Let us have more than 4 bases!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MAXILIANO, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    They DO let you spend already.
    By having the 4 bases per character limit, they are giving you the option of making a second character with another 4 bases.
    On which you will definitely spend more than just the money for the additional bases.
  2. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    Sorry buddy ... But did you read what I wrote earlier?:confused:
  3. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I haven't read other peoples' responses, but here're my thoughts:
    • You can have alts with multiple bases, they can let your main in, and give them rights to use everything and move things around.
    • Not sure, but I think you might be able to have multiple league halls as well. If not, you could do the same thing as with alts, but they'd have to have a different league, with a bunch of Prestige.
    Those are ways around it in the present system. I have no problem with them selling you more.
    What I've heard from other base decorators, and what I think would be more lucrative with less system resources once it's built, would be to sell people the base version of an armory. You set it up, save it, and switch it out with another look. You'd have your saved profile for each season in that base, for instance.
  4. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

  5. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    What if you can only choose between [more than four bases] and [Encircling Throw restore]. :eek:

    If only one, which would you choose? :p
  6. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    Wow, this is meanness ...:eek:
    Too bad indeed ...:oops:
    I hate you...o_O
    But if I really had to choose there I would choose the return of Encircling Throw as it was ...:)
    But thanks to God this option does not exist ...:D
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