Kristyana's Incredibly Detailed Fire Tank Guide

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Kristyana, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. Lokkii Committed Player

    Heard this was a good guide, just got a chance to read thru in its entirety, +1, excellent job.
  2. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    question(s) .... Now since the new content block breaks do u find it effective to use amazonian deflection?( and does amazonian deflection activate fortified blocking?) also ring suggestions? and finally i clip stoke flames burning det. and then throwback draft b4 blocking...and go into amzn. deflection until cool down is over with .... could their be a more effective way of doing this to try to futher minimize my chances of dropping
  3. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    Amazonian does not let you reach the 80% with the neck mod you stop at 75%
    You can clip WITH Stoke, Burning, and Burnout; what I normally do is clip backdraft with one of the these
    Try using the breakout moves witihin the movement trees
    As far as rings go, comparing 83 rings to lockbox rings, its only like 20ish more def and some resto, so i believe the only time you might consider switching them would be if you get a purple one, but i havent seen those stats
    • Like x 1
  4. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    now nexus is completed listen to my fire tank stats
    health 7329 health w/o soda 14128 maxed ... w/ soda base 7918....15070
    1092 dominance

    CR 95 mostly expert mods all

    83 weapon & neck
    82 rings
    84 feet
    87 legs (experted)
    everything else 85 (including face) (experted)

    paradox is a different monster i've dps'ed it and trolled it in the past but upon tanking it i realized i was over my head .... while blocking one of the bosses could hit me for 18k in 2 seconds (3 hits combos ranging from 3-6+k)....( i spected in to defense and got about 60-90 extra def while sacrificing resto after this).

    The bosses block break for nearly 3-4 k and the next hit will be north of 10k (since they block my guard [figured i'll try pvp trinket to help that out]) ..... now i haven't brought AmaDeflection in it but even though i've read this 2 times aside from adding amazonian deflection to my loadout i got nothing. I effectivly clip w/ tickets and all my load out is

    stoak flames , burning determ, burnout, backdraft, mesmorizing lasso, hardlight shield.... trying my best to build the best loadout for taking damage. i care about nothing else except being my most durable ..... so if anyone with/ insightful tips i would appreciate some help because racking my brain isn't getting me anywhere plz (and plz don't say switch to ice i refuse i know there easier and better but the feeling of accomplishment is there with every mission passed fire tanking)?
  5. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    I noticed the same thing. Just need to spend more time learning the tells and what attacks you can take and what attacks you cant.
  6. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    lol this is a crime all the paradox vids i watch i see only ice .... and to be honest i the last boss is fire tankable its just getting there is much easier w/ ice
  7. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    Kris still playing or checking this thread?
    Last post was 4/24
  8. Remander Steadfast Player

    I rarely see him on nowadays. Think his job has gotten pretty intense.
  9. JimsArcade Well-Known Player

    *sigh* it's come to the point where if you're not an ice tank, you're getting kicked from Nexus/Paradox raids. :mad: WTH are we supposed to do to become relevant for T5 again?
  10. Oddpodd Dedicated Player

    I was looking at this thread for the first time since I never really took an interest in Fire Tanking....Now I was like:


    Will be making a Fire Tank soon :p
    • Like x 1
  11. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    i've seen the raid from multiple perspectives and each tank class has its own strengths and weaknesses, just prove yourself as a good tank and people shouldn't worry about what power you are
    • Like x 3
  12. bedovean New Player

    I disagree. I started as fire....went earth.....hate ice

    No matter how much you master fire or earth tanking-you still are not as good as a mediocre ice tank. I am great at the power and challenge..well from a tanks perspective your hob is to make the raid easier for the group. Any power but ice is a hinderence.

    Again I hate ice....guess what my tank
  13. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

  14. Solace New Player

    i was reading this bit by bit thinking(i prob know how to tank like a pro now.....)then i scrolled down and was like.....pen and paper
    • Like x 2
  15. Xzotix Committed Player

  16. AV Loyal Player

    Partially disagree. Ice is definitely less stressful for healers but I feel a solid fire tank can do as good of a job as a solid ice tank. Whenever I run Nexus, the deciding factor has always been the pug's ability to handle the scripted de-aggro, environmental effects, and AoE. Keeping hate and staying alive hasn't been much of an issue. Feel like, aside from the general situational awareness everyone needs, quality of DPS is consistently the deciding factor on how smooth the run is.

    Speaking of scripted deaggro, always makes me laugh when people blame stuff like General Luthors teleport/one-shot on Tank XD
    • Like x 1
  17. DJ_KLo New Player

    Okay, probably a dumb question, and I probably missed it somewhere in here but when I use DPS gear in fire tank PVP, do I use PVP gear or PVE gear?
  18. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    it is a dumb question, so i'll let you figure that out on your own buddy, good luck.
  19. DJ_KLo New Player

    Well, it's a good thing I wasn't addressing you specifically, isn't it. Had I just asked you, I'd be screwed. Good thing I left it open for others to reply and not just you. Sorry I didn't specifically call on you and didn't make you feel so special, buddy. Maybe next time.
  20. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    hey, you may not have been asking "me" specifically. but, you did specifically ask the public, which I am a part of. so, technically you did ask me specifically smart guy. and no, this isn't an opportunity to make myself feel special. rather, it's a moment where I open an opportunity allowing you to think for yourself within the obvious. by the way buddy, did you figure it out yet? maybe next time you'll have the answer. therefore, once again, good luck.