Lightning Guide

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Max Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, if you look back on page 35 of this thread, you'll see where Elusian laid out rotations for that very loadout, based on in-game testing. He's a beastly DPS, so I'd go with his recommendations. ;) I switched out Wired for EG based on his results. It's very nice, indeed. :D
  2. The Saiyan New Player

    I didn't see that, that's just the loadout I have worked within the last couple of days since coming back to electric. I still have a few hiccups in my rotation because electric is different from quantum but I'm glad that's what I came to since some of the more consistent dps who comment in this thread have landedon that loadout as well.
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  3. Elusian Crowd Control

    This was the post.

    Tbh. I was only confused since a lot of loadouts were floating around on the last pages and I wanted to know what loadout he uses, nothing else :p

    About "Elusians loadout": Still remember its only a sharpened version of what Stem posted and credits DopeManHunta. I used the thrown clay to my feet and formed smth useful out for me and the T5 raids. Still think it should be simply named "Overcharge" loadout since it centers around this nice find (really hate loadouts named after ppl). The rest of the loadout arranges itself with the various scenarios in those two raids. And lets be honest, it's nothing special to find it out so its good to see that others get it on their own ^_^
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  4. Remander Steadfast Player

    True enough, but I was more referring to the rotations than the loadout itself, and I credit you with working those out. DopeManHunta via Black Stem definitely deserves credit for elucidating the clippability and stackability of Overcharge. How that went under the radar for so long is beyond me. You'd think that would have been in some of the early Prime loadouts, before we were able to faceroll T4 content.
  5. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    It wasn't found because everyone was busy VB stacking so why bother. After that was "corrected" all these "beast" dps jumped ship instead of looking for a new way to use a power. Hence why those of us faithful to powers will always discover a new thing others have passed over.

    Electric DPS is def one of the top powers right now due to overcharge, it can hold its own with the troll powers in both of the new raids.

    edit: Also this is pretty much Remander's guide at this point
  6. Remander Steadfast Player

    LOL at the last point! I love talking about this stuff, no doubt, and since RL has been keeping Max away, I'm more than happy to help out in his guide. I post a lot in Alpha's Earth guide, as well, but I'm more of a pure Earth Tank than DPS. I'm pure Quantum Troller on Moe, and there's not much to it, so haven't seen a need to prowl the few guides out there. With Electricity, I'm all in. Haven't decided for sure if I'll try Celestial on Remander, when it drops, or if I'll stay behind. Electricity is definitely the power I've had the most fun with in this game, just as I'm sure Fire is for you. ;)
  7. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    Max knows I've never been a fan of the Amp Tree and Polarized PI's because I've always felt that the Electrification PI's are capable of so much more and from my own personal experience, they are. I tried Elusian's loadout out though, just to see what it was capable of since I never run the Polarize PI and it produced pretty good results in a straight Nexus run. I still prefer my own loadout and rotation because it seems to produce greater damage in all situations but one. I'm still trying to find a way to cover that one weakness to keep the overall damage potential going.
  8. Max Volt Committed Player

    We all know the I wasn't the one that started this guide in the first place. I simply picked it up, re-worked and updated in order to keep the informations alive for the community.

    This is "our" guide now, our place to discuss this powerset. We are all contributors and writers.

    I think the original author did a fantastic job presenting lightning and giving the players options, instead of simply saying "this is how I play and you should do the same if you wanna be leet" (like many other guides have been presented in the past), ... And this is the philosophy I've been trying to keep alive.

    I need no credits,... Or a statue in the Hall of power, I'm just enjoying the game :)
  9. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    lol i think you took that as a personal shot when it was more bragging or pumping up Remander, which he deserves.
  10. Max Volt Committed Player

    I know :)

    I'm actually experimenting right now trying to blend overcharged in a "all voltage" loadout... I'll let you know how it goes, ... Might turned out to be a disaster lol
  11. Max Volt Committed Player

    Well, it did sound like it a little bit, but no worries lol it's all good.
    And yes Remander deserves a lot of credit for answering everybody's question and providing great info
  12. AIpha New Player

    Hey I take all the credit for dropping the ball on overcharge early on. No one ever knew it stacked and hell I always assumed VB was meant t stack because it did exactly what the power description said it did. From a technical stand point VB was just placing electrogenesis on each add it wasn't actually stacking on one add so in reality it never "stacked" in the sense thought bubble or stasis did. When the nerf came it was the same time I got permabanned on the old forums so I just gave the guide to max and left electric dpsing. I was devastated and felt we received a nerf that didn't need to happen. We have no finisher, no 60% and I just felt cheated. I should've done a better job testing everything.In my defense at he time electric was good overcharge would not have worked but on bosses so it was something noone could have figured out unless they sat at the dummy and stacked overcharges. Everyone was busy having fun with Tesla ball Voltaic bolt combos.
  13. Max Volt Committed Player

    I agree with I think is Bs we do not have a 60% and no heavy hitting finisher. It is saddening to hear league mates saying they just hit a 7k crit with this and that when all I got to work with is a bunch of low damage tics.

    Anyway... Glad to see you here, I wasn't saying your name in order to avoid any subsequent retaliation from the previous perma ban, but yes... Alpha is the original author of this guide.
  14. Remander Steadfast Player

    Appreciate the kind words fellas. Like you, I'm just enjoying the game. Hopefully, we can help some people get more enjoyment out of it along the way. ;)
  15. AIpha New Player

    I got a clean slate lol no worries, I picked the right guy to carry on the guide that's all that matters. As long as the info is there the name above it shouldn't matter. Its why I never name my guides with my name in it. I don't think the author matters its the content inside.
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  16. Max Volt Committed Player

    On the overcharge note I always said if you live long enough with a power you will eventually find a good use for it, and as much I did try it in the past I never once did think about stacking it, so we are all guilty for letting this one slip trough our fingers lol

    Edit: back to work now, the time for screwing around on the ipad is over :(
  17. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    The current loadout out that I run seems to yield higher damage output in All situations but a single target burn for Electricity. The only thing I changed recently was the addition of Overcharge over Spark Barrage/Electroburst It currently is:

    The Loadout
    [Voltaic Bolt~Attract/ElectroBurst~OverCharge~Telsa Ball~Electrocute~ElectroGenesis]

    This loadout pushes the potential of the Voltage Tree to it's maximum damage potential, in any ranged situation. It allows you to stack 4 dots on adds for some serious AoE Burn with Overcharge going off as well. As far as power consumption, this is the most Power Efficient Loadout I've ever used for Electricity. If you throw some weapon combos in there it gives you the most bang for your buck.

    Massive AoE Burn from Afar
    I'm not sure if anyone knows or noticed, but Voltaic Bolt no longer consumes the Electrificiation PI anymore :eek: . What this means is that you can throw Telsa Ball to electrify everything immediately. After you electrify the whole group you can then use Electrocute AND Voltaic Bolt to give you a total of three DoTs on everything in front of you. Here's where you would throw Electrogen next for the fourth DoT and watch everything burn down in front of you.

    Risky 5th DoT:I occasionally do this but only in groups where I know the tank/healers. Speccing the way that I specced my powers, you will also have ElectroBurst as well. I occasionally take Attract out for Electroburst and lunge in with it but clip it with Electrostatic Pulse Devices or Personal Dampening Fields for the 5th dot on everything. It's not necessary but it WILL do more damage than Attract if you decide to use it.

    Clipping and Combos
    Clipping with this rotation is done using Attract and Overcharge. They are powers that cooldown fairly fast and one should ALWAYS be ready before any of the other moves are. It should also be noted that fast weapon attacks like ArrowStorm, Mortar, Shuriken storm should be used to keep up the fast paced comboing/clipping with this loadout. An Attract or Overcharge should always be cast before anything else to maximize damage potential and keep up the consistant burn. Some combos that I use are:

    Attract > Telsa Ball > Overcharge >Voltaic Bolt
    Attract > Overcharge >Voltaic Bolt
    Attract > Telsa Ball > Overcharge > Electrocute
    Attract >Overcharge >Electrogen

    Those are just a few basic combos you could string together to create much more advanced strings that I use. As I said before and realized from experience with some very skilled DPS I run with, this loadout murders everything in a 2+target situation but lacks a bit in Single Target situations. However, to counter that, I alter the loadout a bit when I'm in those situations.

    I stopped sharing my personal loadouts on/in guides a long time ago for reasons I can't say but I decided to share this one because I like this guide and Max is cool :cool:. This is why I have always preferred the Voltage Tree for damage. :D
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  18. AIpha New Player

    Well use overcharge while you can. Thankfully not many pvp dps are electric so we won't see it abused in pvp thus it will remain longer than most stacked powers lol. It is fun to use it on your healing loadout as well if you have an electric dps using it. Both of you see waterfalls of overcharges going off.
  19. Remander Steadfast Player

    LOL, I've never known Tesla Ball to "immediately" do anything. Unless it's somehow changed, it just meanders through the adds, gradually electrifying them. I much prefer ESPD consumables, when I go the electrification route. As you said, you can use them to clip, which is gravy. Yeah, VB stopped consuming the PI when the DoT stacking was removed. I've run with a similar build to yours pre-Overcharge, and I agree that the multiple DoTs will melt adds, but they have to stay alive long enough to get the benefit, and as you said, it's lacking in single target. Of course, that all said, the great thing about Electricity, IMO, is the different ways you can make it work well. ;)
  20. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    Needs more overcharge