hate walkins?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by shaun10656, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. shaun10656 New Player

    I don't understand why do people hate doing walkins. I don't understand you still get gear you still get marks and you help out a newbie with a raid or alert. but for some reason as soon as you mention walkin they immediately hate the idea and just leave its not like the raid IS FULL OF LOW CRS! I cant stand THIS!. CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN why ppl leave when they hear the word walkin
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  2. Jamos Well-Known Player

    Because Walk-In triggers the thoughts: "Fail Group" or "Carry" into the minds of lots of players. I generally don't care if the rest of the group is decent.
  3. FullMetalTitan Committed Player

    I know what you mean...I don't mind as long as I'm not loot locked. And even if I am I'm willing to help. But walk-ins usually means someone wants to skip & that is frowned upon in this game. Like skipping t3 gear, getting cc modding straight to t4, getting a couple pieces then into t5 alerts.

    **Also as the post above states the "carry" state of mind.
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  4. Singlemaltkiller New Player

    No one carried us through raids, alerts, etc. If you need to be walked in. join a league.
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  5. Kal~el Committed Player

    Jamos is right. Usually one or two is wanting to skip content and be carried. I did a walk in for Gates once and it took 30 minutes to defeat the first boss. Also, just the other day I decided to help on what turned out to be a walki in even though they never said and I got kicked because my vit was only 1479! The other troll was 1629 and they wanted another troll with higher vit so they would have enough power.

    Go figure.
  6. myandria Item Storage

    Hmm.. I have a question; what is a walk-in?
  7. Singlemaltkiller New Player

    It's what people who are trying to get into content before they're ready do to jump their CR. It's also how my league 3 man's everything other than the OPs (because you there's no boom tube for those anymore) and the tier 5s (because most people have enough problems with 8 people in there).
  8. RawR New Player

    If someone has a 8 minute deserter, why not walk in? lol 8 min and you'll be done with Prime or FOS3.
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  9. Dametria Loyal Player

    because the new in-game troll is..."oh yeah btw every1 this is a walk-in ::0)))" after you have joined the group and spent time waiting for the group to fill.
    because you go to the on-duty menu and see 6 out of 8 members of the group don't meet the required cr for the raid.
    that's why players harbor ill feelings when they hear walk-in. Maybe if lower levels players were up front and said "hey would you mind carrying me and some of my league/friends thru a walk-in." You would begin to see a positive shift in attitudes in this game to power leveling and walk-ins.

    Until then...

    No thank you.
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  10. FullMetalTitan Committed Player

    The prime runs I've seen lately ... Horribad, you would think it's harder than nexus. I get ninja invited to a group of supposed "beasts", the raid has been going for 188 mins and they told me it would be a 90+ quick run lol. I left so fast I rather the deserter!
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  11. IGotYA New Player

    Im not going to carry you, i didn't made any OP groups to finish my FoS2 when i needed it,
    i queued up and failed, failed and failed, untill i got it.
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  12. Mr_Punch New Player

    Id rather use the que, at least I know everyone else is ready to go. Walk in usually there is that guy who holds up everything
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  13. FullMetalTitan Committed Player

    Sometimes it's even the person who needs the walk-in that is taking his/her sweet time lol
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  14. MetalMario Loyal Player

    I'd rather new players/characters learn to play rather than getting dragged through raids for free marks because I don't want worthless players pugging high level content.
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  15. IGotYA New Player

    When i queue for the flashback duo, i afk for 1 min so there is no risky of the other person getting the speed feat,
    does that make me a bad person?
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  16. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    thats one min u coulda spent doing something else
  17. Hraesvelg Always Right

    You're doing it wrong. Instead of regular walk-ins, use this:


    Can't hate that.
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  18. IGotYA New Player

    i did, i used that 1 min to find a music to listen. ;)
  19. TheViolator New Player

    I don't mind doing walk-ins with people who don't need the play experience. Like today i was playing Hive Moon Base with a player in PVP gear and i called him out on it, he didn't get offended he just told me he had changed from quantum to celestial recently and was unable to get into higher content since taking off his old troll gear. So i ran him through Arkham Asylum for the marks, scarecrow dropped his 64 head so i gave that to him and after i got out i gave him one of my 64 Ivy belts just to boost his CR back up. (he was at 51) Perhaps i was suckered but i doubt it, nobody wants to do T3 in T1 PVP gear.

    Hero, TheViolater USPS3 CR 97 SP 97 League: ACESLEGION
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  20. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    A Walk-In involves going to The Watchtower.

    The Watchtower is a Trap.

    Draw your own conclusions.
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