I knew Mental was strong but DAYUM!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mazahs, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    It's a lot of people drinking the kool-aid. People acting like the stats revamp is the magic save all pill. When the revamp hit we will go through another round of balancing.
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  2. BumblingB I got better.

    Uhhuh. You know the first version of the stats update hit test in jan, right?
  3. BumblingB I got better.

    Not once did I say it's a cure all, but it is a fix to OP's point.
  4. Gam3r4Lif3 Dedicated Player

    I have no problem with biggun, but there needs to be balance among the SC. DPS wise there are only a few powers that truly have a useful dps SC. And if I do recall correctly, these belong to ice, munitions, mental, gadgets and Sorcery. Those are the most played and favored powers. I would like balance and to see more powers utilized by the players.

    * I ran JFAr with four other munition dps's.....I just sat there til the bosses :p *

    P.S. -> Celestials best dps SC is equivalent to Soul Well....keep that in mind :p
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  5. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Not to sound rude but man where have you been lol.
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  6. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    It's not a fix. It will be the same crap different toilet. Same player different cards. It won't be mental, but a different power will rise.
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  7. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Quantum over buff and U47 is the reason for the unbalance. Before quantum buff the powers were pretty much balanced. Am or WM could be used to keep up. I day this to Say that the devs will do what they always do and some powers will be op again.
  8. Brother Allen Loyal Player

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  9. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Like I said I knew it was good (well broken) still not running Mental since AMs have been out it was a bit surprising when you actually play the power.

    I told someone in game it was similar experience to growing up hunting all my life with a .30 caliber and then in the Army getting to operate a twin butterfly .50 cal. Sure they both put lead downrange but the difference was massive.

    Even as of last night I was still a bit clumsy running Mentals full Invisibility loadout..
    But its moot now, couldnt stand the power anymore and went back to Light
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  10. Brother Allen Loyal Player

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  11. BumblingB I got better.

    How's that bandanna fitting? ;P
  12. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Huh? The announcement was a good 9 months ago. September I believe. Plus, the revamp was worked on most of last year by the guy that was brought over from Neverwinter. That first version that was released was their idea of how powers should play, or at least electric and ice.

    It's cool, but as long as I've been here and the circus of a DLC we just got and you still have faith and trust in the devs. Good for you. I don't.

    Plus the stats revamp did not hit test server when the anniversary event was out, lol. Not looking it up, but electric and ice hit last year. Not sure what your talking about.
  13. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Yes, but the announcement and the downhill slide started in September. Really probably most of last year. We just didn't hear about it until September.

    Beyond that, I'll go back to my statement. This is not the end all be all fix that everyone THINKS or has been lead to believe. Go back and watch the first Webcast and what we were supposed to get. The end product is looking ugly, very ugly. You all think people won't find was to cheese after this all hits live? This revamp, so far, does nothing for server stability, major QOL updates that are left unchecked, PVP, etc. The imaginary idea that all powers and weapons can be balanced is just talk. Never has the game been balanced, ever. Before the BALANCING began with gadgets and mental years ago, we never even had the term FOTM or BALANCE. Ever since then, it's be a slow downhill ride.
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  14. BumblingB I got better.

    Again not saying a magic fix but it fixes op's problem.

    Their goal is not to stamp out fotm but to narrow the margin. There will always be a fotm but at least it won't be as bad as before or now.

    And as for stats update the concept of the penultimate update means they don't want more sweeping changes. That is why only two are in 1.8 update. It comes down to it they probably didn't think it would take this long. But they have to launch it be fore their next release. (IE September ) which puts the update probably late July to late August. Could go up to launch of September release like gu36.
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  15. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Sadly I think your right all of the time the devs / testers have spent it will still be unbalanced.
    I also belive that even after release when this gets into live they still will make sweeping changes as more issues will come about. If they havent been able to balance 1 playstyle in AMs, then I have zero faith they can do 3.

    I wrote this becuase as I said I knew Mental was buggy and quite frankly I wanted to try something else (especially since my other primary toon is electric and we knoa what a hot pike that power is right now)
    for funzies. When just using AM Mental is fine....Heck even using invisibility loadout isnt that OP, but to allow WM bug (OMG OP!) With Invisibility 3 and at times 4 MT in unison is insane. And no you cant really judge it till you play it firsthand.

    I wasnt trying to start a fight just simply put my observations out there.
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  16. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    A little tight.

    lol...in all honesty I am already getting bored big gunning everything into oblivion and shooting rockets and bullets. I am thinking of having a little fun and going the more "chilly" route this weekend. ;)
  17. BumblingB I got better.

    Don't forget your Captain Cold Hoodie. :p
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  18. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Truat me on this...I have one of those too.
    While i enjoy the tanking side the DPS side is a snooze fest.
  19. Badname392023 Well-Known Player

    i had my fun with mental yes i cheesed with weapon mastery glitch i admit it.

    im munitions now i have way more fun with this power i love the troll side very fun and underrated.
  20. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    its actually over rated tbh, much like sorcery if it wasn't for the SC it wouldn't get used ;)