I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    And we do. With high enough stats and a good build you can completely dominate lower tier EEG bosses, like they're trash mobs. Mind you - trash mobs, not bugs. You can stomp on those to your heart's content in Khandaq... :)
  2. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Was it, though? How often do you run vanilla bounties for fun? They're there, in unclamped Metro and Gotham, ready to be steamrolled.

    Yeah, that was fun. The first 3 times. Whereas I've been having fun soloing bounties in clamped OW for months now.
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It was the base level stuff, so he probably wasn't a PvP grinder that just borked his armory. And no, a tutorial wouldn't prevent someone from wearing the wrong gear, or queuing a wrong role, but having had that info presented to them at least 1 time would be nice. I mean it says it in RED LETTERS that PvP doesn't work in PVE, but I'm not 100% sure everyone knows the difference. Maybe a message like the full inventory one could come up every 30 seconds 'You are wearing PvP equipment in PvE content...it has been disabled while in this instance'....although I think it might say something like that in the chat window already.

    My 'solution' would be that there should be a tutorial mission for each of the 3 roles (DPS is kind of self explanatory) and in those missions you need to do certain role things correctly with powers YOU'd have to choose (meaning you'd need to read the description for yourself at least once). They could hit the primary activities the roles do, Trolls can be made to to power dumps, debuffs and buffs, Healers, HOT, priority heals and shields. Tanks could have to do a ST move, area pull and maybe group breakout/immunity. As long as the process includes the player having to go to the powers list and choose a proper power, you should never hear 'whats a debuff' again from your troll or have your single target tank pulling all the adds. The goal of a tutorial shouldn't be to make a 'beast' role person...but knowing basics should be mandatory. Granted, they could 'forget' what they learned, but yeah....they did have to do it 1 time at least otherwise they can't pass the mission. That's not a requirement today. Throw a title or something as a 'benefit' for finishing the mission too.

    Perhaps 3 phases with SOME of the things that the roles do...and you would NOT need to be proficient at it....just do the basics....but you can't queue the role unless you've run the mission. Similar to the artifacts mission, you can't buy from Constantine until you run it and you can't finish that run till you've chosen, socketed and fortified at least 1 artifact.
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  4. Grim931 Committed Player

    For me, it was. I had a lot of fun going back through all of the previous content, most of it was just messing around with friends. Getting them geared up and ready for end game content or helping them get feats. That or running through the old walk in alerts/raids solo or with anyone that needed the walk through.

    And I'll still run a vanilla bounty, usually it's helping out someone who asks in Metropolis or Gotham. I'll also run around if I'm bored, knocking them out on random occasions.

    That's why I'm for the option of either, both can be fun in their own right. If feats aren't tied to it, then there's really no reason not to offer it, right? Why would it matter if someone like me was off on their own blowing up old content?
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  5. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    I guess it wouldn't, really. The question is - is implementing and maintaining such an option worth the - presumably increasingly limited - resources, just for the sake of nostalgia?
  6. Grim931 Committed Player

    Pretty sure this was already asked, and it was assumed that there wouldn't really be any maintaining to do. Just relieve the clamp and turn the loot locks back to pre-clamp status.

    I'm curious as to why it's assumed this would be any different than how it was before. Everything is already there, they just have to remove loot and the clamp.

    This could also be a walk in terminal, so not detracting from any queues. No new menus (aside from picking the content) and no new content (the only difference between clamp/unclamped is the clamp). It isn't like it's a new instance or a separate version.

    These are all assumptions though, and I could be wrong. I just don't see it as being a difficult option to introduce.
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  7. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Nothing is simple, when dealing with this amount of code. They try to make some small change to how overflow inventory is handled - now our banks will be glitching out until the next update. I guarantee there would be issues. And we probably wouldn't know what they are, until they came up.

    I would quite like a sort of holodeck thing, where you could enter instances unclamped, for pew pew, or story. But I'm sure if they were to make it a feature, that many players were expected to use - it would be a lot of work to make sure the instances don't cr*p out as the stats grow higher and higher.
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  8. STsource Well-Known Player

    Some suggestions for getting full cr in stat clamped areas;

    - New art that allows you to use all your stats in clamped content
    - Ally passive similar to above
    - Membership perk

    I'm in a position where i don't need to do old content other than omnibus weeklies - However, when you spawn into Happiness Home and they have been there for 200 minutes raises a lot of questions. Just to note this is consistent thing throughout stat clamped content.

    I would even advocate for solo queues at this point
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  9. Plowed In Loyal Player

  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic with this?

    But if not....other than making it a 'paid' feature (yay....more things to pay for in DCUO!), how is that any different than what has been asked for? It's an 'optional' system (you would choose to do one of those 3 things to make it unclamped) and would use a solo queue feature so you wouldn't have to 'harass' others with your facerolls. Insert same but different but same gif here....

    I'm actually hoping it's sarcasm. We're way to far into this thing to have anyone switch sides now.:p
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  11. The Con Dedicated Player

    I'm pretty sure that this was meant as pure snark.

    But... I will point out that in that episode: The sword actually worked and was the fix that the game needed.

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  12. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    And the beat goes on :p
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  13. The Con Dedicated Player

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  14. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I wanna know when you're logging in because mysteriously this never seems to be an issue for me...
  15. SonGoku Level 30

    I’ve seen omni raids go on for 90mins+. But that was like the first couple months of it being released, not sure on the current state of solo omni queues though
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  16. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    It happened to me a couple of hours ago, on EUPS/PC. Happiness Home, 90 minutes on the clock, 2 people left in the group. I promptly "noped" the f**k out of there. A lot of omnibus raids are failures, but that's to be expected. You pays your money and you takes your chances...
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  17. The Con Dedicated Player

    You really must have selective memory....

    It seems to happen quite often for everybody else.
  18. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Nope. Just the lazy cons like yourself that wish they could turn god mode back on. Coincidence? I think not.
  19. The Con Dedicated Player

    Or.... Maybe you're just an *


    I'm gonna bet on that. The odds are in my favor.:cool:

    Ftr - There are two people telling her that it happens a lot. One of which is a pro-clamper...
    Once again, your point is just some made up garbage in your head.... AGAIN. :rolleyes: (and I'm being nice using the word "garbage")

    __________________________ Yet another reoccurring theme in this thread.
  20. The Con Dedicated Player

    Sooooo.... Their definition of fun doesn't exist because you have your own definition of fun??

    The only difference I see is that you like to do the same thing they do.... only taking you five times as long to do it.