Lets discuss battle roles

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Sage-Rapha, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    What? They aren't, at all. It's called options. Some of us maybe not you, get bored just healing or trolling. Sorry, there is not much skill there, especially solo healing. Spam healing doesn't really take skill.

    Most MMOs have a support damage role, usually some kind of mage. White for heal, black for dps, red for hybrid. Our skill points have been able to dictate what type of role we will be. NOW WE ARE BEING FORCED TO SPEC ALL INTO THE ROLE AND LET THE GEAR DECIDE THE DAMAGE! So in my eyes, those not wanting hybrids are winning out here sir. No need to bash those wantin options.
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  2. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Got ya. Thought we was talking but live. No puter, so I only got forums and tube's to see what kind of mess they are making.
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  3. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    No problem bro. I'm upset for Nature.. well Celestial first and foremost but Nature and Sorc are close too cause they got the crappy end of the stick.

    Wanna join in on the argument in the thread?
  4. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Nope. Don't feel like these test notes get much attention. Someone has the devs ear, not sure if this is all on them, but the direction from last September/October til now is just plain scary.
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  5. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    So let me get this straight...You don't want people to have options? That's what you're saying basically. YOU want it the way YOU want it to hell with everyone else's feelings and options? There is absolutely nothing wrong with EVERYONE having more than one OPTION. If you want to pure support role then do it. If I want to battle tank then I will do it. Battle roles shouldn't be limited to one power per off role. That's not even close to fair when talking about options for players. All powers should be viable in a pure role and in a battle role to give everyone the option of how they want to play. No one is forced to battle role its just an option. Now it's not an option to battle for and people who enjoyed it will be forced into one spec. one lonely boring way of doing things..sounds so amazing...:rolleyes:
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  6. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    So you're telling people to pay $10 if they want to be an active tank? Why can't all tanks have the option to be active? You people that are too afraid to leave your comfort zone or too stuck in your ways need to loosen up and try new things. Tanking is not that bad in the revamp.
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  7. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    SMH, you know ice and fire used to be beastly battletanks, right. When they started toying with revamps and AMs, it fell way behind. People at Gates and Prime used to do beast damage with fire. Ice was the best tank when the game was first out. It's shields we so strong, you could wear dps gear while tanking or just stay dps and still have the ice shield benefits.

    FYI, atomic was made primarily by players. It used to be referee to as the wish list tank, because it has a little of every powers mechanic at its disposal, except pets.
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  8. spack2k Steadfast Player

    lol of course not , your view isnt great thats why, variety between & within powers keeps the community interested not having to buy respec tokens each time u want to play another playstyle that may keep the game short term alive but no population no game.
  9. light FX Steadfast Player

    Here is the problem with "having options" in this game. They are never really options. They become the norm or irrelevant. Anyone who denies this just isnt playing the game. Every time they have tried to do this it results in 1 play style being superior. They have not shown the ability to have 2 or more play styles that are equal or competitive. Yet somehow people think it will happen now. Also all of us on these forums should of learned by now that every time we request something it never goes live the way we wanted it. There is always a tweak or trade off. So would ya want your option if it was far below average? If it was tweaked so much that its not even the same feature anymore? Or how about if it became the norm? Where would that leave everyone else that wanted to play a different way?

    Also most in here want options or battle roles or whatever. Its interesting how when someone has a different opinion its "dont come at me with that" and "tired of this crap." So i guess some peoples opinion matters but 1 persons doesnt? Smh at these forums. If there was evidence of the devs being able to balance multiple play styles then im all for it. And no the couple of early builds that a small % of players tested doesnt count. All of us players should know by now the limitations of the devs and what the reality is instead of requesting unrealistic features or "options." Here is what im tired of seeing, the small % should be catered to when it benefits them but when it doesnt then oh no dont do that devs, only a small % of players want it. Its hypocritical. Im not trying to be rude here, im being real. If the devs can pull off what u guys want then great. But lets please stop with the this persons opinion is wrong or right. Its an opinion.

    Im sure u and others will disagree or have something to say. Thats cool. Again im not trying to start any drama or anything like that. But before ya disagree just show me the evidence of this game having 2 or more play styles that are competitive ;) Ive been playing 4.5 years and ive yet to see it. And when i say competitive i mean tons of players doing this or that play style, not a very small % doing it. That doesnt mean options shouldnt happen, it means are they able to make those options happen? ;)
  10. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    There is a difference in "active" tanking and "battle" tanking..you realize that right? Like before I even continue to argue with you, you have to understand the difference. Active tanking just basically means you don't have to sit there and block like a scared little girl for your life. It's not a change in gear or stats. It's also not forced. Guess what it is? An alternate option to turtle tanking. If you want to sit around and block all day in a raid then throw fortified blocking in your neck and go to town. If you want to move around more and not be punished for it throw active tank neck mod in and have at it.

    Battle tanking is totally different from active tanking. When you start talking about battle tanking your talking about a change in stat placement and for some people a mixture of gear, to effectively tank and maximize damage. This thread isn't about active tanking. This thread is about Battle roles which includes battle tanks, battle heals, and battle trolls which use to be a big thing back in the pre wm/am days. It was something a lot of people enjoyed and some were looking forward to getting that option again in revamp. This is about taking a massive damage penalty for being in support stance making the option of battle roles go down the toilet. We deserve to have that as one of our options just like you block happy people deserve the option to turtle tank.

    I can't help but wonder if the mounds of tears like your own are from being out dps'd by battle tanks and battle healers so your (generally speaking) goal is to make sure we don't get that option in revamp. I think everyone should have the option to play the game how they want and in the way the find fun. At the end of the day this is a game and its meant to be fun. For some people battle roles is fun, and punishing them at every turn in the revamp isn't opening multiple options for players like the revamp is suppose to. The options between "active" tank and "turtle" tank are still there just so you know. Battle roles needs to be an options as well. If you don't like it then don't do it simple as that.
  11. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Ok, this game does have options currently on live server that the players in this thread are trying to maintain in the revamp. I'll give you some examples. On live server my two main toons are my Celestial healer and my Atomic tank. With each power you have the option to battle role or pure role. On my main toon (Celestial) I pure heal because that is my option and what I enjoy when it comes to Celestial. Does anyone try to force me to battle heal? No not once. Have I ever been in a pug group even where someone said I wish you'd go battle heals or whatever? No not once. That says I have options on live server. I do battle tank on live server. Is it all I do? Nope, I have a full tank armory as well and use whichever I feel is best given the scenario. Has anyone ever tried to force me into one or the other? Nope not once. That's what options look like. That's the options we are fighting for in this thread. If you or anyone else doesn't like it or understand it you don't have to, but don't come in here saying our options don't matter or that we shouldn't get them because that's when people get upset. If we were pushing for it to be battle roles only and taking away your options you wouldn't like it very much so don't come here pushing pure support on us.
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  12. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Maybe you should go read through some other threads before you make assumptions. In Fatal's tanking thread Moja clearly stated you benefit more from blocking with fire than using the active tank mod/style. Which is what you all want right? You just want to sit around blocking being souly dependent on your healer to save your behind? It shouldn't even be that way...It should be equally beneficial to do either style of tanking between turtle or active to be the players choice, but for the hundredth time this thread isn't about "active" tanking its about battle roles which is a total different story as I've already tried to explain to you...At this point I'm done wasting my breath on you...Some people just can't/won't understand the difference no matter how many times you explain it.
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  13. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

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  14. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Lol, just because you couldn't do it, and never saw it, doesn't mean it wasn't going on. After ice was fixed during T2, it was so OP back then. Fire was the best damage tank. My buddy Zerro, and I know of ano there dude named Dump Truck that were awesome at it.
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  15. spack2k Steadfast Player

    well just cause the options arent competitive doesnt mean they arent there , they just arent options for competitive thinking/playing but there are alot of players who dont care competitive gaming.

    well saying that this persons opinion is wrong or right is just an opinion aswell in the end.
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  16. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    You really think your view is that much different from the developers?
    It's very similar if you really think about it since you only want pure to be the only way to play something.
    I get that. I see why and understand why. But you're making an *** of yourself.. you really think that what you want is only for the best of the game while you take away uniqueness from powersets?
    All the powersets I mentioned are unique and able to battle role.
    It may not be in PvE but they can sure do it in PvP. You may want to look at all the possibilities instead of just your PvE view.
    I meant it when I said I play both sides. Not just talking about both roles in PvE but I meant both roles in PvP as well.
  17. VioletSorceress Committed Player

    Im curious to see how power efficient are turtle tanks with Power mastery vs Hybrid vs WM active tanks.

    And btw, I dont see how is active tanking forced at anyone since additional effects we get for non blocking are still inferior for most part compared to turtle tanking.
  18. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Bumping as a reminder that I'd still like the damage penalty removed from hybrid abilities
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