored with no new content powers..

    Let me present Electricity, where no serious player uses the moves related to the polarized mechanics. There's no good reason not to adjust these moves to be used for effects based on role. The tanking aspect can be inspired by Evil Cosmic Boy, who uses metal and magnetism to wage war against us. An Electric tank can use a balance of self-healing (there are plenty of moves that can be adjusted to for this) and by using polarized objects and enemies to diffuse incoming damage.

    Let the naysayers claim that 6 moves needs to be altered to throw debuffs for an Electric troll, but both an Electric troll and Electric tank have easy access to push/pull moves in the polarization tree, as well as other moves, that are obvious CC moves. Plus, if the power is labeled as a "Healer-Role First" description, the number of moves that allow the power to switch to troll and tank need not be as exhaustive as powers that focus on that role.

    There's options, people. Sorcery almost has a pet similar to Brick and also has plenty of healing moves, that if performed in tank role, serve to heal the pet or only self-heal. Nature does not need different forms to heal; make one of them tank and another troll (and for the love of all things holy update those animal skins and allow for some form of cosmetic changes). Water can basically become a similar tank to Ice with all of its shielding abilities. Hard Light should get the chance to alter its colors could easily alter some moves to become a tank, or, perhaps it can have a system where completing move combos builds damage mitigation.

    The point is, new animations don't need to be created. Heck, if animations were needed, add role versions for iconic moves and add Legends-only moves to the iconic list. It also seems like movement mode moves would be great CC move options for powers. If we aren't going to add new powers to the game, at least let us have role options that make all (or more) moves in a power set relevant to gameplay. Plus, think of the money for the game. If I want my Electric Healer to be able to perform other roles, I'll need artifacts and appropriate allies. That's revenue.
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  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    That's great but nothing to do with what I or anyone else here is trying to tell you.
  9. Ergotth Committed Player

    while it's doable, I think rebalancing every single power so they have 2 additional roles would be such a MASSIVE chore they would have to halt the development of the rest of the game to focus on this in a realistic timeframe.

    On a design-angle, it's not really hard to balance powers to have their 2 other roles. Any controller can be a healer if you change the priority Power regen skill to a priority healer and choose appropriate skills to be the group heal, HoT, etc. I can even see Quantum's Gravity Well as a "circle of protection"-kind of heal. Same for tank, just pick which power will self-heal or increase your defense.

    But the rebalancing of these powers would be a MASSIVE chore the game isn't ready for.
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  10. Ergotth Committed Player

    Not quite. Many powers already have skills that change their effect and even APPEARANCE depending on your role. So let's say I want Quantum to be a healer. Well you can pick the power regen skill and make it a priority heal if you're in healer mode. Then have, I don't know, gravity Well heal allies on top of it, Distortion Wave could trigger a mass heal (since it's a dramatic growing dome of "BWOWOWOOOOING"-ing timey-wimey energy) and of course, make the shield cover 3 more allies.
    to sum it up, you wouldn't need top create new skills, just change the effect on existing skills based on your role. Something the game do without a hitch since day 1.
  11. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    That covers one issue, they still need their unique play style otherwise their just cookie cutter copies like the control role. And then you also need to find the staff and the time (that doesn't cut into new episodes/events) to make all these changes.
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  12. Tolly Committed Player

    I remember to have already proposed this idea, it would be a second breath of life for the game and especially for the servers with low population or decreasing population EU is dying incredibly, the leagues do not hold much any more, the players are not very motivated and very little active in time on the game and do not make believe the contrary!

    The EU server lacks a lot of support players, mainly tanks and then trolls, if this would allow players to be more motivated with the role they like associated with the power they like, it would certainly give an important and new dynamic to the game!

    Unfortunately, this may never happen, because I think this studio doesn't have the capacity to manage this game anymore and is more and more distant from the community these days, I think...
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  13. GermanM Committed Player

    Like i said, they can use old animation´s and stuff to create a bunch of iconic powers to allow us to make an iconic healer, troller, tank, etc, maybe it will be less efective then a natural healer or tank, but could be a new way to play (since we are not going to get a new power)

    is not a perfect solution, but is something. The other is allow people choose a second power.
  14. GermanM Committed Player

    You are right in many thing´s here. A Merge with US server is necessary. Or allow player move their characters, or something like that, but dev´s dont have interest in that.
  15. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Well they could always just test the water on 1 power and see how it goes, and then just work on 1 power at a time going forward. Many here are acting like it would all have to happen at once. I wouldn't care waiting until my power has it's time, just knowing would keep me around awaiting patiently.

    Anyways, I kinda already do tank as Gadgets with all of my health, dom, shields, and pulls XD
    I always thought it would be real fun to be an actual tank role with it, since it wouldn't need much tweaking as is honestly.

    Might never happen, but there is certainly nothing wrong with thinking about it or discussing it.
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  16. Forum Junkie Well-Known Player

    Tanking is very possible with some troll powers, especially HL and Gadgets. I have personally done this, built up like a tank, utilizing shields, pulls, and supercharges. Having the right artifacts for the job help too. Gadgets has the most utility of any power and then perhaps mental, as they basically have PI with the other original powers. I believe earth used to crush, but now it is just daze effects, but it would have great synergy with water if that were the same. I miss powers having better interaction with one another. A reason I believe gadgets does so well is because of its synergy.

    I think they can make an iconic priority heal/power heal and a group heal/power heal and be done with it. We have the lasso which won't be broken by a standard power, basically a taunt. All we need is four generic abilities added to the iconics powers. Remove the roles from powers and let the gear purchased/worn determine their utility. The skill points tab already has the formula for this, with all roles currently being able to stat however they want.

    In short, gear determines the role, skill point allotment determines their effectiveness, and now everybody is running to collect all the artifacts like pokemon. But artifacts would seriously need to be made much much easier to level with less time consumed, less grind, LESS PAYWALL.
    They tried to make the game better for casuals with Omnibus, make the game better for everyone by lessening the requirements to max allies and artifacts. You want people to have 3 artifacts or have them all?
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  17. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    So I had a celestial healer that, I bought a power respect token and switched to atomic and switched to tank role. I was unaware my healer gear was still on because a player in a duo told me how am I wearing healer gear as a tank. I didn't know that was possible since I assumed once you switch to a different role from a power respect token that you wouldn't be able to have that specific gear role on but guess not. Now I didn't check to see if my healer stats were increased while in tank role using healer gear equipped nor am I going to buy another respect token lol just wanted to share this
  18. GermanM Committed Player

    They want you to pay money so you have them all.
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  19. Forum Junkie Well-Known Player

    Ye, but they should be like 40 to 50 USD to level without farming. Not the 250 USD some may be used to, and I know to save XP to double XP events
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  20. GermanM Committed Player

    250 x 3 or more if you wanna do artifact wapping.
    That´s why i leave my art´s in 160.
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