Hustler vs Deco vs Feat Hunter vs Casual vs Harcore

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Badname392023, Jan 13, 2018.

  1. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I went from Hardcore to part casual and Deco. With the continous watered down content, minimal rewards and ridiculous gear-pricing to push replay spams I just don't have the interest to keep up the way that I used to. With the extreme amount of focus on TC's these days, DCUO is all about the Hustler. We went from Superheroes to Wall Street Online.
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  2. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    New Category:
    Destroyer: If there's a red dot in your map, you need to kill it. You don't care about the game, story, companions, whatever, you just need to kill that thing in front of you that has a red dot. You avoid getting close to Sparing Targets because you can't destroy them and erase them from the map.
  3. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    New Category:

  4. Yvtq8K3n Committed Player

    • Unlimited Artifacts! (Call upon one of all the 160 artifacts to aid, through all duration of the match)
    • No more Man-bats! (Call upon one of the competent back-up trinkets)
    • Back-ups are useless! (Call upon decent damaging pets, like sea-horse?)
    • But I prefer boos thought! (Call 4 boo juniors cause rest is trash)
    • That's too op! (Detects something gamebreaking*cough*manacles, has 50% chance of getting a "Is intended response")
    • [SC]Pillars of Competence(Gives accurate information, countering every single opponent move)
    • Level 160 Kandor Bottle Soda, whit breakout ooh yeah:3
    Well hope that was accurate:3 Don't want to hurt anyone's feelings:3 Power 5 may had been abit 2 far.
  5. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Business Casual. :D
  6. JKwak Well-Known Player

    i was a feat hunter befor stats revamp now i m just casual... mostly because since stats revamp i dont get how sp "work" but it works for me without getting more
  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    New catagory - Cheap A__ Grinder (AKA crack addict)
    Someone who has played the game a long time and still plays daily...still gets feats but no longer cares about being 'top' of anything....still has a crapton of money but doesn't care about being the 'richest' person in DCUO....still runs tons of alts but not any more than is required to knock out collections/events without spending additional money over the sub price. Someone who basically dislikes the game but has such a time/money investment at this point, still plays 4+ hours a day more out of habit than anything else.

  8. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Like my sig says, I went from an elitist spending hundreds every other week and playing all just watching all the changes and gradually getting more resentful and....nevermind.

    I still like the game, but the magic is gone so i play more casually. I still love watching the game progress and the ART TEAM IS AWESOME. So i stick around and try different loadouts.
  9. Deltaheat Well-Known Player

    I'm deco-casual with a splash of quasicrackaddict
  10. Brit Loyal Player

    I was Hardcore. I felt privileged to be in a top end League and actually be a part of a global first Raid Completion way back in the day.

    These days, I'd say I'm probably more of a Feat Hunter. I log in and run the Seasonal on a dozen alts to get the stuff that I need. I try to complete all styles and such. I still dabble with PvP to chip away at some of the grindy stuff. I finished my Ninth Tryde suit, but then saved my Crowns to buy the Materials and other items that had feats attached, rather than bumping up rings and necklace and such the last couple points. If there is a feat, it will tempt me.

    I wish, I really truly wish, that I was a deco. I've got about a million furniture pieces, but I cannot seem to arrange a base in a way that it doesn't look like trash.