Mail - Account Bound Items "An error occurred sending your mail ..."

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Giga Vamm, Apr 4, 2018.

  1. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

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  2. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Well, I mean, how complicated are your alts' names? Or are you one of those people who just types random letters, like oe093jfoiej?

    Brick Mansion (for Khal's sake I'll clarify from the get go I'm making all these names up, and any similarities are purely coincidental, lol), Younger Livingston, LexluThorGodofThunder, is it really that hard to get them right?

    Like I said, I think you maybe titled this thread wrong. You're not (apparently) trying to get around purchasing more shared bank slots for convenience, but instead want a way to see the names of your alts in the mail system. That's not an unreasonable request, and I can support that. So let's ask the devs, not to devalue their shared bank system, but instead to improve the mail system's locator tab to include, leaguemates, friends and alts.
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  3. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    Taking your own examples:
    Younger Livingston, LexlutThorGodofThunder
    Typing them below to illustrate an issue that can occur (I did not make the mistakes on purpose but merely by typing a little faster than I might if I was being super careful).

    Younger Livingston
    Younger Livingston
    Youner Livingston
    Younger Livintgston


    And yes, having a way to sort our contacts is another option, but I'd still be a little apprehensive with it.

    The current UI is a mess. Even selecting from a 350+ list of contacts, what if lag happens and I select the wrong one, or lag happens after I select the right one but the mail system itself selects the wrong one when sending as a result of lag, as in the case that sometimes happens with the broker lagging and posting items for their default values?