I'm not a fan of the elite.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Marine Death, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    I was pretty sure he said "You will need all gear to move on"
    If I'm wrong then yay.
    But, then where on the break down chart are the normal Alerts and Raids?
    Also, and again, if anything I'm saying is uber blatantly wrong, please call me on it and show me I'm wrong. I am often wrong and do not mind being proved wrong.
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  2. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    Ya I'm not a fan of rich people =/
  3. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    Throne and throne elite differences are this

    They have higher stats
    Stronger adds during ares
    You have to kill 4 adds instead of 1 while banished, but most people beating elite hades are just using a power to avoid banishment.

    Let's not go as far as saying elite is boring vs normal. they are pretty much the same raid, if normal bores you and elite doesn't thats really interesting tbh.
  4. Sbel Devoted Player

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  5. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    Sweet, thank you.
    As I said somewhere else, yesterday I was dealing with some massively heartbreaking, depressing, upsetting, rage inducing, real life, BS and it effected and colored everything that happened to me. I'm not surprised that I missed these and went all end of the world.
    Has this made me a fan of Elite stuff, nope. However, glad to have accurate info.
    Thank you
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  6. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    And to make elite raids worse is when I finally getting around to being able to beat it, I wont be getting rewarded for it. If you don't beat elite thrones before you reach t7, you might as well not even bother with it.
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  7. Necro Maat Well-Known Player

    Elite =

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  8. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    That was the most upsetting thing to read yesterday.
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  9. lukelucky Devoted Player

    i actively advoided the elite raid and all but skipped throne all together. why? for me i dont need validation to know i am a decent player. if 3 years of dong things alot have not been able to is not enough i doubt the elite would change this. i hate the rewards setup with vendor being 3rd best gear so i am not into this system nor did i embrace it.

    going forward. well starting in the next dlc there will be no more fire tank bashing cause this tanks hot about the abuse his power has taken AGAIN. this is 2nd only to fos 2. for the op
    it is absolutely awful to lose in game friends you ran with the last few years. thing is you cant let them be an anchor to you and your gaming. build a group and take them in. if i am a earth dps will i really be upset my power cant get it done? NOPE. i will be mad at the power though. i think this was a great addition because getting my face beat in and running with awful groups made me a skilled player. so your friends dont messure up. NOTHING can be done sadly about the powers that are lacking till they are not but the lack of skill? wouldnt going in and having seat time make you better?

    pvp back in year one. man they hit me so fast and often. everything was to fast and to much like raids. as i spent time in said situations things slowed down and became beatable. ok my one pvp buddy not so much as he is insanely beast mode. i think for the small % that was able to beat this raid it was VERY NEEDED for them. EVERYONE ELSE go practice, take an insane challange and take your lumps. the repair bills will be ugly as will some runs but sooner than later i imagine ud improve.

    hey bud good luck OP
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  10. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

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  11. Sbel Devoted Player

    NP. ;)

    I'd quit the game if they were requiring either a complete set that drops at random or completion of Elite content at level.
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  12. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    Calm down, aswel as mods not adding to cr, their not putting higher item level gear in raids any more. Also, 'play--your--way' refers ONLY to whether you subscribe or not and nothing else, this has been clarified many time before which is probably why it's censored now, to stop people using it to twist it's true meaning
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  13. Marine Death Committed Player

  14. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Which is why theres a totally separate version of the raid they can still get marks from weekly.

    I will never understand the hate for Elite. Sure, to get the very best gear you need to run it, but with the rate 101 gear drops in there and the fact that it holds zero bearing on your ability to play other content, I don't see the issue with them at all.
  15. kawe Loyal Player

    I love SM.

    I hate elite.

    I thought we got SM so ppl can try their best, get vanity styles/items as bragging rights, etc. Elite kinda throws this over board. I know the progression in elite can be gained by everybody once we over gear it, but until then, only a very small percentage can beat it. With it dropping the best gear it kinda contradicts the idea that brought SM into being. At least from my point of view.

    With elite stuff, I expected old content to be revived and brought to end game level with vanity items as rewards. I care for SM, but the elite raid wont see my butt for a long time.
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  16. Revoemag Committed Player

    Noones forcing you to do elite...you don't have to ditch your friends and go do it...so the normal raid that's all...elite is for the elite (and all that goes with it, like ditching friends for menial advancements)..

    Doing or not doing elite doesn't stop your advancement in the game..

    And just cuz you want to be Mr friendly guy doesn't mean others still don't want that challenge..

    Make your choice..run with friends or ditch them to be elite.

    And in the new system elite gear is just more stats and not higher cr so you don't need to do elite to progress..
  17. Phil Miller Committed Player

    I feel the same way as OP. My league had three members that we played with over the last 4 years leave because we didn't have 8 people at the skill level required for Elite at the time. As one of them told me "they pay their sub to run end game content" which translated into "if yall ain't running Elite then yall dumpster and I'm out". To each his own I guess, but for me I don't care to run Elite not because I'm not capable, but because a lot of my friends in game may not be ready for it. I enjoy the game for the friends I have made and the things we've accomplished as a group. I could care less about an Elite anything if it excludes the people I enjoy playing with. Just my opinion.
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  18. Master Play Committed Player

    The normal raid is the same instance with different mechanics, unfortunately if you are not skilled enough you need to stick to normal. It's not like the elite raid is a completely different instance. If you really want your leaguemates to be able to complete elite, get them in and run a few times for training. Do it until you're able to beat it, trial and error.
  19. TheDark Devoted Player

    People need to accept the fact everyone has strengths and weaknesses. While I also dislike having to exclude friends and/or leaguemates from elite content, the truth remains they aren't ready for it. Would I bring them in anyway? Yea, on runs where we're trying to get them some experience in there while at the same time knowing we aren't going to get far. I prefer to limit those runs to an hour at most so we have time to do other things. It's usually best to bring most or half of the team that can deal with the content then bring in 2 to 3 less experienced players. You will most likely have to carry them though.

    If, after repeated times in there for practice, they continue to run around with issues on their awareness or ability to do their role then you just have to come out and say tell them. Most of them understand and laugh it off. I admire people who can do that because you can always be upfront with them. Then you just go play some other content with them.

    On the other hand, some people take things waaayy too personal but that's obviously that's just their personality. At some point feeling sorry for them isn't healthy and it's worse when they beat themselves up about it in chat. The fact they couldn't perform well does not change the fact we are still friends.

    Over time though, and I've seen this happen, they do eventually improve and that's usually through awareness exercises, both in game and online,as well as dedicating some personal time to reading or watching videos on how to perform their role/power or do the instance. It's obviously different for something like solo tanking adds with a preferred power but there's also an 2nd option to deal with them.

    I am a fan of elite because it's a piece of pve content that still tests awareness and you just don't stand there and eat hits.
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  20. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    That's not fair to the mature five year olds. :)
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