Lantern themed base items.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Seethra, Jan 16, 2017.

  1. Seethra Well-Known Player

    Hey all,

    I realise that the game has quite a few Lantern themed base items, but I am unaware where these can be obtained from?
    Anything ranging from the symbols to mist containers or perhaps monitors and the like.

    I am more than willing to farm my buttocks off, as long as i know where my farming needs to be done.

    Help is appreciated.
  2. DarkAya Dedicated Player

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  3. Delta796th Loyal Player

    This should help

    Most just drops in WOTL episodes, but a few are collections. The really good stuff is OAN SM drops like the Oan console, or charging station (GL battery)
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  4. Seethra Well-Known Player

  5. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Cheap is relative to how much money you have.

    When Oan SM was going I could sell the charging console for 5-8 million in a matter of seconds.

    The systems interface was around 3 million with same results

    The portal was 8-10 million
  6. Seethra Well-Known Player

    Well that's ALL above my budget. I have 3m.
  7. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Just running the WOTL content, you'll get some good stuff.
    Mist containers, mist devices different corp emblems for walls etc..
    The posters are very nice as well, especially the Technology of the Lantern Corp & one that has all emotional spectrum on it
    Go to 3:50 to see the poster

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  8. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Zamaron base items from Valentine's Seasonal in case you want Star Sapphire themed base items.

    Valentine's Seasonal is in a few weeks so not too long to wait for that. :)
  9. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Oa porthole was only 800k on broker the other day. I had one stashed and I'm broke so I checked. Very sad.
  10. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Seriously...Holy crap!!!
    Gotta get my son to log in and buy another

    It's been a while since I bought any, that's why I put prices I bought them at. Good call on correction
  11. xD25x Dedicated Player

    I was astonished myself. Would have bought some but I'm some broke from buying Time Capsule stuff I couldn't afford it. Gotta save up for the next time capsule which will probably drop right after the event knowing the way things are going. I mean **** even the emblems are crazy expensive now.
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  12. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    I spent like 25 M for my GL base during last SM event, before that Oan Charging Console's price alone was over 25 M.
    I think Oan Monitors or Gateaways were pretty cheap, 200k-1M.
    If you want those rare items you gotta make some ingame cash (15-30M is doable in 2-3 months, selling some stuff ) and wait for Oan SM. Right now you can try get some rare Relics of Hope collections from Anti-monitor and sell for 7-10 M :)
  13. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Off topic:
    I wish we had Lantern Power Batteries as a base item in-game that would be cool.

    Something like this:

    Well there's one in the winter seasonal like that, but Can't find an image to show of it.
  14. DaBatmanX Well-Known Player

    Ok instead of making a new thread. Can I ask the devs once again to consider new ways for us to earn these items and if not can we some new lantern base items
  15. Multiverse 15000 Post Club