I'm quitting DCUO....

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Dawnbringer, Feb 17, 2013.

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  1. SHAD0W STRlKE New Player

    Enjoy your break,i started playing DCUO to break from FPS now I see myself taking one in near future, Defiance a new game coming out has caught eye.Well troll or not I like to think there people who don't mind speading the wealth.So couldplz I get a Precision and Might IV plan and what ever cash you want to throw my thanks .Toon's name SHAD zero W space STRLKE
  2. pouncake372 New Player

    appreciate this post and your generosity,figuring i dont know you from Adam so i thank you on bahalf of all those who wont

    things i could use would be
    Cash -im really hurting money wise
    Base Items -any
    plans - any

    toons name - Kalamity Jane or JonnyRotten

    TY once again
  3. The Kitsune New Player

    I agree with the posts that stated Keep it. You never know, you could get that ich again to play.
  4. Snow New Player

    I wish you were in USPC :(
  5. Goku1144 New Player

    Thank you for the 20mil! Even though I only asked for 10mil. But I am grateful. Let me know if you have any bits left over. I would love them. I LOVE BLUES
  6. Gafa New Player

  7. Willydon305 Well-Known Player

    Wow, you know you play this game too much when a player has a long list of things he's giving away and you have everyone of them lol... Bro, hold on to your stuff (attleast the cash) because i'm pretty sure all you need is some time off from the game and then you will be back. +1 for your altruism.
    • Like x 1
  8. Abandon New Player

    All you vultures disgust me.

    That being said, I wouldn't mind some cash & blue bits (I'm a tank, don't look at me like that) to Abandon if you have any left. :p
  9. Cataclyzm New Player

    If there's any scraps left I'll take 10 mil. Thanks for being so generous!
    • Like x 1
  10. duncanidaho666 New Player

    My toons name is lazy eye and ten million dollars would be much appreciated
  11. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    Sent a PM late last night or early this morning. However you want to look at it.
  12. Supremacy New Player

  13. Supremacy New Player

    And hope you change your mind one day!
  14. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    i would really appreciate some money if you still have any left. maybe 10-20 mil? whatever you think is appropriate is fine with me. thank you!

    my in-game name is Agnetta
  15. Scarbane New Player

    Um, yeah so if you are into RPGs, the Elder Scrolls series is great.
  16. Circe New Player

    Also, it seems like an odd time to quit.

    We just got the DLC, the Valentine's stuff, and we're getting a new update in the coming weeks.

    There's a lot going on in DCUO right now.
  17. Circe New Player

    Oh, and we just got the new forums as well.
  18. Ivan21 New Player

    Hey can I get 15 mil and one of those might or precision plans, thanks.

    Hero name: FireBroken
  19. ImpeccableSin New Player

    I don't know if you're giving anything to villains, but I would really like to get some things. However, ironically, you do seem to know that the average villain is nicer than the average hero. You guys do get a bad name because most of the trolls join the hero side though, so I know not all of you are bad. If you're willing to send me anything, my main characters name is Randumo, a HL DPS. So if you want to give me any cash, precision based plans, and/or exobits, I would really appreciate is.
  20. WonderValkyrie New Player

    my in-game name is powermaster wonder, im broke so any cash would be great ty
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