How do you guys think we can get more players involved into pvp

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by CaptainPoptart, Dec 30, 2014.

  1. Leveilleur Well-Known Player

    This can be countered by the fact that people who only pvped and loved it are forcing themselves to pve because they can't stand the way pvp is now. Either that or they just leave the game. I love pvp but I haent touched it in days because im forcing myself to pve for stupid feats and styles so I can get some feats. I do not find fighting scripted predictable mobs over and over fun, now if they had some instances with unique unpredictable mobs then maybe I'd try it out but thats for a different thread.
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  2. Avian Dedicated Player

    Only problem with that is that DCUO is a PvE game that has PvP in it so people who play mainly for the PvP should have known what they were getting into.
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  3. Leveilleur Well-Known Player

    No where is it stated that dcuo is a PVE game if that was the case then pvp wouldn't have been in the game in beta or at its launch it would of been something that would have been added later if people requested it. Also if it was pve focused why are the devs putting so much time and resources into the pvp side of things? This game is meant to have a fun and appealing pvp and pve side but the problem is that tthe developers love to mess up things that shouldn't have been messed with on the pvp side of things and now more people seem to do pve only because of it.
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  4. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    What? "so much time and resources" by the way Devs handle Legends balancing and power balancing, it looks as though it is done at the last 5 minutes before they all go home.
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  5. Leveilleur Well-Known Player

    I don't do legends very often so im not sure about that kind of balancing. As far as balancing powers goes lets look at something that is the main fact as to why powers can never be balanced in pve nor pvp as long as all abilities can be used in both.The fact is that each power has abilities that can be used in both pve and pvp. It is near to impossible to balance certain abilities in pve or pve without messing it up in one or the other as long as all abilities can be used in both activies. Now if they were to remake all powers and make abilities that were specific to either pvp or pve then power balancing wouldn't be that big of an issue like it is now as they can tweak and change the abilities that are for pve without having to tweak and change the abilities that are for pvp only its a really simple concept. Also the number of updates that included pvp changes are pretty high. Even though they made changes to pvp that people don't like it doesn't mean that they aren't putting lots of time and resources into this. I do agree that they are getting lazy though because some buggs that have been in there for months still haven't gotten fixed but I think its because the game is f2p. If it still had the p2p model those issues would have been fixed shortly after being reported.
  6. CaptainPoptart Committed Player

    That is soo true lool
  7. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    I can't really agree with you. Only a few months ago I was posting that I am only doing PvP for feats and once done I will never play again. But I got better by continuing to PvP for my feats and it became enjoyable.

    Not everyone will be like me, but anything to get people to try it more than a few times is a good idea. Before I knew about looking for feats I had no incentive to learn or get better at PvP. Once I knew about feats I had the incentive, it just took time for the enjoyment to come. People don't know what they like.....people are stupid (including me!)
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  8. CaptainPoptart Committed Player

    Soo anymore ideas anyone ;o?
  9. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Make VI expert prefab mods raise PVE cr

    Make there less of a difference between Top end modded PVP gear and entry level stats. Yes, I know they kinda did this already, but there is still a huge difference between the lowest unmodded gear vs the highest expert modded gear.

    More feats are always welcomed and do nothing but attract players. Every map should have a feat attached to it
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  10. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    Attitudes. No more tying, /eat, /choke, /rude, /dance or block spamming + #whateverpeoplecomeupwith. Before changing something else people should first change themselves.
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  11. Alekimsior New Player

    A more helpful community? I've pvped Legends, and get really owned by some melee characters. I fight ranged, evasive, but some people really good at closing up the space. I request advice to get better at countering, and usually I don't get a response. My main issue is with blocking, I can press block and stay blocking, but don't enemies fall down all the tim. Sometimes I get the block break. So, yeah, maybe a community willing to answer questions, no matter how noobish they are could help.
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  12. Representative(Platina A) Well-Known Player

    We the players can get other players involved in PvP by simply adjusting league policy to ban the use of PvE phase, like mine once did (Now only the nobility class are required to abstain from PvE phase with the exception of officers who are actively recruiting). I now realize that I gave the enemy faction ideas... Oh well, this could prove to be politically beneficial for me.
  13. CaptainPoptart Committed Player

    If there was a dev that played on like a undercover account and is actually testing these things maybe pvp would not be so bad but its now out of control and the only way to fix this if they would just do their job ;/
  14. spack2k Steadfast Player

    1. add more feats to pvp arena
    2. fix CC
    3. fix range wm or
    4. exclude wm from pvp
    5. give us information about what exactly the abilities in legend pvp do
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  15. Disgraceful New Player

    The Only way people are going to pvp more in fact even get more people to play the game is if they "Advertise" there game more like cmon.......... DC is a really big company... i think they should have way more people playing there game then the amount of people that are playing now........

    But first before people should come into pvp.... they need to fix all the broken mechanics and make pvp the way it use to be before when it was alot more fun..... then maybe people will consider to pvp more :D that would be great though for uspc server since it is small and there are like only 4 pvp leagues that scrims atm which is Immunity,Penthouse,Link,Hope Brothers,....... Immunity #1 :D
  16. iMeerkat Level 30

  17. warpax New Player

    4. but that would prob mean AM would dominate pvp. cuz of power issues.

    open world pvp and pvp in general imo got really bad with the update (idk wich one it was) when they added "player with immunity cant give immunity to other players" open world survivability to group ganks got worse.
    1. cc effects in general are too strong, especaly with pets (sorc, earth). you break out once wich should grant u some cc immunity but then you get juggeled over and over and can literaly drain your power jsut by breaking out out of infinite cc. and then once your powerbar is drained. you are a sitting duck waiting to die cuz without power you cant breakout.

    some ppl were discussing how ppl go from pvp to pve cuz pvp is bad. but as i main pve. and im done with pve content and feats way before new dlc gets out. i used to pvp alot in that time between dlcs. and alot of pve ppl do the same. now i do the same but i dont enjoy it. legends is the only thing worth playing.

    one more thing. all those AM cater dps roles.

    counter roles no longer exsist. and that was one of the best things pvp had in this game imo.

    5. lack of info on legend characters and inabilty to test them out without having to have a scrim partner. simple map with sparing targets for legends might help. and add a power tooltip somewhere.
  18. melvinpox Devoted Player

    Offer actual poptarts.
    Or a pogostick trinket.
    Or ask nicely
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  19. Yallander Loyal Player

    1. Fix all the broken mechanics like CC, breakouts, stuns, etc
    2. Stop adding stupid mechanics like power back, unnecessary PI's, and more damage bonuses while healing and power are capped so heavily.
    3. Balance healing powersets

    There is alot more but this would at least be a good start.
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  20. Wanning Comet Committed Player

    I agree with your second point, the addition of AMs and WM is making the damage out too much to manage a lot of times, but the problem I see is the one they've always had that they don't balance pvp and pve separately and the new mechanics are needed to balance pve.

    I'd add that they need to figure out a way to fix the netcode so that latency isn't as big a factor on whether or not a counter will land or if the counter will be delayed.
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