Looks like they did not like us farming source marks

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by buddah, Aug 31, 2021.

  1. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Depends how you want to play. Do all the bounties, while there grab some other 8 coin payout weeklies like collecting signs or killing a lot of adds. Shattered gotham is great for that. Dox is still 5mins with a good group. Fos3 will still be easy enough. Can also do the 1st boss dip on a bunch of raids. That works on this new alert too. So just find instances that get right into it, take the coins and get out and repeat.

    Yes I know bounties are loot locked, just like everything should be to negate all these possibilities, but there are tons to do so just cycle thru and maybe not get burnout.

    Also, at what point does everyone have enough source and stop doing anything old? I'm already there and it's been a week
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    You're probably just proving the point that the only people who were spamming FOS3 in the first place, rather than just taking a more relaxed approach were the people still "sweating" over their insatiable desire to "have everything done on the very first day, in the very first minute"... The same type of people logging in to the server upon an update and spamming bounty counter feats.

    I guess the realization is suddenly appearing that there is more to the game outside of FOS3 and that perhaps no one ever needed to spam that one singular instance in the first place?

    Congratulations to anyone doing that for completing nearly everything in the first week by spamming something to kingdom come though I guess. I look forward to the threads calling the game boring **** and demanding more rewards and content :D
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  3. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Spamming 1 raid over and over again is akin to those Wonderverse/Legion bounties. Bad memories. [IMG]
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  4. Bipolar Diva Well-Known Player

    I'm cheering right now.
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  5. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Meanwhile, I’m happy to have a reason to go back to Atlantis. Once I finish the Flashpoint generators I’ll be swapping Flashpoint Gotham for Chaos Gotham.
  6. zNot Loyal Player

    Stop being spoiled and expecting that content should be easy and fast for your own quick benefit its not healthy for the game.good job devs
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  7. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    See today's hotfix. Sunstone Matrix just got harder.
  8. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    Looks to me like they fixed it so that the mechanics work properly.

    Sorry, you have to play the game the way it’s intended again 0.o
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  9. Bipolar Diva Well-Known Player

    Like it was in 2011. We had to learn or fail. As it should be.
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  10. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    Exactly. The level of entitlement in this game is unreal. This is partially DC’s fault for creating an environment addicting players to gear and fast runs. Glad they’re trying to fix it now but holy moly.
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  11. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I'm not sure why you thought 4-5 minute raids was going to be seen as a good thing for the game, especially since the intent of the stat scaling was to increase the need for teamwork and understanding mechanics. I saw several people ignore the mechanics in Sunstone Matrix because burning the bosses down fast enough made that possible. My only concern is how this impacts the random PUGs who still have yet to experience Sunstone Matrix as it was ten years ago.
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  12. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    AMEN. adapt or die.
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  13. Jaden Law Well-Known Player

    Oh no! They killed the game again! What to do?!(panic screaming) Now good group spend 5 mins instead of 3 and require Tank, Troll and Heal instead of 8 DPS.
    All who crying about clamps, not feeling strong etc. - get good or get out. Go to the gym maybe there you'll feel you stronger... Who am I kidding?:D
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  14. Bipolar Diva Well-Known Player

    Think I like you.
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  15. Yaiba Committed Player

    It's harder for sure, from 5 minutes to 5 minutes 10 seconds :confused:
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  16. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I don’t care either way, but the tryhard gloating in here sure is classy.
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  17. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    Maybe people need to try following Mepps advice, and getting gud? Lol
  18. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    I'm not in the bootstrap camp, but I think that nothing but FoS 3 groups on LFG is indicative of a problem. There are still a lot of ways to farm fast marks.
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  19. HymanRosen New Player

    As I've said before, I want written documentation for mechanics and everything else. Doing a raid should be a matter of skill, not of discovering mystifying hoops to jump through. (Four people stand simultaneously on marked circles on the floor?) Again, I don't object to the mechanics themselves, just that there is nothing written to tell you what to do. It makes pick-up games frustrating unless there is an experienced player present. I shouldn't need to go to YouTube to try to find someone's personal video to learn how to play a game I'm paying for every month.
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  20. Bipolar Diva Well-Known Player

    The word entitled comes to mind.