Issue with the sp system and the game in general

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Alphabolt, Feb 12, 2019.

  1. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    You think this is something I want to do? I’m usually the most cautious guy in the room! I started out suggesting that we need two tanks, but again, I have no power over other players. So I have to try and make the best of it.
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  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Yeah, was a bit nitpicky in hindsight. I actually have a fairly high sp count, because I just happen to enjoy checking metaphorical boxes, but I don’t want to have to expect others to do the same.
  3. Proxystar #Perception

    Have you tried forming your own LFG group with two tanks? notwithstanding the fact I still assert you only need one competent tank for normal.
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  4. August Moon Well-Known Player

    from what i can read up from this forums it sounds like its everyones fault in your runs . your groups for not adhering to the specifications that the raid unfortunately has to fall under . and yours for not going against the grain to adhere to their specifications . its like two trains trying to get by on the same track . its impossible so instead of one of you falling line everyone just quits...or youre kicked from group and replaced. I wanna echo what proxy said earlier , you need buy an armory so you can go against the grain all the while allowing you to still keep your playstyle on the back burner.

    the game isnt going to get easier , the burger king days of the game are over, you cant have it your way in end game content an expect to get through it without a hiccup. everyone needs to shape up and fall in line and if and only if youre able to divert from the meta ever so slightly , go ahead and go for it . But if your diversion is something like ....superman meleeing the boss , its not going to work anymore
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  5. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    You do indeed only need one competent tank. I forgot to mention, it also isn’t my default strategy. I watch and evaluate the tank all through the raid. If they’re clearly not struggling and are very much in control, I do NOT try to bait the hook. As for trying to make my own group, I just don’t feel like trying to swim against the tide like that. People will absolutely insist they can solo tank it, will leave when I refuse to budge, and it’ll just be a nightmare.
  6. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Oh I absolutely walk that tightrope. I have one character that uses Dual Pistols, yes, but I’m not just full autoing into crowds. I’m using the WM combos, clipping with powers, all precision artifacts at 120+, shields, orbitals, seahorse and stuff. My damage output rarely dips lower than 75% of the top dps’s damage.
  7. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Nobody wants to hold somebody hand all the time.

    That is frustrating, it is even frustrating when you try to help people and they dump on you for even suggesting they go back and work on their SP or basically suggest they work on their skills.

    By the way the best way to track your feats is to have the check boxes.

    Most of your discussions show how you feel, nothing wrong with that, but as others are saying, in use it can and more than likely don't work.

    You can defend others who don't care about being better, nothing wrong with that, it is your view.

    What is wrong though is having a very high opinion to expecting completion rates to swing to a greater amount, when by default other players don't care to improve their character or skill, but want the game to cater one way and diminish the stats earned whether through content that test their newly acquired stats or by nerfing the player to account for others who don't invest in their own toons.

    We can't truly want others to be like ourselves, at some point any person has a point that will make them feel one way or another.
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  8. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Just a second ago you claimed to not have made any rants about Atlantis-content, so which is it? Seems to me like you're trying to backpedal away from your original statements rather than standing by them.

    It makes it even more ironic if you actually want this to only be raid-specific, being that's where the actual, main difficulty in content in general is, yet the vast majority of normal raids are all basic tank and spank with minimum mechanics.
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  9. dresserball Dedicated Player

    Question is what is the top dps doing? I mean it might not even be a good number you are comparing yourself to.

    Also if you want 2 tanks go and lfg for it. Saves time compared to all those disbands and then writing about it on the forums.
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  10. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    hey man send a message to Incenerater with a list of what all you need for base items and il talk to the league and see what we can do to help ya out. (im ps/us btw)
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  11. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    My original statement is that normal raids since Spindrift are more difficult than the other normal raids we’ve had since the revamp. I complained about bugs and oversights in the Atlantis solo and alert, but that is in no way equivalent to the major meltdowns I had over Spindrift and The Machine. You’re the one muddying the water with false equivalencies.
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  12. Zneeak Devoted Player

    But, they really aren't. You may personally think it is, as you think most normal content isn't easy enough to your liking as stated by your feedback since even before Spindrift. Thing is, everytime these posts and rants come up here, you always seem to be in the minority with having as much issues as you claim to have as compared to a lot of others. That simply tells me that the actual content is not the big issue in general here.

    Don't tell me i'm muddying the waters with false equivalencies when the majority of your rants rarely come with data to support the difficulty you claim the content is having. (with the exception of previously mentioned bugs) It's just merely you pushing your never ending opinion of what YOU think "normal" content should be. Claiming all content has been too difficult or been to ranked up without proper videos and/or data to show for it, well now that is what i'd like to call muddying the waters.

    It's also ironic that you still to this day keep bringing up Spindrift in terms of difficulty, because if I remember correctly you yourself mentioned you beat it at first try in 22 minutes when it first came out while admittedly not knowing what was going on at all. How can somebody just get through instances first try in just 22 minutes while not even knowing what's going on, if it's so goshdarn difficult and punishing? Hmm, it's a real mystery.
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  13. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Spindrift is simply where I feel the paradigm shifted. And all the content I complained about between the revamp and that were alerts. I tried posting videos and data with my atlantis feedback but got the same old, same old tired harassment from the likes of you anyway, so I’m not gonna bother in future. I’ve even explained in detail the precise inner workings of Gut Hook and am STILL being spoken to like I’m some kind of imbecile.
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  14. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Your previous feedback states otherwise, you've been calling out normal content since way before Spindrift and you know it. A whole lot of other forumers here knows it. Where's the videos and data showing just how more difficult and ramped up content has gotten, that you speak of and accuse me of harassing? Please post that. Please do. Please start posting regular, full runs of your groups and show us this terror of difficulty in NORMAL that you always speak of. I am 100% certain that you won't post, because that very video will more than likely show that the actual content isn't the real issue in the run.

    Like always you seem to feel like you're the only one entitled to rant about the same old, same old, but if anyone dares to question or oppose any of your rants it's straight to the deck of victim cards talking about "the likes of me". I am so sorry that I can manage basic mechanics and realize the difference between "content being difficult" and "group not applying teamwork". :eek: My deepest apologies.

    Perhaps you should reconsider posting these never ending, exaggerating statements on a Public forum if you can't actually handle the opposing opinion. Just sayin'.
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  15. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Yeah, but it wasn’t raids until Deluge. I’ve already said that my issues in recent content were largely the result of user error. I simply think the last 5 raids allow a significantly narrower margin of error than other most other normal raids since the revamp. That’s all I’m saying. Everything else is stuff being blown out of proportion as per usual. The penalties for not applying teamwork are much more apparent in these raids. I don’t post videos because it’s kind of a nuisance and I get the same responses even when I do.
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  16. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    so wait dudes been complaining since Deluge? and im guessing nothings changed... yet still complaining and expecting a different result..... hmmm sounds oh idk kinda insane.
  17. Zneeak Devoted Player

    You've been known to freak out after having a death. Not a wipe, just a simple death, so your take of a "significantly narrower" margin doesn't feel feasible either way without turning normal content into event-level content.

    It's not all you're saying, not by a long shot. What you have been saying and implying for a good, long while for a noticably increasing amount of other forumers to see is that you personally think normal should be much easier than it already is, to the point where the window of user error gets much smaller. You aknowledge user error, but refuse to accept that the user error is what mainly needs fixing in your case, not the content itself. I've said it many times before, but i'll say it again: You can't keep dumbing down content to cure bad play in groups.

    Trust me, no offense, but after all of your various, exaggerated rants about difficulty in normal content in DCUO, there is definately not a lot of it that is being blown out of proportion. Prime evidence is some of the developer's own reactions when you were once practically begging for a nerf on new content that just got announced and barely had time to hit test servers yet. :p There we can talk about blowing stuff out of proportion lol.

    Sorry, that's a lame excuse. I haven't seen you post a single video of an actual run portraying the difficulty issues you always seem to have in normal content, blaming it on "but I get bad responses" is a cop out. I think you're not recording a full run because you don't want to expose the teamwork and lack there off leading to the "difficulty" you so often mention in normal content. The same, normal content that most others around here don't seem to struggle half as much with. It can't always be the content's fault over and over, for several episodes.
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  18. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    The problem with things like the Murk fight are that groups continually insist on solo tank, solo heal, solo troll in reg... as if this is some kind of private parts measuring contest. If you want to finish that fight faster, go in with 2 tanks, separate Aquamancer from the group and burn him down while ignoring everything else and avoiding splash damage going to War Magus and Coralmancer. Then when Murk joins the fight keep him separated as much as possible (scripted attacks, you know) and don't bother burning everything else. What most people fail on with this is that Murk will come out when the collective health of all three... Aquamancer, Coralmancer, and War Magus... is reduced by half. It doesn't matter if you kill one and then switch to another or if you burn each of them a little bit. And regardless, once Murk joins the fight you still need to eliminate Aquamancer before switching to Murk. Don't want two tanks? Go with two healers... more shields and better ability to fill in the spaces. "Troll is nothing but a battery"? BS. Get all of those damned debuffs on the one you're trying to burn down. It's a matter of understanding the mechanics of the fight... and don't come back with "Tank needs to kite them." With one tank, they will all try to come back to the tank and constantly bunch up.

    Want the Throne last boss fight to go faster? Keep the Flames of Sagittarius away from Corum Rath so they don't empower him.

    Want the Pisces room (alert) to go faster? Have a tank pull the statues into the chum. They die faster when they're in the chum.

    Want the add rooms to go smoother in the alert? DON'T AGGRO THE WHOLE ROOM AT ONCE WITHOUT A TANK.

    Quite frankly, the devs are... in some very subtle ways... trying to get us to bring different roles into the alerts and to bring multiple healers or tanks into the reg raids. The trouble is the player community is resisting instead of being more open-minded about how to make things go faster. Stop working harder and start working smarter.
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  19. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    And I am totally on bored with that, you know that because you liked a post where I said I’m trying, but you can only lead a horse to water. Unfortunately their stubbornness becomes my problem too, which is ultimately what I resent. I wish I could force people to do everything you just said, and I always suggest it. Indeed with the Atlantis alert add rooms I have typed the sentence “DON’T ATTACK EVERYTHING AT ONCE” with such frequency that my Playstation’s predictive text recognises it now. How can I make people get with the program? :(
  20. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    I rarely visit older areas because new or returning players will ask for help and I’ll go then complain that it was *bam* one-punch-and-down because I’m so much higher than them. Or they’re trying to get a feat and I’ll ask what we need to do and they’ll get impatient. When if they need the feat then why do I need to look it up? Just say what to do?
    So if the person will respect that I want to do my daily stuff first. As well as tolerate my opinion why should I be expected to take off half my gear because I’m so much higher and that I will ask what to do with the feat instead of scrolling through stuff then I’ll help. But too often in the past I’ve encountered people who either overreact because it’s too easy with my OP help or make me feel taken advantage of because every time I get on it’s “hey help me” as soon as I log on.