I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    One of the reasons I stopped playing was the lack of drive and motivation to help others chase feats anymore on my platform, does that count? People constantly would say they didn't want to bother chasing them anymore on old content because it was "too much of a hassle". That and elitists would purposely botch feats and be like "let's just finish the instance" after.
    Along with my personal choice not to bother with crap shows old content has became.
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  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    You misunderstand me.

    I am all for following through with any mechanics the devs wish to impose both past / present / future.

    I just want my max stats whatever the max stat maybe for that tier of EEG content. I have all 200 level arts, level 24 augments for the current DLC, and over 450 sp. I have met by far any threshold for max stats any level of EEG has to offer. I should be allowed to enjoy my success instead of being suppressed below the max level allowed per tier of EEG content all in the name of “stat piercing”. I want my progression to be meaningful. Right now I find no meaning in it. This is my problem with the Stat Clamp.
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  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Piercing has already been explained to you multiple times. If you refuse to listen than that’s on you.

    As for agreeing that EG players should get the maximum stats. You already do. Anyone being clamped downward will get the max allowed stats from each piece of gear. Extra stats will allow you to bypass the soft cap in order to continue to gain further stats as it continues to get older. What he wants is to make the max stats not take into account the source of the stats and instead give you the flat max which would be a hard cap. Meaning no progression. Anyone who struggles in EEG would never be able to gain further stats and therefore have an easier time down the road.

    Outside of that, it has already been explained that the reason you personally are struggling was primarily because of the build you use. Using prec arts in a might set up and using redundant abilities. I’ve offered to help you there. But you let your personal feelings get in the way. Which in a way means you fall into the 3rd option he described. Maybe not regarding mechanics but regarding players offering you advice and you not accepting it based on who is offering you advice
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  4. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Except… before the clamp you could ignore mechanics once you got high enough gear. This has also lead to numerous bugs due to bosses getting stuck because they were burned to fast and were stuck between phases.
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  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    What amount of the augs / arts / SP “pierce”? Is it a set percentage? Is it variable per tier of EEG content? What is full stat piercing in Elite compared to how piercing works in Reg? No none of this has been explained to me , and it is as much a mystery to me now as it was when first introduced.

    I have no problem with a hard cap. The stat clamp should have been that way to begin with for those of us End Gamers who have exceeded the max allowed for a tier of EEG content.
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  6. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Ok, so how many past solo instances, including Elite that you weren't able to move through in the past, that you could now? Even if it is just one instance, then progression hasn't been removed.

    You can't claim your progression has been taken away from you in group content when it is up to the group to execute as a whole, not just one player carrying the entire instance.
  7. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You do realize that the hard cap would’ve been very close to where the soft cap is currently. The devs have already explained that allowing any further stats at base would cause the game to break again. Which is why they didn’t increase the cr range. Yes this means that a player needs to level other forms and not just gear. Meaning SP, arts, and augs.

    His proposed change would be specifically for lower players to be able to have the same stats as an EG player. His proposed change was that as long as a player had gear they could reach the max cap even if they don’t have sp, arts, or augments. You have been saying you hate that the clamp puts lower players above you (which is not true). His proposed changed would do the very same thing you claimed to be against. Putting a player who is lower to the same stats as you who had put all the work and effort into all your stats.
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  8. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    It is what it is. Fortunately for all of us, DCUO allows us to play how we want to play. I still feel slighted & cheated by the Devs in regards to the clamp and most likely always shall feel that way. If they has just said “we’re sorry that we have to do this to the end game player base”, that would have gone a long way towards alleviating my animosity towards the clamp, I perhaps could have accepted it a little better, but they don’t consider they did anything wrong. So there you have it.
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  9. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    SAY NO MORE!!!
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  10. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Somebody made me a Clamp Thread for Christmas??

    How thoughtul.
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  11. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    THIS in a nutshell!!
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  12. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    I don't mind everyone having to experience the game the same way... at first, or when they first play it.

    I don't want to have to play it the same way for years to come (some instances a decade later)... when I have gained the strength to play an instance in that manner that I see fit (or for feats).... that's how progress is supposed to work.
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  13. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    I get and understand the frustration...however, this MMO doesn't work that way. If everything was a solo instance, then sure...but, this is a game predicated on group play, and working together...therefore, the experience is also shared together...first time or not.
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  14. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Agreed.... And THAT is what was needed to be fixed.... A system that tiered players into matching groups... or those who were so opposed to playing with more advanced players taking the time to ensure that they don't group with them for group play.

    Edit:.... or making the clamp optional for those who would like to play that way.
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  15. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Let's say they do that...Here is what is almost guaranteed to happen:

    A player pops into an instance with other players..the option que pops and 7 players vote to play without the clamp..This leaves one player either kicked from the instance, all 7 players leave taking the 60 sec penalty, or the player is forced to play the instance not once during that run being able to learn anything about how the instance works.

    Now before someone jumps in and says "They can make their own group". Ok, then answer this...How often would you answer a random LFG to run the content clamped when the option to take the easy route is available? Either way, the new player wanting to run the content to learn the mechanics is screwed. IMO I don't think the community is large enough to be able to support queing a tiered system.
  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'd still help someone I know with EEG feats, especially if it's duo/alert where I don't need to wrangle 6 other people....but I have no interest in helping randos with feats at this point, unless I also need the feat or it's the best way of doing things (no death feats, or speed feats...I'm always working on those:D) . I just don't have the time to sit in an old run trying and failing, re-explaining and being ignored, for someone I don't actively run with + a few marks. New content, I'd re attempt feats I don't need because I'm in there getting paid current marks anyway. I think I've done the sword feat and avoid the furniture/deadman kick feats in the alert 100x at this point, and would allow 1 wipe at least on the 2nd and 3rd ones, even in rando groups. +5 min to re-try a feat in current content is not the same as +30 min because some dingus won't stop hitting Hades reflect in a ToTDE 'Deathproof' run.

    Once you eliminate/disregard the feats from EEG, all that's left is marks or loot. There are better/faster places to get marks and I don't need any of the garbage loot. So I rarely run EEG anymore....well outside of solos, where I'm the only Dingus I have to worry about.
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  17. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Considering how much I've contributed to past conversations, I almost feel a little left out not seeing my name mentioned. LOL
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  18. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Had thought about it at one point, but the thread got away from me a bit and since there's a lot to unpack in all that (lordy is there a lot to unpack lol) I wanted to give it some time to work through.

    If you really insist I'll still have a go at it. :)
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  19. Wzlinnkk54 Active Player

    Whhhhhahhhhh I tried to play the game and I wasn't top dps and the game broken I spent so much money maxing arts and I did the rotation and a prec player beat me
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    As much as I admire your tenacity to persevere with the debate, there does come a point in time where the other side just won't listen, they do not care about the games health, they only care about their perception of their characters strength.

    They'd rather get zero rewards, have loot locks, break instances and have a dead EEG so they can get their easy mode feats, let's be real here.

    This is coming from me, again a previously rabid, if not the most rabid anti clamper in the past, who can admit that the clamp was necessary for the overall longevity and health of the game, even if it meant instances take a bit longer and feats might be a little bit harder.

    Could there be improvements to EEG and the clamp experience, sure, but these people don't want to discuss that properly, they just want to wail, scream and carry on about having the clamp removed, you're wasting your time trying to reason with them, anyone reasonable (like me) already came around to the idea, the rest, never will, they'll continue to exist in the past, unable to move on ;)
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