I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    Yeah don't get me wrong, as you know I have 1 solid main, that gets everything it wants at the expense of my alts, but that doesn't mean I don't give my alts some love, when I can :D
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Hi Reinheld2, Hey Reinheld1, How are you Reinheld1, yeah I'm good Reinheld2, oh hey look Reinheld3 has turned up, now we can run an alert.

    Nah we're waiting for Reinheld4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 to turn up, oh here they are.

    Oh hey guys, oh Hey Reinhelds, let's run a raid, okay give me a minute, let me queue slowly queue you all up, then we'll get going.

    Thanks Reinheld!, This is going to be amazing Reinheld!, Let's go Reinhelds!!

    LOL sorry, couldn't resist :D :D
  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I used to run 3 main toons before all the shiny bells and whistles. One for each role. Then I stopped when arts were introduced. However I build them back up after all the support for arts were added. My farmer toons actually were never meant to have arts past 80 as they are just there to get more supplies for my mains. But had such a surplus that I ended up getting to 120 and then 160 lol. Now they all have 1 200 arts each which I never expected to do so lol.

    As it stands all my toons (except my new 7 toons) have max out augments. I have all most of the exobytes I need. But I’ll level them during double Aug week and max out all dps augs then lol.
    My 7 new toons have 40sp. My 5 farmer toons have 300sp (didn’t expect them to get past 200 cause I’m not actively getting feats on them lol). And my mains are all set on sp.

    Outside of allies I feel like the game has become pretty streamlined for having more toons. If only they would add the supports that arts have for allies I’d be golden lol
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    Yeah I just have the one main, but play my alts the same way, I don't run elite on my alts frequently, or only on a few of them that do have some arts, all the others have augments, but not allies and level 80 arts.

    Their primary purpose is to help me get stuff and to keep me entertained when my main is done and I'm wanting to do something else.
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  5. Dene Devoted Player

    This is sticker shock in a nutshell LOL

    Kinda like TCs being only 90DB each - people will buy one here one there (over a shorter time than you'd think) and before they know it, they've spent $100.00

    when they could have just bought 4x lots of 25 for a lot cheaper but the $25.00 just feels bad to spend lol
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  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Yea lol. People wonder how I finish my op item and augments max so soon after it drops and I’m just like… umm my alts fed me xD
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    Yeah, my personal plan is just to save the money over time here and there so it feels less impactful than doing it all at once.

    The real life grind :D
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    Haha, yeah, I've casually built 3 of those things, could've built more OP items over the years, but do tend to either sell or give stuff away to friends.

    I've given away I think 6-7 Gentleman Ghost accessories since the drop rate became more reasonable. but there are people really struggling to get it, it's cheapish on the broker now though as well, but still.
  9. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Oh so somehow I'm annoying people now? Even though I never asked for the clamp to be removed nor care if it does lol. I've made it quite clear my only concern is/was the population decline.

    Keep trying (whilst quite literally ignoring any point I may or may not have made) lol

    Edit: also sounds pretty messed up my dude. Guess you would side with that **** community from the sound of it. Btw, I'm not "anti-clamp", I'm more "anti-anti-options" strictly because of the population issues/split.
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  10. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Of course not. But that's the entire point and fun of these threads, isn't it?
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    Well you obviously did or said something to annoy a bug chunk of the Xbox community by the sounds of it, I'm not picking sides, merely pointing out an observation based on what I've read when they've historically responded to you on here.

    Usually there's some truth to both sides of those sorts of interactions.
  12. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    i have 40 + videos demonstrating why you're wrong, but there's that many pages here alone so I'm sure you're aware of what the dissenting opinions are at this point,
  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Seriously...you are giving me a run for my money as an over typer with the run-on posts.

    Not sure where I'm fighting you. I don't like the slog...I don't participate in the money grabs. Are you saying because I don't like the clamp? Whatever....it's here. That's not 'trying' to make anything better, unless you think my posts and the other anti-clamps could get it removed. I'll let you in on a secret....it won't be.

    I'm not even sure how many times I've responded to any of your posts, other than this thread....2, 4 maybe? Sorry...I'm quite unaware of your pushes to make this game bigger and better, so I doubt I'm fighting you all that much. What are some of your initiatives, and I'll weigh in.

    And yeah....I'm all worried about upsetting the devs....you are pretty spot on with that one.:rolleyes: Thats why I NEVER say anything negative about the game, or any of the recent changes (not even counting the clamp). Very perceptive.

    I think you have me mixed up with 2 other people in this thread.
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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    That's funny, but inaccurate. The other toons are not named Reinheld, and I don't invite them to my private chats. They only speak in my head....not on channel.

    I mean if I were VERY unimaginative, I could just add 'Dark' or something weak like that to my name and make a villain toon.

    You know anyone who does that Proxy?
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    LOL, I don't have a character called Dark Proxystar ;)
  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Meh....Saw something like that. Or someone was mimicking you. My mistake then.

    Merry Christmas
  18. Proxystar #Perception

    LOL Merry Christmas, buddy :D
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  19. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    that's like the amount of Kimones that are me...
    wait that's all of them.

    well ****.
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  20. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I have no toons names JP Harrah .. but someone else used to … guess they were also a John Wayne fans
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