How do you, as trollers, feel about useless power burning?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Aglorenzini, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. Gotcha Girl Well-Known Player

    And people like you wonder why it's so hard to find a controller nowadays. On another note, It was terribly difficult to understand what you were writing.
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  2. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Quantum Edge.
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  3. jessiejames4211 New Player

    Basically all I was trying to say is just give power stop crying because I run with some pretty good trolls who never ever complain and we all have power !!! My buddy jam has the best attitude we bug him if he wlil keep up with us and he will reply (I am sure as hell going to try and do my best )
  4. jessiejames4211 New Player

    My name
  5. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    Ok, let's assume I'm a controller and it's my obligation to never let you out of power even though you keep burning your power the whole time without even paying attention to it.
    Well, has anyone from your group ever died? If they have, you're not playing your role properly. You should kill everyone before they think about coming after the rest of the players.
    I don't have any experience on T4 or T5 instances, so I can't say anything about them, but if trollers are batteries and because of that they must keep your power bar always full, all dps should kill enemies in 1 hit, right? That's what they do, deal damage.
    Players have limitations and it's not a bad idea to manage your power so that we don't run out of ours. Of course you can count on our restoration, but not run out of power in an instant hoping we do magic.
  6. Tre Day New Player

    I agree with you on that one. That post Lol.

    Someone suggested before of how it would be great to have some missions that taught a player how to do their other role. If all controllers are going to be treated as 'batteries', I'd like to see how those missions would look like. (thinks about it) Ugh...never mind. :p

    Like I said before, the mysterious 'majority' are going to be the perceived 'death of DCUO' long before the Devs.
  7. Gotcha Girl Well-Known Player

    No one is crying, we're simply talking about the importance of power usage and how it should be given in terms of levels of importance. Your message comes off (much like other people that play DPS) as if controllers don't want to do their jobs and fyi, giving out power isn't trollers only jobs. Regardless of your take on this, the way you express yourself is really bad. There's a right way to respond and a wrong way. If you don't agree with something, present your argument in an respectable fashion.
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  8. jessiejames4211 New Player

    Power bar doesn't have to be full but I should be able to handle me have enough for one power every few seconds and if I ran t3 with u they would probably be dead before u died haha I'm 2 pieces short of 88 expert modded 107 sp haha ill run I through one day of u want with some of my guys I need to pay the bills this weekend anyways ( weapon sockets )could use the marks .. I also have the next plan and give every person in my raid a few stacks and I also got my supply drop to help people out as well !
    But right now I am a gadget as I said 3 powers my bar is drained using my weapons you cannot see the power move at all ( I still use it ) my point is simple stop crying ( not u in general ) cus when u go to docks the trolls are most likely getting the boot because if ALL the dps say they don't have power there is a prob .. I was not talking about one dps out of 3 crying
  9. Willydon305 Well-Known Player

    I can tell you're one of the better healers out there because you have debunked the old dcuo urban legend that you need a ton load of power in order to heal... I've encountered a ton load of healers who chase scorecard numbers, so they spam out heals in order to out heal the other guy/gal so that they can win the scorecard race, while wasting a ton of power along the way. I obviously view power spammers in an negative light but i do realize with some power sets, using a lil more power than usual makes them that more effective (fire, HL, mental, electricity and quantum).
  10. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    Well, I don't care about the scoreboard. If there's a healer in my team and he keeps healing everyone I just keep watching and fighting normally, providing shield from time to time, and if I see he needs some help, I help him out. My job as healer is to heal WHEN needed.
    I try my best to do what I can so that my team gets exactly or more of what they hope from me.
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  11. Mei Ritsuko Well-Known Player

    in this why I love healers you guys are awesome I feel much better now (*^ - ^) *kisses* ;)
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  12. Sylo Committed Player

    Double ticking is not going to make or break a raid run, or any run for that matter and it certainly doesn't determine the effectiveness of any troller.

    No it isn't. People controlled effectively just fine 6 months to a year before it was discovered. Now you have math wizards and number crunchers trying to put a huge emphasis on it for controllers and why its "essential". It can help, but not drastically to the point a raid group will fail or the controller who isn't doing it should be judged on that alone.
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  13. TheLoneLantern New Player

  14. TheLoneLantern New Player

    True, but why wouldn't they do double ticks. Not double ticking is just a sign of inexperience or a bad troller.
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  15. PurexEnergy New Player

    I find it more as competitive play. Above all else, the troller's main responsibility is to provide power. If I can keep up with even the power spammers of the raid/group, I'm doing a pretty good job. I know in pug groups, some people want to test what I'm capable of so they push out more power. It wouldn't be fun if there wasn't a challenge. :)
  16. WonderValkyrie New Player

    I have learned not to depend on a troll for anything. I bring my soders and my weapon combos with me to whereever i go. I notice alot, not all, of trolls love to blame dos players for anything under the sun when things are not going the way they want. I use my powers till my power is low then i spam weapon combos until im full again, and if a troll wants to be uppity and deny power thats cool with me it just means things may die slower while i recharge, no big deal for me at all.
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  17. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    As long as we're getting through the instance with minimal issues, I could care less. I'll keep playing my way, and the other group members will play thiers....if they run out of power because they're wasting it, and my POT and frequent recharges aren't enough they can damn well use a soda or thier weapon.
  18. MCAZR New Player

    I pug a lot and am so very fortunate to have met so many great people and players. The last 3 trolls that I met were fun to play with, were genuinely concerned about their power output, asked throughout each instance how we felt they were doing, and provided oodles of power.

    I must admit that I've had my share of pot-only trollers and IMHO they are better off doing solo content or playing a different role (not healer). Some people just aren't suited for the role they chose or the content they want to run. It's like the healer with a full power bar who won't heal. They're probably better off playing a different role, like troll. :p:p:p
  19. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    You won't find a single person in game who has heard me complain about a DPS's power use. I've played for so long with some of the best, and some of the worst players. I have preferences over who I like to run with, and those who understand the mechanics of power regen, both in alternating their weapon use with power rotation as well as allowing me to use my weapon long enough to recharge my own power. Those DPS's who are cognizant of their own power bar, and regulate their own power usage to adapt to a 204 tic troll versus a 135 tic troll. Those who utilize debuffs to their advantage, and those who recognize that a shield is an brief interlude to allow the controller and healer to uncramp their hand, not an opportunity for the DPS to fling himself into the jaws of death.

    The kind of troller I don't like running with is one who regards the entire raid party as a support system for his scoreboard ego.
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  20. DawidYaHu Well-Known Player

    Much appreciated :) If on USPs3 feel free to add me (and all others as well, I will help if needed)