Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GhostRyder3000, Jun 1, 2023.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So you have, as an example, 'TheSuperman_#' on your friends...meaning that guy didn't log in for a year....and you can't add 'TheSuperman' as it says it does not exist...meaning no one else has it....but then you try to change name and it won't let you?

    Yeah...that seems whack. And again...that name was just an example. "TheSuperman' might be prohibited even...but it usually says 'that name is invalid' for those.
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Actually did you get any of the names you wanted Reinheld? I picked up a few good ones while the people were scrambling for single syllable dictionary words.
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  3. Dene Devoted Player

    Exactly same thing happen to me

    Saw it was renamed.. went to use it with name changer and it 'failed validation'

    'does not exist' when trying to add to mny list

    Went to create it, if it had said 'that name is invalid' I would have just assumed it was no longer allowed etc but it is bugging me that noone has it but it says "name already taken", at character creation, is annoying me lol

    Maybe it has something to do with the the extra activation step?

    EDIT: looks like a few have had the same issue:

  4. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    You think one of the devs might know what all this mean? I know that the name is not prohibited and it is one from one of my favorite anime character
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I did grab a few....the only one I 'wanted' was one I know was going up because the owner of it died nearly 10 years ago. I doubted it would go as it's an actual iconic DC name, but got it anyway. I won't put it here, but might put it up for sale at some point(I mean...as soon as it's permitted by TOS....not a second before:rolleyes:) , or might use it on a toon. It's a female 'electric' name and I do have an electric toon that could be promoted...just a male though, so kinda off brand. Nothing will be happening till name change tokens go on sale....so I have time.

    Got some other 'fun' ones just for craps and grins, probably nothing I'd sell or try to sell. I wasn't really interested in that part of it. 'Corporal Punishment', 'General Mayhem', 'Newbie'... a few Game of Thrones names I tried as I thought about a GOT league setup.

    I did go for a few 'bounty' names though. Tried a few versions of 'Matt''s name but I think everyone had the same idea....Only got one and deleted it already as it was booty. But I figured if I got a good one, Matt would have been open to spending some money on it 'Get yours today!'. I did get one bounty name I did go for. HurricaneErrl....hit me up.

    Hey....I got alts to feed too you know!
  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Sure, might be worth a crack. Don't put it here though....the vultures are circling already.
  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, depending on what it was, maybe it WAS a name, but now no longer allowed. I went for one that I know was good at one point and after the 1st it now says 'name is not valid' so I guess it was added to the prohibited list (Marvel name, alter ego).
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  8. Dene Devoted Player

    livewire? lol
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah...I guess I made that too easy.
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  10. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    I am a generally unlucky person (I was struck by lightning...on the day I was hit by a car...I was also bitten by a wasp...) so I did not expect anything from this event...but to my surprise I managed to get even 2 names I lost during the Pro7 mess...
  11. BlackGryphon Well-Known Player

    With ambidextrously extended middle fingers to any and all piratebots and name resellers I interrupt regularly scheduled posting to announce that I have obtained and shall never surrender the name Black Gryphon.
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  12. Nightcrawler Legionnaire

    Are we talking the USPS server? Cause that was me. I had "Livewire" up until I changed it Thursday to "Live Wire" as my character is based on the Legionnaire and not the Superman villain. Not sure why you think I died, unless you are talking about a different server as I've played that character on and off for years.
  13. DuffleBagBoii Well-Known Player

    One of the more awkward encounters ive seen her over the last decade..

    i have mr & madam president, pretty cool names i think.. also have test subject,, alpha male & apex legend,, all on usps dm me if anyone needs
  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Actually as it turns out....looks like my leaguemate had lower case 'L's for the 2 i's in his toon name. So I was incorrect on him having the iconic spelling, but it is wacky that you actually had the name with proper spelling (thought I always believed he had that one), and it was a name I was actually looking for as I expected it to free up AND you freed it up just before I was trying it.

    I never actually had typed the name in as the toon was in my league, so any back and forth was in group, league or voice chat. The toon is still in that leagues roster with the_# now. I tried a few different combos adding it to 'friends' and the lower case L's got it done.

    Heck of a coincidence on the timing though. But yeah....he's still dead IRL.:oops:
  15. Nightcrawler Legionnaire

    Sorry to hear that. My condolences.
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  16. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

    It's official..

    I am the one, and only, KEVIN MATCHSTICK in the DCU... O.

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