Important Announcement: Weaponlord

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Twilight Avenged, Jan 31, 2018.

  1. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    You must have the wrong impression of me. I didn't say what you put in my mouth there, in fact I agree that weapons and Hybrid Focus need adjustments. I just don't agree that using weapons isn't viable or even that it's not competitive - at least not with all powersets. Claiming that weapons automatically put you at the bottom of the board is just plain wrong and circlejerking just for the sake of it.

    There is clearly an imbalance in playstyles, I'm not denying that. My conclusions are a bit different from yours though and I'll gladly discuss them with you if you're actually interested. If you're just going to tell me all people I play with are noobs because I somehow manage to keep up then I'm not going to take you seriously.
  2. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    Was there a time when DW wasn't OP for range? To be honest the DW throw is one of the most ridiculous combos and I just dislike the whole weapon. I've used Bow since character creation and it's working well for me right now ;)
  3. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I think you're the one who grossly misinterpreted what I said. Of course that tends to happen quite often when I use sarcasm, like I did with my first reply.

    I never said using a weapon puts you at the bottom of the scoreboard, but if you're running with top notch DPS, that know how to squeeze every drop of damage out of their rotation, then there is a clear discrepancy with the playstyles
  4. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    You almost got me there. For a minute I thought Weaponlord was an improvement to weapons.
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  5. Wallachia Devoted Player

    So did I.

    Now I challenge Weaponlord to party with the best players and get top damage in the hardest raid while using only brawling.
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  6. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    Speaking of Brawling. My Rage tank using brawling weapon mastery can’t keep up with my Atomic tanking in terms of damage.
  7. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Atomic deals a lot of damage when tanking. I believe Rage is more independent in terms of solo tanking tho.
  8. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    No, the one about the scoreboard came from 9001. I think I have a decent understanding of what you said. I just don't agree with all of it.
  9. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    That’s true, all I do is pop Severe Punishment and just use Brawling shuriken or basic Brawling combos while I still have time before popping a rage canceling power.
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  10. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Want to do something funny? Kite a lot of adds then spam pulls. You will juggle them all around. I once solo tanked one of the 3 raids in fortress of solitude (I forgot the name), and my team got wiped in a boss fight where the boss spawned a lot of adds. I prolongued the fight for 7 minutes by juggling the spawned adds non-stop then popping colas whenever possible.

    10/10 would juggle all the adds again.
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  11. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    I got kicked for soloing a boss lmao everyone else was either a noob or a hater. Might be both. I lost count of how many times I carried players even in elite alerts. By the way, I like to juggle too lol. I like spamming Ragebringer and Without Mercy.
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  12. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Lol. Maybe just a little.

    I'm very curious, kind of like your sarcasm, what good damage is compared to using bow smokbomb or DW. People I run with, i just don't see it.

    Again, not trying to put down who anyone is playing with or their skill level. Just think there are different ideas of what good damage is.
  13. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Yea when WM came out. Almost literally everyone was using DW to Explosive with a burst power for the crit.
  14. Dene Devoted Player

    Nice! Grats TA!

    Great hijacking of thread guys :p
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  15. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Heck I juggle my adds all the time by smashing rocks lol. Such a good feeling ;P