HL "IS" Op

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by AdmiralZeros, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Yes... hard light... is... OP... focus on hard light... not on any other power... ::shifty eyes::
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  2. Zpred Dedicated Player

    Yes HL is OP, tone it down, I know you have nerfed it down numerous of times but keep the PVE qq scorechasers happy please :D.

    We defend our power, of course we do, why wouldn't we? Nerf HL to oblivion I don't care, il still stay HL as its my favourite power let alone favourite dc character. Doesn't bother me which power does what damage I can still put out high numbers regardless the power type in PVE. :D

    Oh while we are at it talking about powers being overpowered, lets look at Ice or gadgets or maybe nature in PVP where competitiveness really matters against being fair against other powers/players, oh second thought lets not, the PVE qq scorechasing against npcs are far more important... (Please don't out dps me me mwaaa)

    Il support every power if it needed a buff, il support every power if there was a bug that made a power do ridiculous damage to be fixed or anything of the sort.

    I won't support the qq'ers that qq over PVE, yes that's PVE (lol) scorechasing.

    Gotta love the qq :p
  3. LexDakota New Player

    Just curious, why are people worried about a power's damage output in PvE? I like having high damaging DPS powers (assuming the players know what they're doing) in my raids. It makes instances go faster.
    This is coming from an Electric DPS so I'm not a HL fanboy, but at the same time I don't think it's OP (and yes I played it for awhile).
  4. REEEPR New Player

    I walked out of a 5 dps Gates speed feat run last night. I watched as the other 4 dps players dump there power immediately in room one killing every add they could reach. I killed the first 3 Reavers by myself, yes, by myself as the other 4 beat on trash to get numbers. I was disapointed when i hear one of them say "I'm a beast, first place dog".

    So i gotta ask you op. Did you go after everything you could find? Did you needlessly overstress the controller? Numbers in this game don't mean a thing at the end of the day. There are too many ways to falsely bloat a scorecard readout.

    How much time was involved?. How many wipes? Tell us everything. Until we know "Everything" about your experience, "Nothing" as far as a judgement can be made.

    Here's the more likely scenario. The other guy was unskilled, lazy, or doing the important things in the run like not wasting power, and by blocking more as to not overwork the healer. Maybe he was just lazy and only used one small damage D.O.T power. Maybe he did it to save power since might based DPS'ing can be power hungry.

    Variables. What were they?
  5. Cream Corn New Player

    Bottom line is you can't nerf hard light. It needs to be strong enough for less skilled players to do decently. Due to the mechanics of the powerset, skilled players are only limited by theirs and their internet/hardware speed. In a sense it works perfectly with the lore. The strength of the power is limited only by the strength of the wielder.
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  6. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    Like sunny said, burst damage powers will beat DoT stacking powers in lower tiered content. Every power has their own advantages and disadvantages. Fast clipping and close ranged damage is where HL shines.

    In a raid like Paradox, where the DPS must range and need to be constantly moving to avoid dying, is where HL's damage starts to fall below others.

    When we range, we can't use whips or claws which decreases our damage potential. Powers like Quantum and Mental don't have powers that require them to melee.

    In both T5 raids, there are lots of things we must avoid to stay alive. HL being burst damage, as soon as the button mashing stops, so does the damage. DoT stacking powers like Nature, Electricity, Fire, Mental, Sorcery will keep doing decent damage even while they are moving, repositioning themselves or picking people up.

    And stop saying how HL is easy and requires little effort. It's just as easy any other power in the game. That's not an argument.
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  7. Notangie New Player

    That made me lol, why is poop so darn funny?
  8. HLAssassin Well-Known Player

    Right......because you're not trolling yourself.
    For your information, I played the game for quite a while before I bought the FFTL DLC. I didn't see anything great about it. Then I watched videos about HL. You know what kind of video I saw? A tutorial on how to infinite combo with the SUPPORT TREE of all things. You know what I thought? I thought it was the coolest thing ever. What I saw was a fun, interesting power. Not one that did tons of damage. Because back then people weren't terribly overgeared for everything, HL hadn't reached it's peak of greatness it's at now. I can tell you from the time I've been familiar with HL, it is NOT an extremely easy power to use. I've watched COUNTLESS bad HL players. It makes me sad. There's is an incredible amount of potential in the powerset that a majority of players never tap into. I took the time and TAUGHT MYSELF how to play HL. I learned the Claw->Ram->Whips->Ram->Whips->Claw combo on my own, but it was after OMAAR had come up with it, but I had never read his guide before as I felt it as too large to go through at the time. I came up with my own system, I experimented, I optimized, I KNEW MY POWER, and I loved it. Rarely EVER am I out-dps'ed (when I'm trying. sometimes I get lazy in duos). And I don't die to stupid stuff either, as I know how to watch the enemies and avoid attacks. I became what I am now because I love my power, NOT because I jumped on the scoreboard chaser bandwagon. It was a happy coincidence, but I play HL because I LIKE it, not because it's "OP".
  9. KingMidNightMoon New Player

    dafuq *****
  10. Hard Night New Player

    The hell did I do with my...oh there it is
    Don't mind me, I'm just here to watch this time.
  11. C3alix Committed Player

    When will you kids understand that gear isn't a reflection of skill?
  12. thelostczarnian New Player

    i wouldnt call the powers of hard light op but it is an unbalanced powerset when it comes to cooldowns and the finisher. take ram for example...you shouldnt be able to fire a second power ram before the first one even reaches its target. powerset needs some legit cooldowns badly BUT it also needs a legitimate finisher that can crit for up to 8k total damage if the player is rocking the 3000 might to back it up. this would end the cookie cutter experience that even hardlight players complain they get bored of.
  13. Rusvek New Player

    HL is easy to spam, HL is a tad complicated to combo perfectly. Powers that are easy to spam are often called OP.
  14. Sore Steadfast Player

    Everyone can clip from precision to might. Construct combos are interesting because they can transition from might back to precision faster than any other power set. That let's them bounce back and forth. Even Celestial powers require you to wait out the might animation before the precision component can activate. I don't think HL will switch to multi-tap combos but I do think we will see the construct combo to have to wait for the might ability to fully animate before activating. Meh. We'll see.
  15. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    HL isn't OP it has it cons here are some

    its useless PI (could be a negative and a positive)
    its lack of 60% modifiers
    its weak 35%er
    its constant fast paced dpsing (people often tell me they get fatigued playing for to long under this power)
    its close proximity dmg ...

    i could go on its dmg is great but theres a price you have to pay for it ... i like HL but im a die-hard Mentalist(troller first and i dps) and i try to smash Every HL dps out there XD when i do dps ....
  16. AST0NISHING New Player

    Ok you are stupid and endenial if you don't think hl is op. If u do ram whipthrash snaptrap fan over and over you can outdps any other dps in nexus. Why? Because 1 the damage diesnt split ram hit 3 times for about 200- 300 damage per hit. Whipthrash hits about five times and hits up to three targets AMD does 300-700 damage per hit that's crazy op and fan hits for like 600 on anything in front of you and crits for about 1.2k. And 2 its extremely fast you can do this fff combo in about 2.5-3 seconds and your doing about 5k total damage to one add so first boss of bex times that by like 5 and its crazy.as hl I went into nexus at 90 cr and out dpsed people with better gear if this doesn' scream OP then you are either a HL fanboy or your dumb
  17. AST0NISHING New Player

    What they need to do is mae the damage split and make whipthrash overall weaker why do you think the "best" dps yall know are hl
  18. Hard Night New Player

    Not that I'm saying HL is OP or not, but those aren't good reasons, lol.

    It doesn't have a P.I. at all and that is good thing
    Gadgets lacks a 60% and is still considered #1 or #2 dps by most
    HL doesn't need a good finisher and unless it was severely OP, it would be less damage than a regular HL combo
    Doesn't account for whether or not something is OP
    It does more damage up close, but is still a monster at range, too.

    I see HL as an almost unrivaled dps pve power, but the opposite for pvp...that seems to be the balance.
    The irony.
  19. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    i was pointing out cons of the power:

    ummm the P.I system gives additional dmg in those instances i like P.I powers JS so to me this is a postive but i can see how others may see otherwise hence the "this can be a positive and a negative".

    Gadgest lack 60% so this is still a con because it doesn't get the 60% hand mod from home turf

    HL doesn't need a good finisher ... but not having one is still a con

    it may stil be good at ranged but its not as good as up close .... con....

    i was simply pointing out things it would need to make it OP
  20. Jamie New Player

    By your lack of logic then fire needs to be nerfed because I have out DPS'ed HL is some instances as a fire tank. HL is power power hungry and is not good a ranged fighting. Fire is great for mobs. Our AEO's will outshine HL's burst damage in certain situations. You cannot simply look at 1 run with another DPS and determine that any power is over powered. Wait until yuo can run the T5 duos and run them with a healer. You will start to see where HL is not as great as you think it is. In the right hands and running the right missions no other power can hope to keep up with an HL DPS. When HL DPS'ers face bosses that can easily one shot them the moment they get close then you see HL numbers drop significantly.