How do you, as trollers, feel about useless power burning?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Aglorenzini, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Great example of a team player. If only all trolls were like this...
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  2. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I have a timing system depending on the DPS. I start at counting 5 between power dumps, if that keeps everyone above 50% blue, I stay there and everyone is happy. If it doesn't, I count 4, then 3. If I hit 2 I'm basically just running the cooldown timer and hitting my power dump. If that happens, the group isn't getting a debuff and I'm using trinkets and supercharge during the boss fights.
  3. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    Well, how about all other roles learn how to manage their power bar? That would be helpful for everyone. Much more than a "good troll" who gives his life to provide power.
  4. MetalMario Loyal Player

    Tanks have the smallest power pools, so when they do use power it looks like they're using a lot. This might be why it looks like they're using a lot at first. Over the course of a raid the tank should need the least amount of power.
  5. compasionate grenade Committed Player

    If ur power is being put in good hand then yea keep up the power. If not, ask to be excused from instance. Also, don't debuff, its a waste of power, for low level content.
  6. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    I understand that. When I said that the dps was burning his power faster than the tank, I didn't mean he was using much more power. I know that a dps ends up using more power during the whole instance, what I meant is that both started using their power at the same time and the dps' bar was emptying faster. A tank MUST use a lot of power at the beginning, it was just the way I found to say that the dps was wasting power extremely fast.
  7. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    @ Aglorenzini I agree with you. I take on as much responsibility for my power as my cool downs will let me. My problem is the trolls who refuse to try. Like the guy I quoted said, he doesn't stop trying. If he can't do it he can't. He will communicate it to the group. He doesn't just give up because he doesn't want to be a battery. That's a good troll. I didn't pick anybody's roll, they did. If trolling isnt what you want to do that don't do it. Switch to DPS or heals and live on the other side for a while. Go through stacks of sodas and keep supply drop on cool down because some else refuses to *try* to do their job. You'd probably feel the same way I do when you read" I'll only throw pot when someone is burning too much power".
  8. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Adapter. Team player. Just the type of player I want to raid with
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  9. Monster828 New Player

    In all honestly as a troll our job is to provide power, debuff, and help tank control adds. Now if your running with new players or players who just simply don't know how to play their role or use their power correctly your going to have useless power being used. This is how I troll. Throw PoT (if im main troll) hit defense debuff (if needed example- boss fight) count to 3 hit recharge use weapon hit recharge use weapon hit PoT rinse and repeat. Now I dont worry about people using "useless power" because I only run with people who know how to actually play. But if I was to run into people like this I would just keep up with them by using colas, trinks, and or anything I have to make sure the group has power. Then if its still bad I would just look on scoreboard see who has tha most power use other than the trolls and say something. Hope this helps anybody lol I know I kinda ventured off but hey somebody will benefit from this...... hopefully xD ... I usually adapt to what tha group is doing when talking about power. So therefore I figure out a time pattern for which I need to recharge etc.
  10. TheLoneLantern New Player

    If only all your posts were like this. I feel the same way. Force the dps to adjust to your power output, but do not penalize the group because you're trying to make a point to the dps.
  11. Mei Ritsuko Well-Known Player

    I have to deal with that problem every day and I don't know what to do I feel like I'm useless as a troll :oops:
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  12. Tre Day New Player

    If the community thinks that there are too many power-draining DPSes, why are there still raid groups with 3 DPSes?
    There's more unnecessary power drain in those groups than the balanced raid group these raids were essentially designed for.
    The grouping is more the culprit of bad power management in players than anything else.
    The one tank has to constantly drain his power bar to keep adds in their vicinity, the healers have to drain their power bar to keep that tank alive, and the controllers have to power dump like crazy to keep both the healers and tank powered to do their jobs. And along the way, the DPSes have to empty their power bars to kill as fast as possible before the adds kill everyone else.
    The way we have raid groups established plays a very big part in what we consider to be the 'wrong way to play this game', i.e. bad power management in all roles, low number of geared tanks, 'unacceptable' powersets by the community in certain raids, etc.
    The community (well, the bad parts of it) is giving new players (or even vets) more of a reason for people quitting this game than the Devs.
    Start from there and maybe...meh, never mind.
    Just realized what we're dealing with. :p
  13. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    I know, I try my best as well, I try to never leave an instance, but it's just frustrating. And I do feel like abandoning them so that they see how a troller is important.
    Everyone should be a troller at least once, to know how it works and show respect to this role.
  14. DivineSage New Player

    No one is penalizing "The group"

    Power dump effects 3 targets...

    No one is talking about just not power dumping for anyone at all.

    We are talking about only using a 3 target power dump when there is more then ONE target on the recieving end.
    If you use your power dump to satiate the one person who is always empty, that is incredibly inefficient and wasteful and can potentially create a situation where there is not enough power for the healer when he needs it most.

    Do any of you people defending this behavior actually troll? It sure doesn't sound like it.

    Penalize the group? You wouldn't use an expensive group heal if only one person had low health right?
    Then why in the sweet hell would you use a 3 target power dump on one target? It makes more sense to wait for the other people in the group to burn some power as well (at least 2) so you get full benefit out of the power.

    No one is being petty... It just purely doesn't make sense to dump all your power onto one target.
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  15. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    sorry i just blacked out, i have no idea where that post came from
  16. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    And that's exactly how I feel. DCUO is the first MMORPG I've ever played continuously and actually enjoyed, but as I had no past experience I'm always afraid I'm the one doing the wrong thing. Exactly because of this that I created this thread.
  17. Mei Ritsuko Well-Known Player

    I can perfectly understand your pain :oops:
  18. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    I'm sorry, what? I have a healer and unless it's a VERY difficult instance or someone in my group is MUCH weaker than the rest, I never have my power bar lower than 30-40%, 30% being in a critical situation.
    I'm sure all roles have a way to manage their power. Of course they need a troller to bring the power back up, but c'mon, help the troller help you.
  19. Sylo Committed Player

    • Like x 2
  20. TheLoneLantern New Player

    Why are you talking to me? What I am talking about has nothing to do with what you're saying. The second part of my post refers to people that get upset with dps by not dumping when they are spamming. They are reducing their power output, period. Even though they are still giving power to the group, they are ultimately penalizing them by holding back. You also say not to dump when only one person would receive that power. I would tend to disagree with that statement.
    1) If you're in an alert, both 2-dps groups and dps/tank-groups would be using power constantly, so there would be two targets a majority of the time. If the healer is mostly filled up on power, then that means more adds can be taken on at a time.
    2) If everyone has sufficient power, but the dps, then the dps is the only player that really needs it. ie: overgeared players not worried about healing, controlling adds, w/e.
    3) If the dps lacks power, and you (troller) cannot give any, that's too bad and the dps needs to be patient or adjust. See my original post.

    I have used LoS to give power to everyone but the spammer, in order to make a point. Ultimately, it hurts the group in the long run.

    btw, effects is a noun. Affects is a verb. #GrammarNaziOut