Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by jessiejames4211, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. blklightning New Player

    Does it matter? The only time DPS is mandatory are when bosses have enrage timers. W/o those, the rest of us "support" people can whittle the boss away and have quite a smooth time at it.
  2. Saami Loyal Player

    to me dps is a role. Others it may not be. Neither is right.
    Dps is something between.
    Im bit drunk so forget this.
  3. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    Should be

    "have a quite a smooth and unbelievably LONG time at it"

    i work for a literally time is money......

    i dont have the time to waste doing something like that to prove a petty point
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  4. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    its a game term.....
    used by all even developers.....

  5. ItsHard New Player

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  6. IThe PatchI New Player

    I've done FOS3 with a party os DPSsers, so, according to your statement, by the logic implied, healers, tanks and trollers aren't mandatory too.
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  7. Tre Day New Player

    Um, no, I'm not downplaying a DPS, as I play a HL DPS myself. I'm putting DPS, along with every other role, in their proper perspective. I don't see where you're making this kind of assumption. DPS does the most damage in a group, right? Do they do the only damage in the group?

    By the way, I usually don't assume anyone playing a certain role, unless they bring up whatever role they play in the game as justification for their argument. It would make me come off as ignorant, which I'm not. I'd like to think I consider all sides of an argument before voicing my opinion.

    Hopefully, this does clear up some misconceptions about my posts and whatnot.
  8. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I say thanks for nothing all the time. At the end of all instances, I say thanks to the group, and most of the time, I have nothing in my bag to show for it other than the marks I earned. I rarely get any gear since I need only on my role only when I actually need the stats, greed for style on my role, and pass on all off-roles. That includes passing on dps gear out of consideration for dps players who already have way too much competition gearing up and getting styles.

    I look forward to the new loot system. Sorry it doesn't help you with the people you roll with who are nice enough to come to an agreement beforehand so you get the gear you want.
  9. smoove76 Committed Player

    DPSERS are REALLY living on borrowed time if you ask me. If DCUO devs decided to boost Tank, Healers & Controller Base Might & Precision stats by oh lets say about 500 point boost for precision and 800 point boost for might,for the roles previously mentioned. DPSERS WOULD BE OLD NEWS.
  10. Delyxe New Player

    To use your logic, no one is allowed to get the styles or feats that come with the styles but you. I roll NEED on ALL DPS gear if it's iconic, GREED if it's not. That's pretty much SOP.
  11. Sore Steadfast Player

    Could get scary when Armories come. The playerbase, with their current trend of group tactics, might actually go the other way. Maybe support roles will be old news. Okay, that's an exaggeration. But maybe groups will start expecting you to be in your support role for only part of the raid. Maybe you're only going to have 2 healers or 2 trolls or 1 tank for boss fights. Maybe players will push more and more for zerg-rush strategies.
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  12. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Once again proving why 'vote to kick' needs to be altered or removed.

    There is no such thing as 'ninja looting' this a made up notion that some players choose to enforce with megalomaniacal fervor.

    "[DCUO] Reports of 'Ninja Looting'
    I've been Ninja Looted! Can a GM help?

    It has become social custom for players in DC Universe Online to create informal agreements between the members of a group or raid to roll/not roll on particular items during an encounter should they become available. The DCUO In-game team does not officially recognize the rules laid out in these types of agreements and will not enforce them should a service ticket be submitted claiming that an agreement was broken. Players need to work with the group before the encounter begins to determine how the loot process will work, making use of the group/raid loot tools provided in the game's mechanics."
  13. jessiejames4211 New Player

    considering people are already giving up a healer for a extra dps i doubt it
  14. jessiejames4211 New Player

    r u serious i never realized there where so many idiots on this game ,, stop and think about this if i go in has a healer im going to need on healler stuff , if i go in as a dps i am going to need on dps stuff if the healer who is in there doesnt need the stuff and i am dps then i can need on it if he does i would hit pass ,, how do you that i am the only one who deserves feats out of that ,, you are the one who is selfish because it is ALLLLLLLLLL ABOUT YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU I NEED ON ANYTHING I NEEED THAT IS SELFISH
  15. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    3 things.
    1) I've been kicked 3 times in my DCUO life (this is not about me it's about the good of the game)
    2) You have not played with me, please don't make assumptions about how I play.
    3) 'Vote to kick' will be altered it's broken the Devs have chimed in on other threads and are willing to listen to alternatives. The same as with Skill point Feats, Loots distribution and other things that have been vocal in the forum, we will get it changed. As it stands it is detrimental to new player retention and divides the community.

    Lastly, Your attitude is an example of why players game experience needs to be protected from each other.
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  16. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    According to jens anderson and the other developers DPS most certainly IS A ROLE. Apparently customer service didn't get the memo.
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  17. Solarstar New Player

    Actually, DPS will never live on borrowed time since SOE can only allocate so many points into each piece of gear... hence why the DPS will have the highest Might/Precision (depending on which power or how they DPS), the Tanks will have the highest Dom and Health (... as well as Resto if they're Fire), Controllers having the highest Vit (... with Dom, Power or Health being secondary), while Healers have sole possession of Resto.
  18. Solarstar New Player

    Zergs will only work if the DPS can actually burn the boss down and manage their power properly.

    However, I would actually advise against zerg groups incase the devs decide to make T6 harder than T5.
  19. Sore Steadfast Player

    I was thinking they'd want DPS-heavy runs for things like small incursions and hallways. Maybe they'll start trying to tell people which stance to be in for specific parts of the raid, not necessarily the entire raid. i just assume someone out there is going to find ways to exploit that. However they do, I imagine it's in favor of DPS stance as they're always finding ways to finish faster.
  20. Solarstar New Player

    Groups do want to finish raids in an ample amount of time, but normally three DPS will do just fine in enclosed areas such as hallways or smaller incursions.

    A DPS-heavy group will spell trouble since it will be harder for the Controller(s) to perform their duties since you need someone using PoT and using Power Dump, while the other one uses Power Dump and CC/Debuffs. Remember, power is a finite source that needs to be managed properly.