hate walkins?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by shaun10656, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. Singlemaltkiller New Player

    No Gotham city is a trap, or at least it was last night.
  2. Charlie Fantom New Player

  3. Sore Steadfast Player

    I'm usually nowhere near the teleporters
  4. Miahztwin Committed Player

    If someone has deserter, Ill walk in. If its an easy raid, t2-t4, I'll give it shot. If its a nexus or paradox walk in, then half must be people I know, and the half have to be decent. I don't think its a big deal if people want to be carried into gates or Foses. I never ask for walk ins gearing up new toons, but if people are really that naive and can't get to 70 cr in a 1-3 days then they need friends to tell them how to. So many Dlc to get geared up so quickly and yet people still need walk ins. I still remember doing my t1 alerts and duos every day to get a whole set of gear. And those alerts sometimes took 2-3hrs because people were just as inexperienced as I was. doing t2 alerts and raids eventhough there were real ninjas who would need off power roles eventhough power tokens didnt exist. And doing t3 dailies and FOS weekly at reset trying to get my once piece every 2wks.
  5. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    I dont hate walk ins, I hate the people that expect me to come to the HoD so I can use the teleporter.
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  6. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Because some people are elitist. It's sad, really.
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  7. IIJetfire New Player

    This is the main point and People Don't WANT low cr to enter unless they either get better gears or maybe get kicked from instance and leaves low tiers on their,lonely moments:(
    This is ALSO another reason why there are less people to queue to alerts and raids...there's no decency and no teamwork feeling anymore ...its like the survival of the fittest..weak are losers and strong are winners(useless point and meaningless if your thinking that way,Look towards the positive side rather than thinking that you will fail for sure with low cr...)Undeniable facts.............................low cr aren't weak and don't leave alone because everyone is same when they first started dcuo and gotten together after that but after time passed..things gotten unabalanced just like they say 'past is past and unchangeable but future is more important because it can be changed anytime throughout the work during your present progress..'its not the exact line but the meaning of it...sigh..what's with these people nowadays....and why can't all get along like a true team rather than 'ELITE' group....this is one of the sadism's style(more likely)..well then..adjust it and move on that's how the life moves as well...
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  8. EnemyOfDaState New Player

    I don't think your a elitist if you don't want to run content with people who aren't geared for the content if a instance says cr 53 why would i want to run it with someone with a cr of 40?
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  9. shaun10656 New Player

    im not a low cr if anybody is thinking that im just sayin when i throw a raid for a league mate or friend
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  10. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Why wouldn't you? If everybody else is overgeared, what does it matter?
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  11. EnemyOfDaState New Player

    I mean if i was doing it for a friend to level up an alt then sure but i have no desire to carry some random person through content they're not ready for so they can skip tiers because they don't feel like doing any grinding. Like others have said there's already to many cr 90+ players who don't even know what pot, cr or sp even are.
  12. IIJetfire New Player

    Well don't take it random and don't either think with random thoughts that ' Useless people nowadays don't even know A,B,C of dcuo and entering high tiers like a walk in the park..' Everyone is different so it's understandable that they are skipping the tiers somehow to reach higher tiers fast without knowing the importance of their own role but what if there are kind people at least know some basics of their role and require some help, What would you really do-Help or not?
  13. EnemyOfDaState New Player

    I don't get what your trying to ask me?
  14. EPICQ New Player

    It has already started. We must, the real players move far away from those types of players, create our own club or something because these content skippers are messing up the community and the fact that they don't care that you help them skip, they'll treat you with grave disrespect when they get the gear and act like they don't remember you.
  15. IIJetfire New Player

    'Everyone is different so it's understandable that they are skipping the tiers somehow to reach higher tiers fast without knowing the importance of their own role but what if there are kind people at least know some basics of their role and require some help, What would you really do - will you help them or ignore them as well?' (not offending but just want to know your answer i am not here to make an arguement or some debates..)
  16. EnemyOfDaState New Player

    Depends on how I'm feeling on that particular day. I don't get why people wouldn't just do content that they can actually complete like everyone else? The games not going anywhere there is no rush where's the fun in watching other people complete a raid just so you can get the rewards? It just sounds lazy to me the reason cr was created was so people would know what level they need to be at in order to run the content if your not at that level then do something thats on your level .
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  17. IIJetfire New Player

    Now that i forgot to mention 'situations' as well..i understand your point very well...you don't have to answer it i guess. But i find it weird how are they able to reach higher tiers easily jumping from t1-t5 directly??...there are many ppl struggling just to reach the next tier and mod those gears and get some feats and also, cr isn't easy to obtain through MoT, it counts the whole equipment of highest item level you have in inventory or equipped.But i agree to your point as well...i still don't get it either it's just destroying the 'challenges with fun' which is mainly point to be here and doing your best as role,....People entering in high tiers with high cr and not understanding the point of their main role..and the reason why cr requirements are put in solos,alerts,operations and raids,etc...are to understand how hard and the importance of completing the instance with teamwork and feats,but this shows the laziness sides of high cr (90+ mostly) of making low tiers helpless at that state and leave them behind while the others enter high tiers and take in their 'type-of-fun' the way they want to...i find sometimes hard to believe but looking back and forth of seeing one thing common why low tiers struggle and why there are less teamwork...the answer is very clear-cr 90+ mostly aren't cooperative and the only reason people want 90+ and higher for DOING T1 alert speed runs...and other low tier speed feats ...(this is only for those who can't understand what their main role is to be and deserved to be kicked reasonably because combat rating and role is very important during group instances,etc..) I sincerely ask those who doesn't know what you have to do as your role like controller-your a power battery to the team and pot(Power over time)is the most important part that you have to give to the team rather than wasting you power for your own good and this goes same to other roles...getting skill points early is better as well and there's no harm as this is advantageous for you to get more stats so that you can struggle less than others or for yourselves during solo as well....
    Hope they read it and understand what im trying to say.
  18. GreenDrakkon Well-Known Player

    I did a walk-in for the first time in a long time the other day. I just wanted to get my marks and be done with fos 1 for the week. I didn't plan on doing one but it was the only group that was doing fos 1 at the time. I have to say that I won't be doing another one for a long time after that run.

    We finished it but it too long in my opinion. The only reason I didn't leave was that I was already in it and just wanted to finish it and log off for the night.
  19. Spindle New Player

    I ran one of the T5 duos last night with a tank who's blue bar never moved once during the entire session. I'm quantum, but I tanked for him anyways (had no choice really), as well as DPS'd. -_-

    If you're running T5 content and not using anything but your weapon, it's highly likely that on numerous occasions you have asked to be "walked in" to content. Walk in's (and replays) are a major contributing factor to why there are so many terrible players in this community now.

    I was ninja invited to a walk in last night, and that person was magically transported to my ignore list. :)
  20. IIJetfire New Player

    why don't let him go solo if he's selfish enough to use everything he's got and die for it,a good lesson will be taught that t5 isn't a 'joke'.