Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Captain Narcolepsy, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. Captain Narcolepsy New Player

    I should be online til around 2 am EST.. Hopefully we will meet up before then :)
  2. thenewkidd New Player

    This is definitely and all inclusive league.
    No one plays favorites with each other "eg.. cliques".
    Someone is Fresh CR84 we go out of our way to get them straight into BIA/FAM and getting the MoR..
    We will go in the the Wastelands and Farm Raven "for free" (many of us) to help out lower T5 level players.

    We do ALL the content and very feat oriented. You are CR68 and struggling to get that next tier, I guess I can only speak for myself, but I know the Good Ol' Captain would do his best to get the marks you need to succeed.

    One of the most active leagues I have ever been in.
    Thanks Captain, you do a great thing for us here.
  3. Esper928 New Player

    This league seems like exactly what im looking for, been playing for almost a month, my main is a lvl 30 mental controller cr 69, sp 59, ive been focusing on my feats more because what use is a cr without the innates to back it up?

    Im a helpful player and a feat hound, looking for like minded people.

    Captian Glowstick is my main (note the spelling error if you want to msg me)

    I have an alt earth tank in the process of leveling, and plans to level a healer and dps down the line.
  4. Captain Narcolepsy New Player

    LOL... I had already added you to my friends list and was waiting for you to log on. I got tired though and took a nap! We would be happy to add you and your alts to our ranks.
  5. biggs1128 New Player

    Hi im new to the game only been on a month but I have a ice tank CR66 SP 44 name is Biggshoe. I dont have a mic yet and im 37 mostly play at night EST. I joined a few other leagues on blind invites but they nvr did any groups or anything that I could tell. I like to group up and just play the game so let me know if you have room for me. I also have a gadgets troller CR52 SP 36, and im working on lvling a nature for healing but thats only lvl 17 and I actually just tried PvP yesterday on these toons. Thanks
  6. Captain Narcolepsy New Player

    I added Biggshoe to my friends list and will send you a league invite next time i see you log on.. We are alt friendly and would be happy to have another helpful member join our ranks!
  7. Captain Narcolepsy New Player

  8. Captain Narcolepsy New Player

  9. army New Player

    We are looking for active players of all roles. Come check us out and see if Legendary Heroes is the league for you! If you are interested, post here. You can also send an in-game message or e-mail to:

    Captain Narcolepsy - day time & evening (EST)
    DiebytheSword - late night (EST)


    21+ YEARS OF AGE
  10. Captain Narcolepsy New Player

  11. Dalton Reacher New Player

    new to the league and ran fos3 yesterday with some people and had a good time. thanks for the invite knuckles. also I'm 26 cause someone was asking what people's ages were. I'll try to be on when I can but my job requires me to be at work at 5am.
  12. Esper928 New Player

    Lol sorry about that, didnt have a chance to log in all weekend but ill be on today .
  13. matiek40 New Player

    I am interested in your league. I am a mental controller. My character name is Prime Troller. I am a hero. My cr 96 sp 68. I have a mic that I have never used with the game. I am over 21.
  14. Captain Narcolepsy New Player

    I would be happy to send you an invite and have you see if we are what you are looking for in a league, i think you will be happy.
  15. army New Player

    LEGENDARY HEROES - USPS3 - 21+ League
    We run all the new/old raids/alerts for Marks/Feats and Styles.

    We are looking for active players of all roles. Come check us out and see if Legendary Heroes is the league for you! If you are interested, post here. You can also send an in-game message or e-mail to:

    Captain Narcolepsy - day time & evening (EST)
    DiebytheSword - late night (EST)


    21+ YEARS OF AGE
  16. kira305 New Player

    Hey im 30 looking for a guild to run through some end game content, I tried to pug it but after so many wipes on FOS its been a real buzz kill. Currently i am at CR 53 or 56 (cant remember at work) with SP 40 Celestial name is Kira305 in game, usually log on around 6 till about 9 or 10pm est on weekdays and all day on saturday and sunday (working on getting SP up). I have full t2 in both healing and DPS. I currently would rather run through things as dps since i find dps on celestial quite fun, But I also want to get into healing, i would love to find someone who can teach me how to be a good healer as i currently feel like a fish out of water when it comes to healing. I am new to the DCUO world i only have been playing for a little over 3 weeks. I do have mmo exp i raided pretty heavy for about 3 years on WOW before quiting due to burn out and lack of time. I consider my self a causal player mainly playing on weekends or when my girl is not around. If theres a spot in your league i would love to find a home i currently am actively looking for a new guild, filled out several apps waiting to hear from some as of yet have not heard anything. I do not have a mic, but i do listen with my tv on full blast and i can follow directions well.
  17. Captain Narcolepsy New Player

    We would be happy to invite you to the league and have you see if we fit your needs.. i'm sure we will. I will add you to my friends list and invite you next time i see you log online. You are on usps3?
  18. kira305 New Player

    Yes I'm on usps3 psn jabba3o5 letter "o" not zero
  19. biggs1128 New Player

    Im gonna be on tomorrow night @5est think we can get a group @ to run some raids? Im 66CR ice tank thanks. I also have a 52cr gadgets troll if thats needed more.
    • Like x 1
  20. Captain Narcolepsy New Player

    Anytime, just shout in league chat that you want to run some raid and it will happen.. see you then!