Ice needs a Buff in Damage

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by CountryBoyof74, Jan 23, 2019.

  1. Ekart Committed Player

    (almost) Every frickin' (good) skill is interuptable. I'm reluctant to play DD just because of that.
    Otherwise, if you're not a scoreboard chaser or want the latest cheese loadout you'll be fine as Ice DD. :p
  2. ALB Dedicated Player

    A lot of exploits need to be fixed before we really know what is weak or strong.
  3. BladeoftheMagus New Player

    I'm sitting at cr 257 or something like that with less than 200sp. Played on and off for the past 4 years. Lost my high Sp toon during the Daybreak acquisition and merger etc.

    Now, the last time I played was just before Earth 3 came. I had recently speced to Ice then because it was the flavor of the month or something like that. It's a boring power but it's very forgiving on power consumption. Back then it was awesome. Fast forward to this month when I started playing again after missing updates, revamp, a few DLCs, the power still feels fine.

    Note that I said fine not good or great. Ice boulder strike is an awesome power but it's animation is way too slow. Sometimes I clip that with the Ice bash buff instead of the DoT and it seems to make things smoother.

    Avalanche is a great power for ads, bosses, solo missions etc.

    Supercharge, I'm still not sure. I will forever refuse to use a robot sidekick just because it looks ridiculous. Either you're a bad mofo with magic Ice super powers or you're a guy with a robot sidekick running around. I know some things need to be used because they're maybe BIS but I still reserve the right to customize my toon however I see fit :).

    Freeze ray seems like it could have massive potential if it wasn't a channeled skill. Blizzard is very meh but i still use it most of the time because it acts as a secondary dot and it procs the Eye artifact. Ice elemental I haven't used. It's good for parsing but I just don't think it's BIS in many raid scenarios where you might get knocked down, incapacitated, dead, whatever.

    All things considered, under 200 sp, not using atlantis BIS weapons, neck, face, or rings, I still get top 3 DPS on bosses on all random queue raids. And I've went against some serious dudes that were pouring tens of millions of dmg on ads but only out dpsd me by 2 mil maybe on bosses... That doesn't seem too bad given my current CR, gear, SP, and the fact that I like to manage my power so I don't depend on the troll.

    I wouldn't mind a buff to ice though. It has two things in which it seriously lacks. A good supercharge. The elemental is bad because the animation takes as long as it takes me to get at least 50k in on a boss. The blizzard is awful for bosses and not needed on ads and the freeze ray is awesome when it crits but it keeps you from doing anything else.

    Gust is also an interesting skill but ultimately bad in random queue raid situations. It's mid range borders on melee range. Maybe it would be too OP if it had the range of Avalanche but given the condition of all the other powers in the powerset, I think that giving Arctic Gust the same range as Avalanche would be a nice buff to ice.

    If you could play this power truly safe it wouldn't need a direct dmg buff. It would still be boring but also more efficient for single target at least. Dealing with ads is sometimes difficult especially when the group has an atomic tank that keeps pulling and pushing enemies away and you can't hit all of them at once as electric or nature do.

    I would even go as far as saying that a range increase for Arctic Gust is fair enough that the supercharges could be left as they already are.

    But, considering how easy Ice is for tanking, I'm sure the devs take that into account too before considering making the power better at dpsing also.

    PS: bought a respec token yesterday. decided not to use it after all. wanted to go back to atomic or try water but i'm just tired of the days when all my combos got interrupted by arena-wide mechanics or stray ads.

    In conclusion, am I happy with Ice? - Yes. Do I think it needs some tweaking for the better? - Absolutely. Do I think it needs quality of life improvements over straight up dps boost? - Yes. But, everyone plays stuff differently.