Letter from the Creative Director: War of the Light Part II!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Spytle, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    First let me help you by clearing up this misconception you have: You can reach War of the Light p2 directly from Amazon Fury p1...the Item Level 92 gear from AF p1 when fully modded with Type VI mods will get you to cr106. The barrier for entry in WotL p2 is....cr106. Got it?

    Second, you've made it clear that you prefer 2-player content only. The thing is, this game was never intended to be only or primarily 2-player. It's a Massive Multi-Player Online game. Your progression has been hampered by your choices. This game isn't just solos, just duos, just alerts, just raids....it's a little of all of that, and you're purposely cutting yourself off from the rest of the content while expecting the Devs to cater to such a narrow demand. It's not very realistic.
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  2. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    As a soloist, I know firsthand it is 100% possible to reach CR 106 with AF1 modded vendor Strategos gear. But if you are unwilling to grind, then this game and any other MMO are not for you- that's just the simple truth regarding an MMO. I've had to grind Gotham Under Siege solos over and over, several hundred times to get all the gear, weapon, utility belt, rings, etc. as well as grinding for MoF to convert to MoT for monthly mainframe upgrades. Because this is an MMO, I fully understood that the path as a soloist would involve more work and more money for replays, but I love the game and am thankful they offer small content players content which allows us to continue progressing.

    But to answer your question, yes, if you refuse to grind AF1 for MoF to buy vendor gear to raise your CR to 106, then you will not progress, period. This is not the game's fault, this is yours for not realizing by T6 that an MMO involves grinding content to progress.
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  3. Sbel Devoted Player

  4. WalterlightOmega Committed Player

    the top CR from AF1 is 106, thats why it is this way.
  5. WalterlightOmega Committed Player

    the next dlc might be 108 min cr
  6. Sbel Devoted Player

    1) Where are you getting 101 from? The 90 gear from the duos modded with synth V gets you to 103.

    2) You can run duos/solos/alerts every day. (only exception is the T4 HT inside 'solos')

    3) I am puzzled by the fact that you claim to want 2 player content, yet you seem unaware that AF has 2 duos that you can play daily.

    3) In general, I would suggest trying lower level alerts. They won't help your CR, but they'll give you something to distract you from the the slow grind to 106. You can easily random queue into lower level alerts and power though with any team if you've got at least one 100+ dps. It takes 2 votes to kick someone from an alert, so you can be kicked if the other two people don't like you, but you two can kick anyone who annoys you.
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  7. PawPawMarks New Player

    This looks and sounds great! Now if you'd just fix the decimation of tanks in PvP this old fellow would reup my year long legendary!
  8. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Wow i just got that. Why cheetah became Avaricious over CATWOMAN is beyond me. Unless batman is in this Dlc i dont know how star sapphire catwoman will fit in.

    I was equally confused when they made Black Adam a Yellow lantern, when the thing thats driving Adam is his rage. He would've made an OP red lantern, but i cant see him puking up plasma
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  9. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I hope there are stylish drops. It would be nice to get new rare iconic styles!!
  10. Crimson Jonni New Player

    I want that power battery statue base item from the collections... Thats going in the center of my base between by 6 mogos and ranxs and my green lantern poster. I also want that orange lantern piggy bank... And the giant red lantern symbol. F*ck it, i want it all!
  11. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    It's an MMORPG. That's "Massively Multiple." It's right there in the concept name that it's for groups, not single players or duos.

    To an MMORPG. Not to a game oriented towards meeting the needs of solo players or players who only want to play with a single friend.

    I hope you find an enjoyable game created for duos to play. An MMORPG is clearly not what you're looking for.

    WAR OF THE LIGHT, Pt II, of course, does have a duo, as well as a lot of outdoor missions you can team up on. But presumably you've read the notes and/or checked out the Test Server and/or seen the official stream announcing it, and know that. Best of luck to you!
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  12. Legion_of_One Well-Known Player

    Good game design means that players enjoy the game, are encouraged to play and kept committed to paying for it over the long term. I'm well aware of the 4 and 8 person content, and I know that I find them all but impossible to enjoy. My post is intended to simply put the message out that there are players who don' thrive on the frenzy of large group content. We're here, we're paying, but the current DLC roadmap is making our progress progressively more difficult. That's all. The devs may be interested in the perspective-- or not.

    I'm hardly a second class player because I'm not delving into 8 player raids. As for the intent of the game, KHALONofOGUN, I believe the intent is for players to have fun and to keep as many of us interested for as long as possible.

    I'm kid of relieved to hear that the level 92 gear will get my toon to 106. That's going to take a hell of a lot of marks to accomplish. Is it 3 marks of fury that can be earned per day? Plus one for a duo. That's 10 days to buy a back piece, 15 days each for chest and legs, and so on. That's a lot of repetition over several months to purchase the next tier of gear, which I'm guessing drops in 4 and 8 person content. Why are players of any aspect of a DLC not rewarded with drops that will advance their toon and eventually enable them to access the next tier/DLC (i.e. the way it works in 75% of this game)?

    My one request is simply to have some leveling of the playing field so that players engaged in group content don't race to the next tier 10 times faster than players who solo and duo through the same level of content. It doesn't have to be parity, but realistically, miring players in old content just to make a point that 4 and 8 player content is somehow superior doesn't make sense. If anything, we're the players who aren't tearing through the new stuff and getting bored after two weeks, so it might make sense to keep us engaged.

    And, let the hate commence...
  13. DCUController New Player

    sorry but as the rest of my post had said sounds boring to me
  14. Sbel Devoted Player

    Nah, Massively Multiplayer just refers to the world, not necessarily the missions.

    Yeah? Well your... face is boring! So, there!
  15. BigBadDogIV Committed Player

    I'm amazed at how uninformed you are. There are 3 open world daily's, 2 different duos, and 2 different iconic solo instances. All of which you can do once a day. That's at least 9 guaranteed MoF a day. Even more if you get marks instead of gear in the instances.

    There's also a alert but it seems you don't care for that...heck, you don't even care enuff about the content you supposedly "care about" enuff to know of it's existence.

    EDIT: btw fyi duos give 2 marks. not one.
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  16. Azure Black New Player

    LMAO!!! XD
    OMG! Please, someone come in here and stop all of this before I die from laughter!!
    ...and I hope I never see Carol like that in canon...ever.
    ...would crush my soul.
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  17. MasterOfTheHunt Well-Known Player

    We definitely have enough lantern content now that this is out, 3rd lantern dlc if you didn't notice.
    They already announced what the next set of powers are and how they will be released (Munitions-Troll, Atomic-Healer, Experimental Serums-Tank). All the powers seem like they would be better than a blue lantern, but that's just my opinion l.
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  18. Ivar New Player

    Or I suspect more like this .. [IMG]

    This "discussion" *coughwhining also reminds me so much of this other Jago comic.


    And to get back on actual topic, this (?)episode is simply stunning!
    I haven´t yet even come close to the content but I can´t wait for the Black Friday or Winter sales! ;):p
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  19. Azure Black New Player

    LOL!! YES YES YES and more YES!!! XD
  20. Silent Juice New Player

    wait what lol that is ridiculous you made a toon who you thought was trained by saint walker. Oh my god I can't stop laughing that's so funny