I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Yes. And that was only a small portion of the old content, that was released as new content. I'm sure it took months of work, although not as much as creating completely new levels would be.

    It would have to be all, or most of it at some point. Every episode stats go up. Things that work now will break at some point. Keeping player stats within limits, that the content was designed for is a better way of solving the problem, than creating 2 optional versions of every instance and then trying to fix problems in both of them as they inevitably pop up.
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  2. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    Leave the proclampers alone!

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  3. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

  4. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    I'll have to agree with the earlier point. I mean its really hard to argue with that kind of logic and rational thinking. I do get the counter argument.

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  5. Dene Devoted Player

    from my perspective all i see is memes mostly lmao - this is sooo funny
  6. The Con Dedicated Player

    There's a whole lotta 'smug' that you left out of this conversation.

    And you left out the 3-page tangent of them harping on the definition of the word "game" or some-such...
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  7. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    No meaning, no logic, even less rationale, and generally just angry diatribes about how we're gatekeeping/elitists/bad for the community.

    mAkE iT oPtIoNaL is literally about the best we could get, and even then it's totally unacceptable to re-allocate man-power & working hours just to cater to some over-entitled cry-babies.

    Every single anti-clamper on this thread keeps bringing up the same bad excuses, the same tired, worn-out, verbose arguments and just generally cannot comprehend that they're in the wrong. There hasn't been one single credible piece of evidence to back any of this, just whining and insults.

    This thread should've been shut weeks ago.
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  8. Cyfaill Well-Known Player

    I do hope they don't remove stat clamp.

    When i started to rise my CR at the beginning it was good that someone with a high level help to finish the instance but...after the second or third time it becomed really boring, i was just running to try to hit once to a enemy or to run to not lose part of the story they were telling (i had to repeat some raids just to listen all the story).

    The worst part was while i was rising my tank while fighting alongside people overleveled, because i wasn't tanking at all and when i was tanking i was doing it badly as i discover once i was on the same level as everyone and i had to do the tank part, so i had to relearn to play.

    When i was overleveled it was fun....for two or three times (again), after that every instance of the game (in which i was overleveled i mean) was the same: AOE power and with one hit everything clean, so in the end it was like not being playing at all.

    Now i can comeback to old instances and it looks like i'm playing, also since there are not too much overleveled toons you can learn from the beginning how to play properly (in role mode i mean, to dps you don't need to learn really). Furthermore as i realised last night on a gorilla Grood duo you are clamped at 15 CR (or close to it) levels more than the enemies and they were dying as nothing, so it gives you the sensation of playing while you have enough power to miss if you don't do it properly (i'm thining in role modes).

    So, stat clamp should remain, almost until there is a better solution, maybe the level clamped is too high or too low in some instances but that is other question.
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  9. The Con Dedicated Player

    Isn't this kinda what most "anti-clampers" have been saying?

    There might be a better solution?
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  10. The Con Dedicated Player

    Yeah... because that's what this thread needs: another myopic biased summary.:rolleyes:

    You know the only thing keeping this thread going is proclampers.

    This is an "Anti-clamp" thread, if they didn't show up... there would have been 2 pages of "I agree"s and it would have been over....

    And... if the anti-clamp sentiment is so vapid as you claim, then why has this thread gone on for so long?
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  11. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    So you clamped yourself. o_O

    And just as a side note, I think we need to retire the use of the word "irrelevant" when it comes to content. Before the clamp, content became irrelevant when you passed a CR threshold. It meant you wouldn't get Marks, the gear drops wouldn't be of any real value outside of salvaging and much of the content you could sleepwalk through or blink and make the NPCs drop.

    Now? All content rewards Marks. Gear drops are scaling gear and can help advance CR along with being more useful for salvage and you still have to pay attention to what you're doing in older content much in the same way as you do in content equal to your CR.

    A player may not find that content useful for themselves anymore, but I don't think we can call it irrelevant anymore.
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  12. The Con Dedicated Player

    Me choosing to do something with my character is completely different than having it forced upon it.


    What would you call 10-year old content that you have played adnaseaum for a decade?

    After years of playing that duo for a year or two... I would like to feel like I have progressed beyond the standard of playing it the same exact way for the rest of my life...

    Or does not count enough as a "meaningful" argument in the eyes of OneWhoLaughed?? :rolleyes:
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  13. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    The Madisonian Debates didn't go on this long ;)
  14. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    Oh yeah, I totally forgot you guys just live for the echo chamber of your own turd ideas. My mistake, I will take my logic and sensibility elsewhere.
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  15. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    This is a funny argument. If the proclampers stopped replying there’d only be x pages. Well if the anticlampers stopped replying there’d be just as few pages.
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  16. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    So because you played x content for years it means you have the right to steamroll through it? What about new players who just got there. They haven’t played the content for years. Yet you want the right to steamroll through it and ruin their experience
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  17. The Con Dedicated Player

    Have you ever actually understood a point... ever?


    Start a "The Clamp Is Awesome" thread... and then you can cry about how long the thread lasts.
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  18. The Con Dedicated Player





    Do we really now need to go through another 125 pages?
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  19. The Con Dedicated Player

    That's one heckuva presumption you got there.....
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  20. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    This isn’t an anti clamp thread. This is a thread about the clamp. Just like if someone made a thread about how much they love the clamp. It would still be about the clamp and therefore open to everyone.

    Common sense
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