Lets talk episode 16

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SpicyMoonlight, Aug 5, 2015.

  1. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    yeah but if you cannot finish a raid due to a glitch and spent a good hour+ in it, it kinds pisses you off as a player, especially where you were at the last boss, group was doing well, etc...real pisser if you ask me. It is that type of stuff that needs to be fixed....
  2. tukuan Devoted Player

    I'm not sure that's related to the topic at hand which is when will the next episode content be communicated.

    However on the topic of bugs, episodes will launch with them just as DLCs did. If anything though this should mean that they get fixed more quickly since instead of having to measure what resources go where for bugs in potentially 4-6 pieces of content, they'll only have to focus on 2 at the most at a given point in time.

    The argument does stand though that if both have game breaking bugs at launch it will put a huge damper on things. Let's be honest though, the early launch while yes a perk for legendaries is also a live test to route out such issues that aren't always found in the closed confines of the test server. Although again the episode model might mitigate this as if prior to test launch some major hurdles are found for a specific piece of content, the team could call an audible and switch it out for a more stable piece.

    Interestingly enough the new episode model does big up a potentially bigger bug-related issue that I've not seen in any threads so far. Mainly content on test was given a good run through in the DLC model, albeit not as thorough as some would like, largely because after 2-2.5 mos of the same content people got bored and would jump at the chance to go on test to give new stuff a run. With the new episode model I have to think that the test numbers will be dramatically lower as a good chunk of players will still be running content on the live server while the next pieces go on test. Especially given that the next episode would have to be on test about 1-2 weeks after the live launch so that it's able to meet the 1 month cadence. So with that in mind more bugs at launch is certainly a possibility.
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  3. Celestial Powers Committed Player

    Raid reminds me of GoT in terms of difficulty, terrible.

    Got all the feats for the duo first run, never need to do it again.
  4. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Maybe a little too early ;) Though a player package would be awesome, I believe they said that powers and such things related are going to be released on their own. personally, I'm wondering if we'll pick up on the Trigon story again. I'm sure Brother Blood wasn't just going to leave trigon there... There's potential for more to that storyline.
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  5. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    OMG YOU THINK? :rolleyes: :p
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  6. Ichiro Loyal Player

    It's a possibility.:p:D
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  7. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I highly doubt that, but abit more WoLpt3 and Bombshell content will probably come out. I'm also hoping for a small seperate storyline like a Joker mission or something.

    Atomic Tank should be out in the next couple of months, it's files are on test as I've heard so it'll probably come not a movement.
  8. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Considering the new release candice any talk more than 1-2 weeks before would be "too early." Heck it wouldn't surprise me if testing weren't longer than 1.5 weeks.
  9. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    There won't be anything Bombshells related in the next Episode. SJ said the Bombshells Paradox operation is the only Bombshells content they have planned at the moment. There may be more Bombshells stuff in the future, but if that happens it would be next year at the earliest. 100% after the Black Lantern solo leaked a few months ago that is the solo we will get in Episode 16, but for the alert it might be something new. I know SJ hinted at something Trigon/Raven related last month or the month before (not specifically for Episode 16, just something in the future) so it may be an alert around that, or maybe something else.
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  10. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    The return of encircling throw!:p
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  11. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    perhaps they will make "Corruption Troll" Powers? :rolleyes:

    with the animations from the bosses in the new duo.
  12. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    We won't see powers or movement mode variants. Many DLCs ago, they (thankfully) decided to dedicate DLC/Episode packs to only being based around content, with powers, player packs and Legends characters being released as and when they are ready.

    It is extremely unlikely that we will see anything other than content in the next episode (Skins for Legends characters don't count as Legends characters).

    Personally, I'm looking forward to the Elite Alert/Alert. It's nice to see a 4-player instance take precedence and centre stage, as well as providing the hardest challenge (in theory, based on the fact that an elite version will exist and that it's supposed to be harder than Episode 15's content). Hopefully it will prove to be a success to the development team, so that they can maybe start shifting focus from making everything about 8 player content, perhaps doing a 4-player Survival Mode or something.
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  13. darkscarletx Loyal Player

  14. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Episode 15 was revealed on July 15th.

    It will officially be released on August 12th.

    Since we're on a monthly schedule now, it seems like the devs will have three (or so) days of breathing room each month.

    So I think it's the perfect time to be talking about/anticipating E16. :D

    (The joy of a monthly release schedule ... )
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  15. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Yeah I think we'll like this. There won't really be much time of no news between releases. I actually wouldn't be surprised if we saw Episode 16 on Test by the end of next week. At the very least I think there will be a livestream/announcement about it next week.
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  16. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Aye - and add in other announcements (like new Legends, Powers, Features, etc.) and we'll get more and more months like July, where we're very nearly overwhelmed with new goodies. :)
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  17. Redman_x Well-Known Player

    Next episode should be on test in the next 2 - 2 1/2 weeks if the devs follow thru on the monthly schedule.

    We will see now won't we?
  18. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    So we can count on there being more WoL storyline.

    Now with a few iconic anniversaries passing by, I wonder if there will be any content that pay homage to that.
    I also don't mind legends skins at all, more choices are definitely good.

    I don't think that this thread was started too early honestly. Yeah it may seem early if you aren't a member but I'm a forward-looking, forward-thinking kind of person :p
  19. L T Devoted Player

    I just want to say that I hate that it's called "Episode 15". They should give it a title-- War of the Light Part 3, and release it as 15a, 15b, and 15c.

    Seeing all the DLC names in my feats list followed by "Episode 15" is jarring. And it occurred to me that if they got rid of the DLC names and just went by the episode numbers, I'd never know where to look for feats I needed to finish.

    Also, I'm starting to like the WOL story line, and hope it wraps up nicely. I'm looking forward to the next two months' releases just for that.

    Also, the animated GIF in Spicy Moonlight's signature absolutely rocks.
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  20. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Let it Burn!
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