Just a few things to get off my chest regarding Stat Clamp and The state of the game for new players

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FluffyCloud99, Jan 11, 2023.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    That’s kind of an obvious thou. Same can be said in reverse. Look how fast these threads would go away if anti clamps didn’t keep posting them. People do not argue with themselves (at least not the sane ones).

    Saying that these wouldn’t get to 50 pages if people weren’t discussing them is an obvious.
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  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Enjoyable for who? You? You aren’t the only one playing this game. Something you can’t seem to comprehend is that the overall success of the game is more important than the feelings of a few.
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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I don't know...he says to the FIRST guy to post in many of these threads....but those 'I love the clamp' threads died pretty fast as the opposition ignored them for the most part. And no...people don't argue with themselves....that's the point. You keep arguing with them. Take away the argument and you've got some 3 post complaint threads that will eventually fizzle off the first page and die a natural death from starvation.

    I refer to Proxy's 'Learning by Osmosis' mantra....many of you need some osmosisin I guess.

    BTW...not saying anyone is not welcome to reply and argue all you want. Just saying....don't be surprised or irritated when the fire keeps going as you continue to throw gas and logs on it.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I fall into this trap as well. You wouldn't even believe how many replies I've fully typed out and then cancelled through sheer force of will NOT to be part of the problem.
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  5. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    oh I believe ya and have been there many times my self. I find I tend to lose that battle more than win it
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  6. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I always found that statement to be weird because there's a lot of good paid powers like electric, atomic, rage and earth. I believe Mepps said that statement about paid powers not bringing back much money because powers like gadgets a free power has always been broken much like superspeed.
  7. Sghoul Well-Known Player

    I think the point being that many players won't pay and swap powers and won't pay and make new characters just to try it out.

    When it comes down to it, the powers end up largely cosmetic. Yes some have combos, but it isn't like they add wholy new mechanics. I am thinking of, say, FF where you have the Conjurer as a healer, which is straight forward heals. Then the Astrologian, which swaps various tarot like cards in and out for different effects during combat or the Sage which is more about putting barriers up to keep people from getting hurt in the first place. The gameplay rotation is very different, so different classes play very differently and appeal to different people. Powers in DCUO are more straightforward and mostly just look different. If, say, Ice DPS isn't doing it for you, Electric DPS is not going to rock your world.

    They would have to come up with something really different for it to matter. And even then, I don't think making money off of it should be the end goal. It should be for engagement. Either bring people back or bring in new people who didn't like the old gameplay loop. But that is a big ask for a small team. FF can do it because it brings in tons of money and has a huge team...I mean it is one of the most profitable games in a huge company.

    I still think they could do some mix and match powersets that are just the current sets with different visuals. Like Purple Lanterns, which is just a mix of Light and Earth, with purple constructs instead of the rock textures.
  8. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Every paid power has something unique to them that the other power doesn't have. Water has a 8 man shield, ice (not paid but worth mentioning) in DPS role gives you a defense bonus for activating any shield. Atomic has the aura which no other powerset has. Earth is a pet tanking powerset or just normal tanking method. Rage has a leeching mechanic tied to it's powers. If they make a new power they would have to think of something new and unique to it. I just don't know why we haven't been able to see a new powerset with the many powers already in the game in the form of Legends. The blue lantern dude from Legends has a cool karate animation. Cheetah has feral attacks, Circe can clone herself. I always found that power really fun to use.
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  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    It can be a tough one to call. I played the nearest competition to DCUO before DCUO came out, and even with being decently familiar with the Champions characters from the pen-and-paper game it could be a little tough to connect with the game and content. And with nothing to connect with in City of Heroes, I never found myself really wanting to play it.

    DCUO being set where it is? That hooked me, for sure. And getting to hear some of the most iconic versions of the characters (Batman and Joker in particular) on the regular was icing on the cake. But after playing it, the combat style clicked enough that I found myself wishing other games out there would use a similar type of combat. I even had pipe dreams of SWG adopting a version of it or seeing that kind of active combat in a new Star Wars MMO. LOL

    But I can't say for sure whether or not I would have found the system I've come to enjoy so much if it hadn't been for the "set in the DC universe" hook of the game, or whether or not I would have stayed with the game as long as I have if the setting wasn't something that appealed to me the way playing in the DC universe has.
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  10. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Join the drama. Be the drama. Let the chaos consume you >:)
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  11. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Ugh I can only hope and dream a Star Wars mmo game can be like that or like Fallen Order but as a mmo.
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  12. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    I saw a news artical about a star wars game but its like no mans sky with the travelling. Apparently you make your own character and its online. Sounds like an MMO to me. If i find a video or something on it i will post it
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Oh, I join....but when I do, I also don't then say 'Why all the drama?'.
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  14. KnightFalz Active Player

    Perhaps, but I think a very, very profitable game could manage more than a predictable copy and paste content structure. Then again, if that alone provides them with satisfactory return there isn't much motivation to do more than.

    However, having taken some time to acquaint myself with the current state of the game I do see there have been many changes aside from adding more of that repetitive content and also have a graphics overall incoming.

    They appear to be doing well as you say, at least in many ways.
  15. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    First... Yes. I speak from my own perspecive.

    The quote in question:
    And: Yes....There was a balance between occupancy and character strength that made the game more enjoyable/playable.

    Less people played older content as we got stronger and not as many people were needed to run old content. It was balanced.

    Now.. We still have less people running old content... but, thanks to the clamp those other people are now still needed... but they're not really there... and the fill-ins that we find aren't quite up for the job, yet...

    So we might get the same result... but, it takes more time to do it. Which probably leads to even less people running old content.

    I would assume that most people would like the balance between strength and population. I would assume that people wouldn't find the opposite leading to more difficult play taking more time.

    Sorry, I forgot we have sadists who enjoy wasting their time that play this game.

    I'll try to be more inclusive in my statements next time.:rolleyes:

    Yes. I see this as a problem that has a negative effect on the "overall success of the game".
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  16. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    12 years isn't going strong?
  17. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    We were lucky to have Stephen Hawking for 76 years...

    I don't know how "strong" you would describe him for most of that time.....
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  18. STsource Well-Known Player

    They are bringing in new emotes after 12 years which is mandatory in any MMO launch that alone says everything.
  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Again, you can’t seem to comprehend how long term success is not measured but players like yourself being upset over a change made specifically for the overall health of a game. You continue to ignore all the reasons to why they implemented the clamp in order to continue to whine about things taking longer and the game “NEEDING” to have an option.

    Making the game roflstomp easy mode does not magically bring in more players. In fact, it may even have the opposite effect. No clamp has caused a lot of issues. Things that have been explained to you multiple times but still continue to ignore.
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  20. Sghoul Well-Known Player

    Just because something went a long time doesn't mean it is strong. I am not saying it isn't either...as I have no numbers. But your logic is flawed. Many businesses that close did so after being open a long time.

    Everquest is still going as well, but I know not a soul that plays it or talks about it. That tells me they have a small loyal fanbase which keeps them going. As the people age out, eventually the game will die, since it is unlikely to be adding new, longtime players.

    So, for DCUO they not only need to keep going but find ways to convert new players into long term players if they want to thrive as opposed to survive. And the status quo is unlikely to do that. So new ideas and *gasp* changes are usually the way companies do that.
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