How much do you care about stat points in this era of dcuo?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by gemii, Feb 27, 2020.

  1. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    i would love to see all stats getting removed from artifacts and only the effect stays. Thats the Intention of artifacts. "To deliver different playstyles". However its impossible to balance them without these stats.
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  2. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Because not every artifact benefit is or even can be an beneficial as all of them. The only reason artifacts like Philosopher's Stone, Sparring A.I., Grimorium or Solar Amp are even worth any consideration is because of their superior stats and even then, the former two still don't really make the cut. But this is a topic for another thread.
  3. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I'd love a reason to chase after Feats/Stat Points, but the diminishing returns are SO diminished at this point (450+), I see little reason to chase. Most Feats I get these days are a surprise.

    Milestone rewards might help me find my enthusiasm again. Maybe every 25-50 SP, you'd get something nice. Could be cosmetic (like a new skin for your Orbital) or it could be something progression-based if that's what the community wants.

    But pure stats+ is boring. What I'm envisioning is the ability to really tweak our own playstyles, steering into what makes the game fun for each of us. Maybe take 1 second off of our favorite power's cooldown. Increase the AoE range of our best Heal. Make a DoT last a bit longer. Change PoT into an AoE so that random players around you can share power during a Bounty. Stuff like that.

    But that's just me. Your milage may vary.
  4. DemonLordMomo New Player

    That would be good idea.
  5. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Let's be realistic... artifacts have become a crutch to help the newer players with low SP. The problem is that nobody runs older content, so it's a lot harder to run that stuff in order to "properly" level up your character. How else would you propose that new players be able to run current stuff without investing the thousands of hours necessary to finish out all of the other stuff in earlier DLCs when nobody runs them? SPs help improve a character's performance potential. They don't take a horrible, ineffective loadout and make it better by leaps and bounds. They don't make up for a lack of understanding of how to do mechanics.

    Basically, for a fresh off the skip character with only those 80 SPs, you need all artifacts at level 200 to have a fighting chance to be effective in JLD content (where it currently drops you). As you earn more, it's not as necessary to have the artifacts at 200 in order to achieve the same.

    I would like to see SPs matter more... meaning, we've invested time and energy into earning them so give them more weight than they actually have, but not so much that it is impossible to overcome a lack of them in non-elite end game content.

    With the way things are going it seems like armor/gear is going to be replaced with artifacts.
  6. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    People were getting outperformed by players with lower sp than them before artifacts were introduced, this is not a good argument people were singing this same song before stats revamp, complaining about how lower geared/skill point players would out dps, or beat them in pvp, and the reason for that is because those players were just better, and no stat difference could change that. It’s gotten to the point where I believe that the “ sp don’t matter crowd” just want a blatant advantage over other players since their skill points don’t translate into skill
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  7. Balton hero Committed Player

    Actually, more often than not, "the reason for that" is that powers were completely unbalanced and you additionally had people who were free with their wallets buying power respec tokens whenever a new fotm power was buffed to be the new leader.
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  8. gemii Dedicated Player

    You mean the mental weapon mastery cheesers and arctic gust spammers? I was around long enough to be in the era of dcuo and I was one of those guys I can admit it. Imagine thinking that took skill and made you just better lol.

    There are players simply more skilled 100 percent. But what does that have to do with players who have paid for feats and put in the effort for a long time grinding for feats.

    Replaying missions for style feats
    replaying missions Because you need this certain boss to spawn for a feat
    Spending money on capsules because it’s the only way to get the feat
    Grinding out lpve feats
    Grinding out pvp feats
    Race feats, gathering feats, collection feats, salvaging feats

    The list can go on and on.

    Heck some of these feats were GIVEN to you free.

    So again where is the reward for those that have put in the time to improve their character? What’s the payoff
  9. LighTning Emperor Well-Known Player

    Actually Kanmaru made a valid point. If you were reading they mentioned that Artifacts are the new problem that is causing imbalances within the game. Before was because certain powers had periods where they were vastly more powerful than other ones which earned them the title of "FOTM" (Flavor of the Month) powers.

    Now that the devs (supposedly) say this is mostly gone, it is back to square one and it is more so being messed up again because of artifacts. Skill points definitely carried a lot more weight back then than what they do now though. Back then, people with more SP made under performing powers appear more powerful than what they actually were. Now you have items that are mostly pay to win that give you ridiculous total stat increases.

    Remeber, you can hold up to three artifacts at once and some of them can have from 3%-4%-5% increases by themselves. Imagine having them all add up with one another? That could be an average of 9-12% increase in stats by itself.
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  10. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    So why were they complaining about sp not being important, instead of complaining about those broken power sets?
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  11. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    People in this thread have mentioned how those additional sp benefit a player, especially for support roles. So again to me it sounds like you all are asking for a extreme advantage, rather than the balanced increase that sp is giving now
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  12. LighTning Emperor Well-Known Player

    Because this is in a game where power balance isn't as much of an issue as it used to be. Its more so the fault of artifacts that are breaking the game. Now skill points are preforming less than actual SP. That's why they were saying that SP were almost not a factor now. If you read what they said they stated this already.
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  13. Balton hero Committed Player

    What makes you think they weren't doing both?
  14. gemii Dedicated Player

    The benefits become minor after a point is my case. Which comes back full circle to the question how much do players actually care about it anymore. The artfiacts already put you at a major advantage already that’s not the intention here to purposely put players with 400-500 sp above everyone else , but their should be at least something rewarded even if it’s small. Every 100 sp milestone you reach should grant something more than just another plug in skill point imo.
  15. AMDRyzen Level 30

    Its a far better system than CR differential, however, its slowly but surely becoming less about gear and SP and more about what artifacts you have...but I knew that was going to be the case when they were first made. It was a way to sell us back some of the stats we lost in the revamp. I suspect we're going to have another revamp because of the imbalance artifacts create. But that is pure conjecture and me going off of history.

    Just like before with CR differential...and even before that, you end up with diminishing returns at some point and with DPS thats pretty much maxing out your Might/Prec depending, but with Tank/Heal/Troll, you end up at diminishing returns @ a much later point compared to DPS.
  16. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    I use to be 1 of those 'had to catch em all' types, but when they added capsules to the mix I stopped carring. I do what I can DLC feat wise and what I cant I just dont care anymore. Capsules have ruined my fun with this game.

    Because unlike many people I liked farming/grinding, by time t4 was almost over i had all my gathering and crafting feats finished, but i refuse to pay for a chance to get feats. That just will never happen. I havent cared for or about feat hunting for about 3 going on 4 years now.

    But at the same time I'm not hurting for SP either at 461 almost 462sp. From the 1st capsule I and many others requested they removed feats in the capsules. 17 capsules later and the drop rates are worse with feats still. So that right there tells you, they will continue on this course regardless if we players like it or not.
  17. LighTning Emperor Well-Known Player

    If you are a player that has taken the time to grind out feats and actually complete the difficult ones on top of that, it would be normal if they did have an advantage. The way you are thinking is how PvP arenas ended up the way it did. Everyone has their stats scaled up (even if you are lvl 12) and your PvP gear means almost nothing.

    If i took the time to grind for my gear I should have a advantage over my competition plain and simple. If not, that means its pointless to get the gear wouldn't you agree? Same principle here for SP.
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  18. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    Pretty much this right here.
  19. Quantum Rising Committed Player

    They do have an advantage. A pretty significant one as well. Some people want more though or confuse skill points with the disparity among powers. You want to check the effect of skill points? Just go into an event raid with you being 276 cr and 250 skill points and compare to a boosted 276 with under 100.

    I've done it many times and I've decimated them. Skill points matter. Just not to the level some people want them to.
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  20. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    You do have an advantage over pvp players with lower gear, they’re getting scaled minimally so they can compete with you, they don’t get scaled to your exact cr level, therefore you still have an advantage
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